diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml b/android/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e38ef13d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ Okvir Slike
+ Pozadina
+ Siguran režim
+ Snimci
+ Pretraga medija
+ Skeniranje medija
+ Stop
+ Aves
+ Pretraga
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fastlane/metadata/android/sr/full_description.txt b/fastlane/metadata/android/sr/full_description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b96ec3ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fastlane/metadata/android/sr/full_description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Aves can handle all sorts of images and videos, including your typical JPEGs and MP4s, but also more exotic things like multi-page TIFFs, SVGs, old AVIs and more! It scans your media collection to identify motion photos, panoramas (aka photo spheres), 360° videos, as well as GeoTIFF files.
+Navigation and search is an important part of Aves. The goal is for users to easily flow from albums to photos to tags to maps, etc.
+Aves integrates with Android (from KitKat to Android 14, including Android TV) with features such as widgets, app shortcuts, screen saver and global search handling. It also works as a media viewer and picker.
diff --git a/fastlane/metadata/android/sr/short_description.txt b/fastlane/metadata/android/sr/short_description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c9445bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fastlane/metadata/android/sr/short_description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Gallery and metadata explorer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_da.arb b/lib/l10n/app_da.arb
index 0967ef424..3ffbf037b 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/app_da.arb
+++ b/lib/l10n/app_da.arb
@@ -1 +1,119 @@
+ "welcomeMessage": "Velkommen til Aves",
+ "@welcomeMessage": {},
+ "welcomeOptional": "Valgfri",
+ "@welcomeOptional": {},
+ "appName": "Aves",
+ "@appName": {},
+ "welcomeTermsToggle": "Jeg accepterer vilkårene og betingelserne",
+ "@welcomeTermsToggle": {},
+ "itemCount": "{count, plural, =1{{count} fil} other{{count} filer}}",
+ "@itemCount": {
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "format": "decimalPattern"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "columnCount": "{count, plural, =1{{count} kolonne} other{{count} kolonner}}",
+ "@columnCount": {
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "format": "decimalPattern"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "timeMinutes": "{count, plural, =1{{count} minut} other{{count} minutter}}",
+ "@timeMinutes": {
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "format": "decimalPattern"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "timeDays": "{count, plural, =1{{count} dag} other{{count} dage}}",
+ "@timeDays": {
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "format": "decimalPattern"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "focalLength": "{length} mm",
+ "@focalLength": {
+ "placeholders": {
+ "length": {
+ "type": "String",
+ "example": "5.4"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "applyButtonLabel": "UDFØR",
+ "@applyButtonLabel": {},
+ "deleteButtonLabel": "SLET",
+ "@deleteButtonLabel": {},
+ "nextButtonLabel": "NÆSTE",
+ "@nextButtonLabel": {},
+ "showButtonLabel": "VIS",
+ "@showButtonLabel": {},
+ "hideButtonLabel": "SKJUL",
+ "@hideButtonLabel": {},
+ "saveCopyButtonLabel": "GEM KOPI",
+ "@saveCopyButtonLabel": {},
+ "applyTooltip": "Udfør",
+ "@applyTooltip": {},
+ "cancelTooltip": "Fortryd",
+ "@cancelTooltip": {},
+ "nextTooltip": "Næste",
