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// The reader is now definitely exhausted for the purpose it was created. To + // avoid odd effects, or accidental misuse we nill it out. And we do so regardless of error. + + rr.Reader = nil // The caller has no use for this + + // If we read less. truncate the buffer + if read < int64(len(data)) { + data = data[0:read] + } + return rr, data, nil +} diff --git a/mmrblobs/doc.go b/mmrblobs/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..861138e --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +package mmrblobs + +/* + +Module for reading mmr blob (massif) from blob storage. + +*/ diff --git a/mmrblobs/errors.go b/mmrblobs/errors.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab2c0aa --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/errors.go @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +package mmrblobs + +import "errors" + +var ( + ErrNotleaf = errors.New("mmr node not a leaf") +) diff --git a/mmrblobs/indexentry.go b/mmrblobs/indexentry.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7dde8c --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/indexentry.go @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +package mmrblobs + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + + "github.com/google/uuid" +) + +const ( + IndexEntryBytes = 32 * 2 + KeyBitSizeLogBase2 = 8 + KeyByteSizeLogBase2 = 5 + + EventIDFirst = 0 + EventIDEnd = EventIDFirst + 16 + SnowflakeIdFirst = 24 + SnowflakeIdEnd = SnowflakeIdFirst + 8 + AssetIDFirst = SnowflakeIdEnd + AssetIDEnd = AssetIDFirst + 16 +) + +var ( + ErrIndexEntryBadSize = errors.New("log index size invalid") +) + +// EmptyIndexEntry is a convenience method for unit tests that don't require a valid index entry +func EmptyIndexEntry() []byte { + return make([]byte, IndexEntryBytes) +} + +func SetIndexSnowflakeID( + data []byte, offset uint64, + snowflakeId uint64, +) { + binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data[offset+SnowflakeIdFirst:offset+SnowflakeIdEnd], snowflakeId) +} + +func GetIndexSnowflakeID( + data []byte, offset uint64, +) uint64 { + return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[offset+SnowflakeIdFirst : offset+SnowflakeIdEnd]) +} + +// NewIndexEntry creates an index entry directly from the required components +func NewIndexEntry( + assetId uuid.UUID, eventId uuid.UUID, snowflakeId uint64, +) []byte { + index := [IndexEntryBytes]byte{} + + SetIndexEntry(index[:], 0, assetId, eventId, snowflakeId) + return index[:] +} + +// SetIndexEntry populates the mmr blob index entry at the provided data offset +// +// | 0 - 127 | 128 - 185| 184 - 191 | 192 - 255 | +// | event uuid| reserved | reserved (epoch) | snowflakeid| +// | 0 - 15 | 16 - 22| 23 | 24 - 31| +// | 16 | 7 | 1 | 8 | +// | asset uuid| reserved | +// | 256 - 384| 384 - - 512 | +// | 16 | 16 | +func SetIndexEntry( + data []byte, offset uint64, + assetId uuid.UUID, eventId uuid.UUID, snowflakeId uint64, +) { + copy(data[offset+EventIDFirst:offset+EventIDEnd], eventId[:]) + copy(data[offset+AssetIDFirst:offset+AssetIDEnd], assetId[:]) + + binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data[offset+SnowflakeIdFirst:offset+SnowflakeIdEnd], snowflakeId) +} diff --git a/mmrblobs/indexheader.go b/mmrblobs/indexheader.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f99a36e --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/indexheader.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +package mmrblobs + +const ( +// . | 0 | | 21 - 22 | 23 26|27 27| 28 - 31 | + +) + +// IndexHeader exists to keep track of the number of leaves represented by the +// mmr data. +// +// Background: +// +// By keeping the index and the log together, we guarantee mutual consistency - +// provided the log and the idex values are correctly calculated, a single write +// commits the change back to the blob store. +// +// Because the data is combined, we can't use file size as a proxy for the +// membership count. +// +// Regardless of whether we pre-allocate the index data or whether we accumulate +// it as we do the mmr, we need to know how many leaves are in the index. An +// algorithm to derive a leaf index form an MMR position exists, it is sub +// linear but a bit fiddly to get right. +// +// At least for now, we are going to explicitly track the count of leaves in a +// counter value in the blob. +type IndexHeader struct { + Index uint64 +} diff --git a/mmrblobs/logentry.go b/mmrblobs/logentry.