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deladriere edited this page Dec 9, 2016 · 10 revisions

1) Connect COM port

The com port MUST to be recognized by the computer. (If not, you won't be able to communicate to the module and upload anything)

On Mac you just plug the module and a new com port shows up.

On PC you MUST install the MCP 2200 driver to create a com port.

The Windows driver can be found here :

You will need to unzip that file and start the driver installation

For this : Double-click the executable file within the appropriate folder for your system (x86 for 32-bit OS and x64 for 64-bit OS).

After installation, you MUST have a new COM showing up when you plug the module.

You can verify this by opening you control panel and plugging unplugging the module

If this works, leave the module connected and move to step 2)

2) Arduino IDE

Windows : Install the Arduino IDE 1.0.6 from the Arduino web site :
Mac : Install the Arduino IDE 1.6.X from the Arduino web site :
Close the Aduino IDE for the moment.

3) Power the module

The module needs to be powered to have the MCU programmed. You can do this using the Eurorack cable OR using the +5V temporary jumper that will provide power from the USB.

Note that the 7segment's display may shows randoms digits.

4) First test : Upload the blink example.

Under the Arduino IDE, set this module as an Arduino Uno board using the "Tools/Board" menu

Pick the appropriate usb port discovered at Step 1 using the "Tools/Ports" menu

Verify that the programmer is set to AVRISPMK2 under Tools/Programmer

Open the blink code provided by the Arduino IDE.

It is located under Files/Examples/01.Basics/Blink

This code ALWAYS compile if the IDE is properly installed

Now try to upload the code to the module. The 7segment's dot MUST blink at 1 sec rate.

If it does, you can move to step 5)

5) Install the Time library

Close the Arduino IDE first

The code uses a basic time library to tell the time since last gate trigger in bank 10.

The library is located here :

Unzip and rename the Time-Master folder to Time before moving to your libraries folder

Copy the entire Time folder under your Arduino/libraries folder

If you forgot how to install a library, check this out :

6) Compile/upload a Time library example

  • Start the Arduino IDE
  • Create a new empty sketch (File/New)
  • Paste the following code I made for this test :
#include <TimeLib.h> 

void setup() { 

void loop(){ 

void digitalClockDisplay(){ 

Serial.print("elapsed time since reset "); 

void printDigits(int digits){ 
// utility function for digital clock display: prints preceding colon and leading 0 
if(digits < 10) 

The code must compile without error

Try now to upload that code. Open the Arduino's serial monitor (Tools/Serial Monitor) It should display something like :

elapsed time since reset 0:00:04 
elapsed time since reset 0:00:05 
elapsed time since reset 0:00:06 

If this works, close the Arduino IDE and goto step 7)

7) Main code

8) Compile and upload Talko code

  • Open the Arduino IDE
  • Open Talko's code : File/Sketchbook/Talko
  • Compile it
  • Upload it
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