+ "@nextTooltip": {},
+ "showTooltip": "Vis",
+ "@showTooltip": {},
+ "hideTooltip": "Skjul",
+ "@hideTooltip": {},
+ "actionRemove": "Fjern",
+ "@actionRemove": {},
+ "resetTooltip": "Nulstil",
+ "@resetTooltip": {},
+ "saveTooltip": "Gem",
+ "@saveTooltip": {},
+ "chipActionDelete": "Slet",
+ "@chipActionDelete": {},
+ "chipActionGoToAlbumPage": "Vis i Album",
+ "@chipActionGoToAlbumPage": {},
+ "chipActionGoToCountryPage": "Vis i Lande",
+ "@chipActionGoToCountryPage": {},
+ "chipActionGoToPlacePage": "Vis i Steder",
+ "@chipActionGoToPlacePage": {},
+ "chipActionGoToTagPage": "Vis i Tags",
+ "@chipActionGoToTagPage": {},
+ "timeSeconds": "{count, plural, =1{{count} sekund} other{{count} sekunder}}",
+ "@timeSeconds": {
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "format": "decimalPattern"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "continueButtonLabel": "FORTSÆT",
+ "@continueButtonLabel": {},
+ "clearTooltip": "Ryd",
+ "@clearTooltip": {},
+ "previousTooltip": "Forrige",
+ "@previousTooltip": {},
+ "stopTooltip": "Stop",
+ "@stopTooltip": {},
+ "pickTooltip": "Vælg",
+ "@pickTooltip": {},
+ "chipActionShowCollection": "Vis i Samling",
+ "@chipActionShowCollection": {},
+ "doubleBackExitMessage": "Tryk \"tilbage\" igen for at gå ud.",
+ "@doubleBackExitMessage": {},
+ "doNotAskAgain": "Spørg ikke igen",
+ "@doNotAskAgain": {},
+ "sourceStateLoading": "Loader",
+ "@sourceStateLoading": {},
+ "sourceStateLocatingCountries": "Lokaliserer lande",
+ "@sourceStateLocatingCountries": {},
+ "sourceStateLocatingPlaces": "Lokaliserer steder",
+ "@sourceStateLocatingPlaces": {}
diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb b/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb
index 93aa3ddf7..fee20d0aa 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb
+++ b/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"welcomeOptional": "वैकल्पिक",
"@welcomeOptional": {},
- "welcomeTermsToggle": "मैं नियमों और शर्तों पर सहमत हुं",
+ "welcomeTermsToggle": "मैं नियमों और शर्तों से सहमत हूं",
"@welcomeTermsToggle": {},
"columnCount": "{count, plural, other{{count} कॉलम}}",
"@columnCount": {
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
"@displayRefreshRatePreferLowest": {},
"nameConflictStrategyRename": "नाम बदलें",
"@nameConflictStrategyRename": {},
- "unitSystemMetric": "Metric",
+ "unitSystemMetric": "मात्रिक",
"@unitSystemMetric": {},
"viewerTransitionSlide": "स्लाइड",
"@viewerTransitionSlide": {},
@@ -262,9 +262,9 @@
"@filterTaggedLabel": {},
"mapStyleGoogleTerrain": "गूगल मैप्स (टेरेन)",
"@mapStyleGoogleTerrain": {},
- "themeBrightnessDark": "Dark",
+ "themeBrightnessDark": "डार्क",
"@themeBrightnessDark": {},
- "themeBrightnessBlack": "Black",
+ "themeBrightnessBlack": "काला",
"@themeBrightnessBlack": {},
"videoControlsPlaySeek": "पिछड़े / आगे की तलाश करें",
"@videoControlsPlaySeek": {},
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
"@mapStyleGoogleHybrid": {},
"mapStyleStamenWatercolor": "Stamen Watercolor",
"@mapStyleStamenWatercolor": {},
- "unitSystemImperial": "Imperial",
+ "unitSystemImperial": "इम्पीरियल",
"@unitSystemImperial": {},
"passwordDialogEnter": "पासवर्ड दर्ज करें",
"@passwordDialogEnter": {},
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
"@albumTierRegular": {},
"coordinateFormatDms": "DMS",
"@coordinateFormatDms": {},
- "coordinateFormatDecimal": "Decimal degrees",
+ "coordinateFormatDecimal": "दशमलव डिग्री",
"@coordinateFormatDecimal": {},
"coordinateDms": "{coordinate} {direction}",
"@coordinateDms": {
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
"@lengthUnitPercent": {},
"nameConflictStrategyReplace": "बदलें",
"@nameConflictStrategyReplace": {},
