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- **Customization Standards Guidelines**
- Oracle AOL Standards Guidelines
-- Database Standards Guidelines
+- **Database Standards Guidelines**
- OA Framework Standards Guidelines
- Report Standards Guidelines
- Workflow Standards Guidelines
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+# Database Standards Guidelines
+- **General Syntax**
+- **General Standards**
+- **Specific Database Object Types Standards**
+- Oracle PL/SQL Coding Standards
+## General Syntax
+> {custom_schema}{separator}{app_short_name}{separator}[Optional {prefix}{separator}]{object_name}[Optional {separator}{suffix}]
+#### Syntax Elements
+ | SEQ | Element Syntax | Element Name | Description |
+ | :-: | :--- | :-- | :-------- |
+ | 1 | *{custom_schema}* | Custom Database Schema | Database custom ORACLE schema name |
+ | 2 | *{separator}* | Separator | Must use underscore “_” in database objects|
+ | 3 | *{app_short_name}* | Application/Product Short Name| This is the application/product short name |
+ | 4 | *{prefix}* | Prefix | |
+ | 5 | *{object_name}* | Database Object Name | |
+ | 6 | *{suffix}* | Suffix | |
+## General Standards
+- NEVER modify Oracle standard database objects.
+- You must follow standard naming conventions and syntax for creating new database objects.
+- The database object name `{object_name}` must be meaningful and brief.
+- Do not use generic, all-purpose phrases like ”COMMON”, ”MISC”, ”OTHER”, or ”UTILITY” in the database object name `{object_name}`.
+- You must use the underscore “\_” as a separator `{separator}` between each word in the database object name.
+- The custom database objects must start with a custom database schema name for example "**XXD**". [^1]
+- The application/product short name `{app_short_name}` is a foreign key from Oracle standard table called "FND_APPLICATIONS".
+- You must create new database tables, sequences, and types, in the custom schema for example "**XXD**". [^1]
+- You must create new database views and packages in the "**APPS**" schema.
+- Never create new stand-alone functions and procedures. Should be implemented as part of a package.
+- You must use grants and synonyms to allow other ORACLE schemas to access your custom objects and to enable your custom ORACLE ID access to Oracle Applications objects.
+- Include header information when you create your objects.
+###### Header Information
+ Name: Create & Post GL Journals
+ Purpose: This is the main package to create & post GL journals
+ Arguments
+ Arg1 Describe arg1
+ Arg2 Describe arg2
+ Notes
+ 1. Special usage notes
+ 2. Special usage notes
+ History
+ 13–NOV–1986 Ahmed El-Demasy Created
+## Specific Database Object Types Standards
+- **Tables Standards**
+- **Sequences Standards**
+- **Views Standards**
+- **Packages Standards**
+##### References
+[^1]: "**XXD**" is the custom database ORACLE schema association to my custom application called "Demasy Custom Applications".
+[^2]: This is a custom table for data upload and migrations **ONLY** and should drop these tables after the upload data process finish.
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+# Appendix
+- **Naming Conventions Syntax Elements**
+- **Database Custom Objects Naming Conventions**
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+# Database Custom Objects Naming Conventions
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+# Naming Conventions Syntax Elements
+This appendix presents naming conventions and database syntax elements and describes them.
+## Syntax Elements
+ | SEQ | Element Syntax | Element Name | Description |
+ | :-: | :--- | :-- | :-------- |
+ | 1 | *{custom_schema}* | Custom Database Schema | Database custom ORACLE schema name |
+ | 2 | *{separator}* | Separator | Must use underscore “_” in database objects|
+ | 3 | *{app_short_name}* | Application/Product Short Name| This is the application/product short name |
+ | 4 | *{prefix}* | Prefix | |
+ | 5 | *{object_name}* | Database Object Name | |
+ | 6 | *{suffix}* | Suffix | |
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+# Packages Standards
+- Naming Syntax
+- **Naming Convention**
+- **Standards**
+- Examples
+## Naming Convention
+ | SEQ | Object Name | Length | Prefix | Suffix | Example |
+ | :-: | :---- | :-: | :---: | :--- | :---- |
+ | 1 | Table Handlers Packages | 27 | - | PKG | |
+ | 1.1 | Insert Procedures | | INS | - | |
+ | 1.2 | Update Procedures | | UPD | - | |
+ | 1.3 | Delete Procedures | | DEL | - | |
+ | 1.4 | Lock Procedures | | LOCK | - | |
+ | 3 | Public Packages | 27 | - | API | |
+ | 4 | Private Packages | 27 | - | PVT | |
+ | 5 | Unit Testing Packages | 30 | UT | - | |
+## Standards
+- You MUST follow database custom objects **general standards**.
+- You MUST place the new packages in the "**APPS**" schema.
+- The packages name `{object_name}` must be 27 characters or less for table handlers packages, and end with `PKG`.
+- The packages name `{object_name}` must be 27 characters or less for public packages, and end with `API`.
+- The packages name `{object_name}` must be 27 characters or less for private packages, and end with `PVT`.
+- The packages name `{object_name}` must be 30 characters or less for unit testing packages, and start with `UT`.
