Bumping version to 1.9.9 and generate changelog
Bumping version to 1.9.9 and generate changelog
[Automated] Merged prep-release/1.9.1_13207354548 into target…
[Automated] Merged prep-release/1.9.1_13207354548 into target…
remove issue label workflows to avoid alerts
remove issue label workflows to avoid alerts
Bumping version to 1.9.1 and generate changelog
Bumping version to 1.9.1 and generate changelog
27 days ago
Merge branch 'main' into dbeatty/snapshots_new_record_mode
Merge branch 'main' into dbeatty/snapshots_new_record_mode
fix dynamic table config in tests
fix dynamic table config in tests
update pull request template to point users to dbt-adapters
update pull request template to point users to dbt-adapters