- "themeBrightnessLight": "Light",
+ "themeBrightnessLight": "लाइट",
"@themeBrightnessLight": {},
"vaultLockTypePassword": "पासवर्ड",
"@vaultLockTypePassword": {},
@@ -554,5 +554,421 @@
"videoActionABRepeat": "A-B दोहराव",
"@videoActionABRepeat": {},
"videoRepeatActionSetStart": "स्टार्ट सेट करे",
- "@videoRepeatActionSetStart": {}
+ "@videoRepeatActionSetStart": {},
+ "keepScreenOnNever": "कभी नहीं",
+ "@keepScreenOnNever": {},
+ "editEntryDialogCopyFromItem": "अन्य आइटम से कॉपी करें",
+ "@editEntryDialogCopyFromItem": {},
+ "durationDialogSeconds": "सेकंड",
+ "@durationDialogSeconds": {},
+ "entryInfoActionEditTitleDescription": "शीर्षक और विवरण संपादित करें",
+ "@entryInfoActionEditTitleDescription": {},
+ "widgetOpenPageCollection": "संग्रह खोलें",
+ "@widgetOpenPageCollection": {},
+ "vaultBinUsageDialogMessage": "कुछ वॉल्ट्स रीसायकल बिन का उपयोग कर रहे हैं।।",
+ "@vaultBinUsageDialogMessage": {},
+ "editEntryLocationDialogSetCustom": "कस्टम स्थान सेट करें",
+ "@editEntryLocationDialogSetCustom": {},
+ "editEntryLocationDialogChooseOnMap": "मानचित्र पर चुनें",
+ "@editEntryLocationDialogChooseOnMap": {},
+ "sourceStateCataloguing": "Cataloguing",
+ "@sourceStateCataloguing": {},
+ "editEntryLocationDialogLongitude": "देशांतर",
+ "@editEntryLocationDialogLongitude": {},
+ "videoStreamSelectionDialogVideo": "वीडियो",
+ "@videoStreamSelectionDialogVideo": {},
+ "keepScreenOnViewerOnly": "केवल व्यूअर पेज",
+ "@keepScreenOnViewerOnly": {},
+ "keepScreenOnAlways": "हमेशा",
+ "@keepScreenOnAlways": {},
+ "renameEntrySetPageInsertTooltip": "फ़ील्ड डालें",
+ "@renameEntrySetPageInsertTooltip": {},
+ "renameEntrySetPagePreviewSectionTitle": "पूर्वावलोकन",
+ "@renameEntrySetPagePreviewSectionTitle": {},
+ "setCoverDialogAuto": "ऑटो",
+ "@setCoverDialogAuto": {},
+ "exportEntryDialogWidth": "चौड़ाई",
+ "@exportEntryDialogWidth": {},
+ "editEntryDialogTargetFieldsHeader": "संशोधित करने के लिए फ़ील्ड",
+ "@editEntryDialogTargetFieldsHeader": {},
+ "editEntryDateDialogTitle": "तारीख और समय",
+ "@editEntryDateDialogTitle": {},
+ "editEntryDateDialogSetCustom": "कस्टम तिथि सेट करें",
+ "@editEntryDateDialogSetCustom": {},
+ "durationDialogHours": "घंटे",
+ "@durationDialogHours": {},
+ "editEntryLocationDialogTitle": "स्थान",
+ "@editEntryLocationDialogTitle": {},
+ "renameProcessorHash": "हैश",
+ "@renameProcessorHash": {},
+ "renameProcessorName": "नाम",
+ "@renameProcessorName": {},
+ "exportEntryDialogFormat": "फॉर्मेट:",
+ "@exportEntryDialogFormat": {},
+ "removeEntryMetadataMotionPhotoXmpWarningDialogMessage": "मोशन फोटो के अंदर वीडियो चलाने के लिए XMP की जरूरत है\n\nक्या आप वास्तव में इसे हटाना चाहते हैं?",
+ "@removeEntryMetadataMotionPhotoXmpWarningDialogMessage": {},
+ "videoSpeedDialogLabel": "चलाने की गति",
+ "@videoSpeedDialogLabel": {},
+ "editEntryLocationDialogLatitude": "अक्षांश",
+ "@editEntryLocationDialogLatitude": {},
+ "removeEntryMetadataDialogTitle": "मेटाडाटा हटाना",
+ "@removeEntryMetadataDialogTitle": {},
+ "filterNoLocationLabel": "लॉकेट नही किया गया",
+ "@filterNoLocationLabel": {},
+ "accessibilityAnimationsRemove": "स्क्रीन प्रभाव को रोकें",
+ "@accessibilityAnimationsRemove": {},
+ "maxBrightnessNever": "कभी नहीं",
+ "@maxBrightnessNever": {},
+ "maxBrightnessAlways": "हमेशा",
+ "@maxBrightnessAlways": {},
+ "widgetTapUpdateWidget": "विजेट अपडेट करें",
+ "@widgetTapUpdateWidget": {},
+ "storageVolumeDescriptionFallbackPrimary": "आंतरिक भंडारण",
+ "@storageVolumeDescriptionFallbackPrimary": {},
+ "editEntryDateDialogExtractFromTitle": "शीर्षक से निकालें",
+ "@editEntryDateDialogExtractFromTitle": {},
+ "editEntryRatingDialogTitle": "रेटिंग",
+ "@editEntryRatingDialogTitle": {},