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f77504 --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/logentry.go @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +package mmrblobs + +import "errors" + +// To enable exclusion proofs and history independent proof of completion we +// assemble the log as an array of KEY, VALUE. Each is both 32 bytes. + +const ( + ValueBits = 128 + ValueBytes = 32 + IndexHeaderBytes = 32 + LogEntryBytes = 32 + EntryByteSizeLogBase2 = 5 + ValueBitSizeLogBase2 = 8 + ValueByteSizeLogBase2 = 5 +) + +var ( + ErrLogEntryToSmall = errors.New("to few bytes to represent a valid log entry") + ErrLogValueToSmall = errors.New("to few bytes to represent a valid log value") + ErrLogValueBadSize = errors.New("log value size invalid") +) + +func IndexFromBlobSize(size int) uint64 { + if size == 0 { + return 0 + } + return uint64(size>>EntryByteSizeLogBase2) - 1 +} + +type LogEntry struct { + Data []byte +} + +// IndexedValue returns the value bytes from log data corresponding to entry +// index i. No range checks are performed, out of range will panic +func IndexedLogValue(logData []byte, i uint64) []byte { + return logData[i*LogEntryBytes : i*LogEntryBytes+ValueBytes] +} + +func (le LogEntry) Value() []byte { + return le.Data[32:64] +} + +func (le LogEntry) Entry() []byte { + return le.Data +} + +func (le *LogEntry) CopyBytes(b []byte) int { + le.Data = make([]byte, ValueBytes) + return copy(le.Data, b) +} + +func (le *LogEntry) SetBytes(b []byte) error { + if len(b) < (1 << EntryByteSizeLogBase2) { + return ErrLogEntryToSmall + } + le.Data = b + return nil +} diff --git a/mmrblobs/massifcontext.go b/mmrblobs/massifcontext.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a793e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/massifcontext.go @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +package mmrblobs + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "time" +) + +var ( + ErrGetIndexUnavailable = errors.New("requested mmr index not available") + ErrAncestorStackInvalid = errors.New("the ancestor stack is invalid due to bad header information") +) + +// MassifContext enables retrieving the tenants log from blob storage. +// +// +// It is constructed entirely from data held in the massif blob and the blob +// imediately prior to it. Given the blob itself and only the 'tail nodes' from +// the preceding blob, it is possible to generate proofs without knowlege of any +// further blobs. +// +// Massif blobs are defined by the _fixed_ number of _leaves_ they contain. We +// require that count to be a power of 2 and > 1. Given that, the number of +// nodes in a massif is just: n + n - 1. This follows from the binary nature of +// the tree. +// +// For example, with n leaves = 4 we get: 4 + 3 = 7 +// +// This is the corresponding 'position' tree, with indication of how the MMR is +// 'chunked' into sub mountain ranges which we call 'massifs' +// +// 3 \ 15 massif 1 \ +// \/ \ \ +// massif 0 /\ \ | 'alpine zone' is above the massif tree line +// / \ \ | +// 2 ..... 7.....|....14........|...... 22 ..... Masif Root Index identifies the massif root +// / \ | / \ | / +// 1 3 6 | 10 13 | 18 21 +// / \ / \ | / \ / \ | / \ +// 1 2 4 5| 8 9 11 12| 16 17 19 20 +// 0 1 3 4| 7 8 10 11| 15 16 18 19 +// | massif 0 | massif 1 . | massif 2 ....> + +// 1 << 3 - 1 << 2 = 8 - 4 = 4 +// 1 << 4 - 1 << 3 = 16 - 8 = 8 +// +// Massif Root Index 7-1 | 8+7-2 | 16 + 7-2 +// Massif Last Leaf Index 5-1 | 8+5-2 | 16 + 5-2 +// +// In order to require the power 2 property for the leaf count, we configure the +// massif size by its 'height'. Here, our 4 leaf tree has height 3 (level index 2) +// +// So typically instead of n + n -1, where n is the massif leaf count we instead do +// +// Massif Root Index = (1 << h) - 2 +// Massif Last Leaf Index = (1 << h) - h - 1 +type MassifContext struct { + TenantIdentity string + BlobPath string + Tags map[string]string + ETag string + LastRead time.Time + LastModfified time.Time + + // Read from the first log entry in the blob. If Creating is true and Found + // > 0, this is the Start header of the *previous* massif + Start MassifStart + Data []byte + + // the following properties are for dealing with addition of the last leaf + // in the massif they are only valid during the call to AddHashedLeaf which + // appends the last leaf of the massif (other appends are guaranteed not to + // reference nodes from earlier massif blobs) + + // Set to the peak stack index containing the *next* ancestor node that will + // be needed. Initialised in AddLeafHash and only valid during that call + nextAncestor int +} + +// Get returns the value associated with the node at MMR index i +// +// Note that due to the structure of the MMR we are guaranteed that adding a +// node will only reference other nodes in the *current* massif, OR it will +// reference the root of the previous massif. As we link the massif blobs by +// including the root of the previous massif as the value for the first massif +// entry, we can return it directly. Eg in fhe following, the left child of +// position 15 is the root of massif 0 at position 7, and similarly, the left +// child of the root of massif 2 will be position 15. As Get works in indices, +// that will be indices 14 and 6. +// +// 3 \ 15 massif 1 \ . massif 2 +// \/ \ \ +// massif 0 /\ \ | +// / \ \ | +// 2 ..... 7.....|....14........|...... 22 ..... +// / \ | / \ | / +// 1 3 6 | 10 13 | 18 21 +// / \ / \ | / \ / \ | / \ +// 1 2 4 5| 8 9 11 12| 16 17 19 20 +// 0 1 3 4| 7 8 10 11| 15 16 18 19 +// | massif 0 | massif 1 . | massif 2 ....> +// +// This method satisfies the Get method of the MMR NodeAdder interface +func (mc *MassifContext) Get(i uint64) ([]byte, error) { + + // Normal case, reference to a node included in the current massif + if i >= mc.Start.FirstIndex { + return IndexedLogValue(mc.Data[mc.LogStart():], i-mc.Start.FirstIndex), nil + } + + // Ok, its a reference to the root of the previous massif or this is an error case + + if mc.Start.FirstIndex == 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: the first massif has no ancestors", ErrGetIndexUnavailable) + } + + // The ancestor stack is maintained so that the nodes we need are listed in + // the order they will be asked for. And we initialise nextAncestor in + // AddLeafHash to the top of the stack + + if mc.nextAncestor < 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: exceeded the nodes included in the ancestor peak stack, requesting %d", ErrGetIndexUnavailable, i) + } + + stackTop := mc.LogStart() + stackStart := mc.PeakStackStart() + if stackStart > stackTop { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: invalid context, requesting %d", ErrAncestorStackInvalid, i) + } + endOffset := (ValueBytes * (uint64(mc.nextAncestor) + 1)) + if endOffset > (stackTop - stackStart) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: exceeded the data range of the ancestor peak stack, requesting %d", ErrAncestorStackInvalid, i) + } + valueStart := stackTop - endOffset + mc.nextAncestor -= 1 + return mc.Data[valueStart : valueStart+ValueBytes], nil +} + +func (mc MassifContext) FixedHeaderEnd() uint64 { + return ValueBytes +} + +func (mc MassifContext) IndexHeaderStart() uint64 { + return mc.FixedHeaderEnd() +} + +// IndexHeaderEhd returns the end of the bytes reserved for the index header. +// Currently, nothing is stored in this. +// XXX: TODO: Consider removing the field all together +func (mc MassifContext) IndexHeaderEnd() uint64 { + return mc.IndexHeaderStart() + IndexHeaderBytes +} + +// IndexStart returns the index of the first **byte** of index data. +func (mc MassifContext) IndexStart() uint64 { + return mc.IndexHeaderEnd() +} + +func (mc MassifContext) IndexLen() uint64 { + return (1 << mc.Start.MassifHeight) +} + +func (mc MassifContext) IndexSize() uint64 { + return mc.IndexLen() * IndexEntryBytes +} + +// IndexEnd returns the byte index of the end of index data +func (mc MassifContext) IndexEnd() uint64 { + return mc.IndexStart() + IndexEntryBytes*(1< uint64(len(mc.Data)) { + return (uint64(len(mc.Data)) - logStart) / LogEntryBytes + } + return (uint64(len(mc.Data)) - logStart) / LogEntryBytes +} + +// RangeCount returns the total number of