Navigation: DEDIS :: Cothority :: Building Blocks :: ByzCoin :: Trie
This package contains the implementatin of the Merkle Prefix Tree from CONIKS. The implementation honours the paper with the exception that the values in the leaf nodes are not commitments but are regular key/value pairs. Nevertheless, the values are simply byte slices, so it's easy to make a wrapper API that stores commitments as values.
We support two types of storage backends: in-memory and on-disk (via boltdb). The in-memory version is good for testing or used as a temporary because the data does not persist upon closing. Nevertheless, it is possible to copy from one backend to another.
is the main data structure of the package. The functions that you'll use
the most often are Set
, Get
and Delete
. The value is committed if the
operation returns without an error. Additionally, we support batch processing
using Batch
, where the input is a set of operations and these will be
processed atomically.
To proof whether a value exists, GetProof
should be used. It will return a
hash-chain from the root to either the leaf node, which contains the value, or
an empty node, proving the existence or absence.
A StagingTrie
can be created from a source Trie
. It has a similar API
except that the operations are not committed to the source Trie
is called. Under the hood, StagingTrie
keeps un-committed operations
in memory. If the root or the proof needs to be computed, it will apply these
operations to the source Trie
, compute the result (e.g., the root) and then
revert the changes from the source. So the staging trie should not hold too
many un-committed operations otherwise the GetProof
and GetRoot
will slow down significantly.