+ "removeEntryMetadataDialogMore": "अधिक",
+ "@removeEntryMetadataDialogMore": {},
+ "filterLocatedLabel": "लोकेट किया गया",
+ "@filterLocatedLabel": {},
+ "locationPickerUseThisLocationButton": "इस स्थान का उपयोग करें",
+ "@locationPickerUseThisLocationButton": {},
+ "viewerActionLock": "व्यूअर को लॉक करे",
+ "@viewerActionLock": {},
+ "renameEntrySetPagePatternFieldLabel": "नामकरण पैटर्न",
+ "@renameEntrySetPagePatternFieldLabel": {},
+ "videoResumptionModeNever": "कभी नहीं",
+ "@videoResumptionModeNever": {},
+ "videoResumptionModeAlways": "हमेशा",
+ "@videoResumptionModeAlways": {},
+ "renameProcessorCounter": "काउंटर",
+ "@renameProcessorCounter": {},
+ "editEntryDateDialogCopyField": "अन्य तारीख से कॉपी करें",
+ "@editEntryDateDialogCopyField": {},
+ "viewerActionUnlock": "व्यूअर को अनलॉक करे",
+ "@viewerActionUnlock": {},
+ "editorTransformCrop": "क्रॉप",
+ "@editorTransformCrop": {},
+ "cropAspectRatioFree": "फ्री",
+ "@cropAspectRatioFree": {},
+ "nameConflictStrategySkip": "छोड़े",
+ "@nameConflictStrategySkip": {},
+ "albumTierPinned": "पिन किया गया",
+ "@albumTierPinned": {},
+ "albumTierSpecial": "कॉमन",
+ "@albumTierSpecial": {},
+ "overlayHistogramNone": "कोई नहीं",
+ "@overlayHistogramNone": {},
+ "overlayHistogramRGB": "RGB",
+ "@overlayHistogramRGB": {},
+ "overlayHistogramLuminance": "चमक",
+ "@overlayHistogramLuminance": {},
+ "widgetOpenPageViewer": "व्यूअर खोलें",
+ "@widgetOpenPageViewer": {},
+ "addShortcutButtonLabel": "ADD",
+ "@addShortcutButtonLabel": {},
+ "setCoverDialogCustom": "कस्टम",
+ "@setCoverDialogCustom": {},
+ "exportEntryDialogHeight": "ऊंचाई",
+ "@exportEntryDialogHeight": {},
+ "exportEntryDialogQuality": "गुणवत्ता",
+ "@exportEntryDialogQuality": {},
+ "exportEntryDialogWriteMetadata": "मेटाडाटा लिखें",
+ "@exportEntryDialogWriteMetadata": {},
+ "renameEntryDialogLabel": "नया नाम",
+ "@renameEntryDialogLabel": {},
+ "editEntryDateDialogShift": "शिफ्ट",
+ "@editEntryDateDialogShift": {},
+ "durationDialogMinutes": "मिनट",
+ "@durationDialogMinutes": {},
+ "videoStreamSelectionDialogText": "उपशीर्षक",
+ "@videoStreamSelectionDialogText": {},
+ "genericFailureFeedback": "असफल",
+ "@genericFailureFeedback": {},
+ "menuActionSlideshow": "स्लाइड शो",
+ "@menuActionSlideshow": {},
+ "viewDialogReverseSortOrder": "क्रम उलटा करे",
+ "@viewDialogReverseSortOrder": {},
+ "tileLayoutMosaic": "मौज़ेक",
+ "@tileLayoutMosaic": {},
+ "cropAspectRatioSquare": "वर्ग",
+ "@cropAspectRatioSquare": {},
+ "widgetOpenPageHome": "घर खोलें",
+ "@widgetOpenPageHome": {},
+ "viewDialogSortSectionTitle": "क्रम से लगाए",
+ "@viewDialogSortSectionTitle": {},
+ "viewDialogGroupSectionTitle": "समूह में रखे",
+ "@viewDialogGroupSectionTitle": {},
+ "videoStreamSelectionDialogAudio": "ऑडियो",
+ "@videoStreamSelectionDialogAudio": {},
+ "videoStreamSelectionDialogTrack": "ट्रैक",
+ "@videoStreamSelectionDialogTrack": {},
+ "genericSuccessFeedback": "हो गया!",
+ "@genericSuccessFeedback": {},
+ "menuActionMap": "मैप",
+ "@menuActionMap": {},
+ "aboutLinkLicense": "लाइसेंस",
+ "@aboutLinkLicense": {},
+ "editEntryDateDialogSourceFileModifiedDate": "फ़ाइल संशोधित दिनांक",
+ "@editEntryDateDialogSourceFileModifiedDate": {},
+ "coverDialogTabApp": "ऐप",
+ "@coverDialogTabApp": {},
+ "coverDialogTabCover": "ढखें",
+ "@coverDialogTabCover": {},
+ "aboutBugReportButton": "रिपोर्ट दे",
+ "@aboutBugReportButton": {},
+ "deleteSingleAlbumConfirmationDialogMessage": "{count, plural, =1{यह एल्बम और इसमें मौजूद आइटम हटाएं?} other{यह एल्बम और इसमें मौजूद {count} हटाएं?}}",
+ "@deleteSingleAlbumConfirmationDialogMessage": {