log entries in the MMR upto and including this context +func (mc MassifContext) RangeCount() uint64 { + return mc.Start.FirstIndex + mc.Count() +} + +// TreeRootIndex returns the root index for the tree with height +func TreeRootIndex(height uint8) uint64 { + return (1 << height) - 2 +} + +// RangeRootIndex return the Massif root node's index in the overall MMR given +// the massif height and the first index of the MMR it contains +func RangeRootIndex(firstIndex uint64, height uint8) uint64 { + return firstIndex + (1 << height) - 2 +} + +// RangeLastLeafIndex returns the mmr index of the last leaf given the first +// index of a massif and its height. +func RangeLastLeafIndex(firstIndex uint64, height uint8) uint64 { + return firstIndex + TreeLastLeafIndex(height) +} + +// TreeLastLeafIndex returns the index of the last leaf in the tree with the +// given height (1 << h) - h -1 works because the number of nodes required to +// include the last leaf is always equal to the MMR height produced by that +func TreeLastLeafIndex(height uint8) uint64 { + return (1 << height) - uint64(height) - 1 +} + +// TreeSize returns the maximum byte size of the tree based on the defined log +// entry size +func TreeSize(height uint8) uint64 { + return TreeCount(height) * LogEntryBytes +} + +// MaxCount returns the node count +func TreeCount(height uint8) uint64 { + return ((1 << height) - 1) +} diff --git a/mmrblobs/massifcontext_test.go b/mmrblobs/massifcontext_test.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..715acb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/massifcontext_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +package mmrblobs + +import ( + "testing" +) + +func TestMassifMaxCount(t *testing.T) { + type args struct { + height uint8 + } + tests := []struct { + name string + args args + want uint64 + }{ + {"height 3", args{3}, (8 - 1) * LogEntryBytes}, + {"height 4", args{4}, (16 - 1) * LogEntryBytes}, + {"height 8", args{8}, (256 - 1) * LogEntryBytes}, + } + for _, tt := range tests { + t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { + if got := TreeSize(tt.args.height); got != tt.want { + t.Errorf("TreeSize() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) + } + }) + } +} + +func TestMassifLastLeafIndex(t *testing.T) { + type args struct { + firstIndex uint64 + height uint8 + } + tests := []struct { + name string + args args + want uint64 + }{ + {"m0, height 2", args{0, 2}, 1}, + {"m1, height 2", args{3, 2}, 4}, + {"m2, height 2", args{7, 2}, 8}, + + {"m0, height 3", args{0, 3}, 4}, + {"m1, height 3", args{7, 3}, 11}, + {"m2, height 3", args{15, 3}, 19}, + + {"m0, height 4", args{0, 4}, 11}, + {"m1, height 4", args{15, 4}, 26}, + } + for _, tt := range tests { + t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { + if got := RangeLastLeafIndex(tt.args.firstIndex, tt.args.height); got != tt.want { + t.Errorf("MassifLastLeafIndex() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) + } + }) + } +} + +func TestMassifRootIndex(t *testing.T) { + type args struct { + firstIndex uint64 + height uint8 + } + tests := []struct { + name string + args args + want uint64 + }{ + {"m0, height 2", args{0, 2}, 3 - 1}, + {"m1, height 2", args{3, 2}, 6 - 1}, + {"m2, height 2", args{7, 2}, 10 - 1}, + + {"m0, height 3", args{0, 3}, 7 - 1}, + {"m1, height 3", args{7, 3}, 14 - 1}, + {"m2, height 3", args{15, 3}, 22 - 1}, + + {"m0, height 4", args{0, 4}, 15 - 1}, + {"m1, height 4", args{15, 4}, 30 - 1}, + } + for _, tt := range tests { + t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { + if got := RangeRootIndex(tt.args.firstIndex, tt.args.height); got != tt.want { + t.Errorf("MassifRootIndex() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) + } + }) + } +} diff --git a/mmrblobs/massifstart.go b/mmrblobs/massifstart.