diff --git a/website/docs/docs/build/metricflow-commands.md b/website/docs/docs/build/metricflow-commands.md
index d9df022dce0..1649c65386b 100644
--- a/website/docs/docs/build/metricflow-commands.md
+++ b/website/docs/docs/build/metricflow-commands.md
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ mf query --metrics order_total --group-by order_id__is_food_order --where "{{ Di
-- The type of dimension changes the syntax you use. So if you have a date field, you must use `TimeDimension` instead of `Dimension`.
+- The type of dimension changes the syntax you use. So if you have a date field, use `TimeDimension` instead of `Dimension`.
 - When you query a dimension, you need to specify the primary entity for that dimension. In the example just shared, the primary entity is `order_id`.