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+# Oracle PL/SQL Coding Standards
+- **Syntax**
+- **PL/SQL Objects Naming Convention**
+- PL/SQL Objects Naming Standards
+## Syntax
+> {scope}{separator}[Optional {prefix}{separator}]{identifier_name}[Optional {separator}{suffix}]
+## PL/SQL Objects Naming Convention
+ | SEQ | Object Name | Length | scope | Prefix | Suffix | Example |
+ | :- | :---- | :-: | :-- | :--- | :-- | :---- |
+ | 1 | **Variables** | - | - | - | - | - |
+ | 1.1 | Global Variable | | g | | | g_enterprise_id |
+ | 1.2 | Local Variable | | l | | | l_customer_id |
+ | 2 | **Constants** | - | - | - | - | - |
+ | 2.1 | Global Constants | | g | c | | gc_max_discount |
+ | 2.2 | Local Constants | | l | c | | lc_max_discount |
+ | 3 | **Parameters** | - | | - | - | - |
+ | 3.1 | Cursor Parameters | | | p | | p_customer |
+ | 3.2 | In Parameters | | | p | | p_customer_id |
+ | 3.3 | Out Parameters | | | x | | x_customer_id |
+ | 3.4 | In/Out Parameters | | | px | | px_customer_id |
+ | 4 | **Other Objects** | - | | - | - | - |
+ | 4.1 | Cursors | | | cur | | cur_customers |
+ | 4.2 | Record | | | r | type | r_customer_type |
+ | 4.3 | Array / Table | | | t | type | t_customers_type |
+ | 4.4 | Objects | | | o | type | o_customers_type |
+ | 4.5 | Exceptions | | | e | | e_customer_exists |
+ | 4.6 | Exception Number | | | en | | en_customer_exists|
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+# Sequences Standards
+- Naming Syntax
+- **Naming Convention**
+- **Standards**
+- Examples
+## Naming Convention
+ | SEQ | Object Name | Length | Prefix | Suffix | Example |
+ | :-: | :---- | :-: | :--- | :--- | :---- |
+ | 1 | Sequence | 30 | - | SEQ | `XXD_DOCUMENT_ID_SEQ` |
+## Standards
+- You MUST follow database custom objects **general standards**.
+- The sequence name `{object_name}` should be 30 characters or less and end with `_SEQ`.
+- You must place the new sequence in the custom ORACLE schema, for example, "**XXD**", and grant privileges to the "**APPS**" schema.
+- Use each sequence to supply unique ID values for one column of one table.
+- Do not design sequences that wrap using the CYCLE option or have limited ranges using MAXVALUE.
+- Use a NUMBER datatype to store sequence values within PL/SQL.
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+# Tables Standards
+- **Naming Syntax**
+- **Naming Convention**
+- **Standards**
+- **Examples**
+## Naming Syntax
+##### Syntax
+> {custom_schema}{separator}{app_short_name}{separator}[Optional {prefix}{separator}]{object_name}[Optional {separator}{suffix}]
+##### Syntax for data upload tables ONLY
+> {prefix}{separator}{app_short_name}{separator}{object_name}
+## Naming Convention
+ | SEQ | Object Name | Length | Prefix | Suffix | Example |
+ | :-: | :---- | :-: | :--- | :--- | :---- |
+ | 1 | Table | 20 | - | - | XXD_PO_LC_DOCUMENTS |
+ | 2 | Temporary Table | 20 | - | TMP | XXD_PO_LC_DOCS_TMP |
+ | 3 | Data Upload Table [^1] | 20 | TMP | - | TMP_PO_LC_DOCS |
+## Standards
+- You MUST follow database custom objects **general standards**.
+- The table name `{object_name}` should be plural.
+- The table name `{object_name}` should be 20 characters or less. It can be longer, but you need to abbreviate it for the table handler package name, which must be 27 characters or less.
+- You must place the new tables in the custom ORACLE schema, for example, "**XXD**", and grant privileges to the "**APPS**" schema.
+- You must create private synonyms for custom tables in "**APPS**" schema.
+- The table MUST include a primary key (PK) column and supply value from a specific sequence.
+- You should add special WHO columns to your tables.
+- You should add concurrent program WHO columns to your table.
+- You should add descriptive flexfield (DFF) attribute columns to your table.
+- New tables containing flexfield or Oracle Alert columns must be registered with Oracle Application Object Library (AOL).
+- You should register your custom tables with Oracle AOL using the table registration API called "**AD_DD**".
+##### WHO columns
+ | Column Name | Type | Null? | Foreign Key? | Value |
+ | :-- | :---- | :-: | :-- | :--- |
+##### Concurrent Program WHO Columns
+ | Column Name | Type | Null? | Foreign Key to Table? |
+ | :-- | :---- | :-: | :-- |
+## Examples
+ | Better | Bad |
+ | :--- | :--- |
+##### References
+[^1]: This is a custom table for data upload and migrations **ONLY** and should drop these tables after the upload data process finish.
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+# Views Standards
+- **Naming Syntax**
+- **Naming Convention**
+- **Standards**
+- **Examples**
+## Naming Syntax
+> {custom_schema}{separator}{app_short_name}{separator}[Optional {prefix}{separator}]{object_name}[Optional {separator}{criteria}][Optional {separator}{suffix}]
+## Naming Convention
+ | SEQ | Object Name | Length | Prefix | Suffix | Example |
+ | :-: | :---- | :-: | :---: | :--- | :---- |
+ | 1 | Views | 30 | - | V | `XXD_PO_LC_DOCUMENTS_V` |
+ | 2 | Materialized Views | 30 | - | MV | `XXD_PO_LC_DOCUMENTS_MV` |
+## Standards
+- You MUST follow database custom objects **general standards**.
+- The view name `{object_name}` should be 30 characters or less and end with "**V**" for view and "**VM**" for materialized views.
+- The first column your view should select is the ROWID for the root table, and the view should alias it to "**ROW_ID**".
+- You only need to include the ROWID column if an Oracle Forms block is based on this view.
+## Examples
+ | Better | Bad |
+ | :--- | :--- |