diff --git a/shell/apple/libomp.rb b/shell/apple/libomp.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b32dbf9fd --- /dev/null +++ b/shell/apple/libomp.rb @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +class Libomp < Formula + desc "LLVM's OpenMP runtime library" + homepage "https://openmp.llvm.org/" + url "https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-14.0.0/openmp-14.0.0.src.tar.xz" + sha256 "28a1cbdd3dfdd331e4ed2dda2b4477fc418e455c883bd0d1d6acc331118e4688" + license "MIT" + + livecheck do + url "https://llvm.org/" + regex(/LLVM (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/i) + end + + bottle do + sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "cf1058b26e1a778e523d51562c99b4145aea1b1cb89f1c60b3315677a86c7a08" + sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "bbf77a1a151f00a18e340ab1f655fb87fe787a85834518f1dc44bf0c52ae7d4c" + sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "e66d2009d6d205c19499dcb453dfac4376ab6bdba805987be00ddbbab65a0818" + sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "ed9dc636a5fc8c2a0cfb1643f7932d742ae4805c3f193a9e56cab7d7cf7342e7" + sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "c72ce9beecde09052e7eac3550b0286ed9bfb2d14f1dd5954705ab5fb25f231b" + sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "9fe14d5f4c8b472de1fad74278da6ba38da7322775b8a88ac61de0c373c4ad10" + end + + depends_on "cmake" => :build + depends_on :xcode => :build # Sometimes CLT cannot build arm64 + uses_from_macos "llvm" => :build + + on_linux do + keg_only "provided by LLVM, which is not keg-only on Linux" + end + + def install + # Disable LIBOMP_INSTALL_ALIASES, otherwise the library is installed as + # libgomp alias which can conflict with GCC's libgomp. + + args = ["-DLIBOMP_INSTALL_ALIASES=OFF"] + args << "-DOPENMP_ENABLE_LIBOMPTARGET=OFF" if OS.linux? + + # Build universal binary + ENV.permit_arch_flags + ENV.runtime_cpu_detection + args << "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64;x86_64" + + system "cmake", "-S", "openmp-#{version}.src", "-B", "build/shared", *std_cmake_args, *args + system "cmake", "--build", "build/shared" + system "cmake", "--install", "build/shared" + + system "cmake", "-S", "openmp-#{version}.src", "-B", "build/static", + "-DLIBOMP_ENABLE_SHARED=OFF", + *std_cmake_args, *args + system "cmake", "--build", "build/static" + system "cmake", "--install", "build/static" + end + + test do + (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<~EOS + #include + #include + int main (int argc, char** argv) { + std::array arr = {0,0}; + #pragma omp parallel num_threads(2) + { + size_t tid = omp_get_thread_num(); + arr.at(tid) = tid + 1; + } + if(arr.at(0) == 1 && arr.at(1) == 2) + return 0; + else + return 1; + } + EOS + system ENV.cxx, "-Werror", "-Xpreprocessor", "-fopenmp", "test.cpp", "-std=c++11", + "-L#{lib}", "-lomp", "-o", "test" + system "./test" + end + end \ No newline at end of file