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1a4d12 --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/massifstart.go @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +package mmrblobs + +// Massif blobs are strictly sized as multiples of 32 bytes in order to +// facilitate simple content independent arithmetic operations over the whole +// MMR. +// +// Knowing only the relative resource name of the blob (which includes its +// epoch), and the size of the blob all information necessary to place it in the +// overall MMR can be derived computationaly (and efficiently) +// +// The massifstart is a 32 byte field encoding the small amount of book keeping +// required in a blob to allow for efficient correctness checks. This field is +// followed by the root hashes from preceding blobs that will be necessary to +// complete the blob. These are maintained in a stack. Neither the stack length +// nor a mapping of the positions it contains are stored, all of this +// information is recovered computationaly computed based on the blobs possition +// in the MMR +// +// The massif start field is also trie key compatible so that the start data can +// be included in the history indpendent proofs of exclusion and of +// completeness. + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "fmt" + + "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-merklelog/mmr" +) + +type KeyType uint8 + +const ( + KeyTypeApplicationContent KeyType = iota // this is the standard entry type, purposefuly defined as 0 + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + KeyTypeApplicationLast // first 8 types are reserved for the application + // other entries are reserved for the MMR book keeping + + // KeyTypeInteriorNode trie keys for MMR interior nodes have this type + KeyTypeInteriorNode + + // KeyTypeMassifStart is the type for keys which correspond to massif blob + // header values + KeyTypeMassifStart + KeyTypeMax +) + +const ( + + // MassifStart layout + // + // . | type| | version| epoch |massif height| massif i | + // . | 0 | | 21 - 22 | 23 26|27 27| 28 - 31 | + // bytes | 1 | | 2 | 4 | 1 | 4 | + // + // Note this layout produces a sequentially valued key. The value is always + // considered as a big endian large integer. Lexical ordering is defined + // only for padded hex representations of the key value. The reserved zero + // bytes can be used in later versions. Because if we shift the version + // field left, even without incrementing it, the resulting key is + // numerically larger than all of those for previous versions + + MassifStartKeyVersionFirstByte = 21 + MassifStartKeyVersionSize = 2 // 16 bit + MassifStartKeyVersionEnd = MassifStartKeyVersionFirstByte + MassifStartKeyVersionSize + MassifStartKeyEpochFirstByte = MassifStartKeyVersionEnd + MassifStartKeyEpochSize = 4 // 32 bit + MassifStartKeyEpochEnd = MassifStartKeyEpochFirstByte + MassifStartKeyEpochSize + // Note the massif height is purposefully ahead of the index, it can't be + // changed without also incrementing the EPOCH, so we never care about it's + // effect on the sort order with respect to the first index + MassifStartKeyMassifHeightFirstByte = MassifStartKeyEpochEnd + MassifStartKeyMassifHeightSize = 1 // 8 bit + MassifStartKeyMassifHeightEnd = MassifStartKeyMassifHeightFirstByte + MassifStartKeyMassifHeightSize + + MassifStartKeyMassifFirstByte = MassifStartKeyMassifHeightEnd + MassifStartKeyMassifSize = 4 + MassifStartKeyMassifEnd = MassifStartKeyMassifFirstByte + MassifStartKeyMassifSize // 32 bit + MassifStartKeyFirstIndexFirstByte = MassifStartKeyMassifEnd + + MassifCurrentVersion = uint16(0) +) + +var ( + ErrMassifFixedHeaderMissing = errors.New("the fixed header for the massif is missing") + ErrMassifFixedHeaderBadType = errors.New("the fixed header for the massif has the wrong type code") + + ErrEntryTypeUnexpected = errors.New("the entry type was not as expected") + ErrEntryTypeInvalid = errors.New("the entry type was invalid") + ErrMassifBelowMinSize = errors.New("a massive blob always has at least three log entries") + ErrPrevRootNotSet = errors.New("the previous root was not provided") +) + +type MassifStart struct { + MassifHeight uint8 + Version uint16 + Epoch uint32 + MassifIndex uint32 + FirstIndex uint64 + PeakStackLen uint64 +} + +func NewMassifStart(epoch uint32, massifHeight uint8, massifIndex uint32, firstIndex uint64) MassifStart { + return MassifStart{ + Version: MassifCurrentVersion, + MassifHeight: massifHeight, + MassifIndex: massifIndex, + FirstIndex: firstIndex, + } +} + +// MassifFirstLeaf returns the MMR index of the first leaf in the massif blob identified by massifIndex +func MassifFirstLeaf(massifHeight