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "format": "decimalPattern"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "deleteMultiAlbumConfirmationDialogMessage": "{count, plural, =1{ये एल्बम और उनमें मौजूद आइटम हटाएं?} other{ये एल्बम और उनमें मौजूद {count} आइटम हटाएं?}}",
+ "@deleteMultiAlbumConfirmationDialogMessage": {
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "format": "decimalPattern"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "menuActionSelect": "चूने",
+ "@menuActionSelect": {},
+ "genericDangerWarningDialogMessage": "क्या आपको यकीन है?",
+ "@genericDangerWarningDialogMessage": {},
+ "tooManyItemsErrorDialogMessage": "कम आइटम के साथ पुनः प्रयास करें।",
+ "@tooManyItemsErrorDialogMessage": {},
+ "menuActionSelectAll": "सभी चुने",
+ "@menuActionSelectAll": {},
+ "menuActionSelectNone": "कुछ मत चुने",
+ "@menuActionSelectNone": {},
+ "tileLayoutGrid": "ग्रिड",
+ "@tileLayoutGrid": {},
+ "tileLayoutList": "सूची",
+ "@tileLayoutList": {},
+ "castDialogTitle": "कास्ट डिवाइस",
+ "@castDialogTitle": {},
+ "coverDialogTabColor": "रंग",
+ "@coverDialogTabColor": {},
+ "appPickDialogTitle": "ऐप चुनें",
+ "@appPickDialogTitle": {},
+ "aboutBugCopyInfoButton": "कोपी",
+ "@aboutBugCopyInfoButton": {},
+ "aboutBugReportInstruction": "लॉग और सिस्टम जानकारी के साथ GitHub पर रिपोर्ट करें",
+ "@aboutBugReportInstruction": {},
+ "aboutBugCopyInfoInstruction": "सिस्टम जानकारी कॉपी करें",
+ "@aboutBugCopyInfoInstruction": {},
+ "videoStreamSelectionDialogOff": "बंद",
+ "@videoStreamSelectionDialogOff": {},
+ "aboutBugSectionTitle": "बग रिपोर्ट",
+ "@aboutBugSectionTitle": {},
+ "aboutLinkPolicy": "गोपनीयता नीति",
+ "@aboutLinkPolicy": {},
+ "menuActionConfigureView": "देखें",
+ "@menuActionConfigureView": {},
+ "menuActionStats": "आँकड़े",
+ "@menuActionStats": {},
+ "aboutBugSaveLogInstruction": "ऐप लॉग को फ़ाइल में सहेजें",
+ "@aboutBugSaveLogInstruction": {},
+ "aboutDataUsageSectionTitle": "डेटा उपयोग",
+ "@aboutDataUsageSectionTitle": {},
+ "aboutDataUsageData": "डेटा",
+ "@aboutDataUsageData": {},
+ "aboutDataUsageCache": "कैश",
+ "@aboutDataUsageCache": {},
+ "aboutDataUsageDatabase": "डेटाबेस",
+ "@aboutDataUsageDatabase": {},
+ "editorActionTransform": "परिवर्तन",
+ "@editorActionTransform": {},
+ "videoStreamSelectionDialogNoSelection": "कोई अन्य ट्रैक नहीं हैं।",
+ "@videoStreamSelectionDialogNoSelection": {},
+ "viewDialogLayoutSectionTitle": "लेआउट",
+ "@viewDialogLayoutSectionTitle": {},
+ "appPickDialogNone": "कोई नहीं",
+ "@appPickDialogNone": {},
+ "aboutPageTitle": "बारे में",
+ "@aboutPageTitle": {},
+ "collectionEditFailureFeedback": "{count, plural, =1{1 आइटम एडिट करने में विफल} other{{count} आइटम एडिट करने में विफल}}",
+ "@collectionEditFailureFeedback": {
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "format": "decimalPattern"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "drawerCollectionVideos": "वीडियो",
+ "@drawerCollectionVideos": {},
+ "collectionActionSetHome": "घर के रूप में सेट करें",
+ "@collectionActionSetHome": {},
+ "collectionActionMove": "एल्बम पर जाएँ",
+ "@collectionActionMove": {},
+ "collectionActionRescan": "पुन: स्कैन करे",
+ "@collectionActionRescan": {},
+ "collectionGroupDay": "दिन के अनुसार",
+ "@collectionGroupDay": {},
+ "collectionCopySuccessFeedback": "{count, plural, =1{1 आइटम कॉपी किया गया} other{{count} आइटम कॉपी किए गए}}",
+ "@collectionCopySuccessFeedback": {
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "format": "decimalPattern"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "collectionEmptyImages": "कोई इमेज नहीं",
+ "@collectionEmptyImages": {},
+ "collectionEmptyGrantAccessButtonLabel": "पहुंच प्रदान करें",
+ "@collectionEmptyGrantAccessButtonLabel": {},
+ "collectionActionAddShortcut": "शॉर्टकट जोड़ें",
