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friedue edited this page Jan 17, 2014 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the deepTools wiki!

deepTools is a suite of user-friendly tools for the visualization, quality control and normalization of data from high-throughput DNA sequencing experiments.

deepTools contains useful modules to process the mapped reads data to create coverage files in standard bedGraph and bigWig file formats. By doing so, deepTools allows the creation of normalized coverage files or the comparison between two files (for example, treatment and control). Finally, using such normalized and standardized files, multiple visualizations can be created to identify enrichments with functional annotations of the genome. For a gallery of images that can be produced, see

Quick navigation

| About deepTools | The Tools | Technical Documentation | Example Workflows | Galaxy |


| | | | | |

| About deepTools | Tools Overview | Technical Documentation | Example Workflows | Galaxy introduction |

| Introducing deepTools - why we built it and what it does | Detailed information about the individual tools | Information on technical requirements and how to install deepTools | Step-by-step protocols of typical deepTools applications (for Galaxy and command line usage) | General introduction into Galaxy (not deepTools specific) |

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