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Wonderland Governor

⚠️ The code has not been audited yet, tread with caution.


Wonderland Governor is a DAO governance solution designed to address the current limitations in delegation within governance protocols. Unlike old systems where users give all their voting power to one delegate, it offers a flexible solution, introducing innovative features to empower users and enhance governance processes in decentralized organizations.

Key Features:

Proposal Types:

Wonderland Governor lets organizations set different types of proposals for specific needs like legal or technical matters. Every proposal now has a required type, making it clear which category it falls into.

Better Delegation:

Users can now spread their voting power across different categories. Users can choose multiple delegates for each proposal type, assigning a percentage of their voting power to each. Users can still delegate 100% of their voting power to one person if they prefer.

Wonderland Governor is founded on the OpenZeppelin contracts and enhances their functionalities to achieve the described features.


This project uses Foundry. To build it locally, run:

git clone
cd wonderland-governooor-poc
yarn install
yarn build

Available Commands

Make sure to set OPTIMISM_RPC environment variable before running end-to-end tests.

Yarn Command Description
yarn build Compile all contracts.
yarn coverage See forge coverage report.
yarn deploy:local Deploy the contracts to a local fork.
yarn deploy:goerli Deploy the contracts to Goerli testnet.
yarn deploy:optimism Deploy the contracts to Optimism mainnet.
yarn deploy:mainnet Deploy the contracts to Ethereum mainnet.
yarn test Run all unit and integration tests.
yarn test:unit Run unit tests.
yarn test:integration Run integration tests.
yarn test:gas Run all unit and integration tests, and make a gas report.


The primary license for Wonderland Governor contracts is MIT, see LICENSE.


Wonderland Governor was built with ❤️ by Wonderland.

Wonderland is a team of top Web3 researchers, developers, and operators who believe that the future needs to be open-source, permissionless, and decentralized.

DeFi sucks, but Wonderland is here to make it better.