+ "@collectionActionAddShortcut": {},
+ "collectionRenameFailureFeedback": "{count, plural, =1{1 आइटम का नाम बदलने में विफल} other{{count} आइटम का नाम बदलने में विफल}}",
+ "@collectionRenameFailureFeedback": {
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "format": "decimalPattern"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "drawerCollectionAnimated": "एनिमेटेड",
+ "@drawerCollectionAnimated": {},
+ "aboutCreditsSectionTitle": "क्रेडिट",
+ "@aboutCreditsSectionTitle": {},
+ "aboutLicensesSectionTitle": "ओपन सोर्स लाइसेंस",
+ "@aboutLicensesSectionTitle": {},
+ "aboutLicensesFlutterPackagesSectionTitle": "फ्लटर पैकेज",
+ "@aboutLicensesFlutterPackagesSectionTitle": {},
+ "aboutLicensesShowAllButtonLabel": "सभी लाइसेंस दिखाएं",
+ "@aboutLicensesShowAllButtonLabel": {},
+ "policyPageTitle": "गोपनीयता नीति",
+ "@policyPageTitle": {},
+ "collectionActionEmptyBin": "बीन खाली करे",
+ "@collectionActionEmptyBin": {},
+ "collectionActionCopy": "एल्बम में कॉपी करें",
+ "@collectionActionCopy": {},
+ "collectionGroupAlbum": "एल्बम के अनुसार",
+ "@collectionGroupAlbum": {},
+ "aboutCreditsWorldAtlas1": "यह ऐप TopoJSON फ़ाइल का उपयोग करता है",
+ "@aboutCreditsWorldAtlas1": {},
+ "aboutCreditsWorldAtlas2": "आईएससी लाइसेंस के तहत।",
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@@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@
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"chipActionShowCountryStates": "Vis tilstander",
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@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"@videoActionPlay": {},
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@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
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@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
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@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
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"newAlbumDialogStorageLabel": "Lagring:",
"@newAlbumDialogStorageLabel": {},
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@
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@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@
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"@editEntryDateDialogTitle": {},
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@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@
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@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@
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@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@
"@renameAlbumDialogLabelAlreadyExistsHelper": {},
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@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@
"@settingsViewerShowMinimap": {},
"settingsViewerShowInformation": "Visa information",
"@settingsViewerShowInformation": {},
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+ "settingsViewerShowInformationSubtitle": "Visa titel, datum, plats, etc.",
"@settingsViewerShowInformationSubtitle": {},
"settingsViewerShowOverlayThumbnails": "Visa minityrbilder",
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@@ -1301,7 +1301,7 @@
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@@ -1391,9 +1391,9 @@
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@@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@
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@@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@
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@@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@
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