uint8, massifIndex uint32) uint64 { + + // The number of leaves 'f' in a massif is derived from its height. + + // Given massif height, the number of m nodes is: + // m = (1 << h) - 1 + m := uint64((1 << massifHeight) - 1) + + // The size can be computed from the number of leaves f as + // m = f + f - 1 + // + // So to recover the number of f leaves in every massif in the epoch from m we have: + // f = (m + 1) / 2 + f := (m + 1) / 2 + + // So the first *leaf* index is then + leafIndex := f * uint64(massifIndex) + + // And now we can apply TreeIndex to the leaf index. This last is an + // iterative call but it is sub linear. Essentially its O(tree height) (not + // massif height ofc) + return mmr.TreeIndex(leafIndex) +} + +func (ms MassifStart) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { + return EncodeMassifStart(ms.Version, ms.Epoch, ms.MassifHeight, ms.MassifIndex), nil +} + +func (ms *MassifStart) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error { + return DecodeMassifStart(ms, b) +} + +// EncodeMassifStart encodes the massif details in the prescribed massif header +// record format +// +// . | type| | version| epoch |massif height| massif i | +// . | 0 | | 21 - 22 | 23 26|27 27| 28 - 31 | +// bytes | 1 | | 2 | 4 | 1 | 4 | +func EncodeMassifStart(version uint16, epoch uint32, massifHeight uint8, massifIndex uint32) []byte { + key := [32]byte{} + + key[0] = byte(KeyTypeMassifStart) + + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(key[MassifStartKeyVersionFirstByte:MassifStartKeyVersionEnd], version) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(key[MassifStartKeyEpochFirstByte:MassifStartKeyEpochEnd], epoch) + key[MassifStartKeyMassifHeightFirstByte] = massifHeight + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(key[MassifStartKeyMassifFirstByte:MassifStartKeyMassifEnd], massifIndex) + return key[:] +} + +func DecodeMassifStart(ms *MassifStart, start []byte) error { + if len(start) < (ValueBytes) { + return ErrMassifFixedHeaderBadType + } + + if KeyType(start[0]) != KeyTypeMassifStart { + return fmt.Errorf("%w: %d", ErrMassifFixedHeaderBadType, start[0]) + } + + ms.Version = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(start[MassifStartKeyVersionFirstByte:MassifStartKeyVersionEnd]) + ms.Epoch = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(start[MassifStartKeyEpochFirstByte:MassifStartKeyEpochEnd]) + ms.MassifHeight = start[MassifStartKeyMassifHeightFirstByte] + + ms.MassifIndex = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(start[MassifStartKeyMassifFirstByte:MassifStartKeyMassifEnd]) + ms.FirstIndex = MassifFirstLeaf(ms.MassifHeight, ms.MassifIndex) + ms.PeakStackLen = mmr.LeafMinusSpurSum(uint64(ms.MassifIndex)) + + return nil +} diff --git a/mmrblobs/massifstart_test.go b/mmrblobs/massifstart_test.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7e27ce --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/massifstart_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +package mmrblobs + +import ( + "fmt" + "testing" + + "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" +) + +func TestMassifFirstLeaf(t *testing.T) { + type args struct { + massifHeight uint8 + massifIndex uint32 + } + tests := []struct { + args args + want uint64 + }{ + {args{3, 0}, 0}, + {args{3, 1}, 7}, + {args{3, 2}, 15}, + {args{3, 3}, 22}, + } + for _, tt := range tests { + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("(h, mi) = (%d,%d) = %d", tt.args.massifHeight, tt.args.massifIndex, tt.want), func(t *testing.T) { + if got := MassifFirstLeaf(tt.args.massifHeight, tt.args.massifIndex); got != tt.want { + t.Errorf("MassifFirstLeaf() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) + } + }) + } +} + +func TestMassifStartKeyRoundTrip(t *testing.T) { + type args struct { + version uint16 + epoch uint32 + massifHeight uint8 + massifIndex uint32 + firstIndex uint64 + } + tests := []struct { + name string + args args + }{ + {"a", args{1, 2, 2, 2, 7}}, + } + for _, tt := range tests { + t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { + encoded := EncodeMassifStart(tt.args.version, tt.args.epoch, tt.args.massifHeight, tt.args.massifIndex) + encoded = append(encoded, make([]byte, 32)...) + got := MassifStart{} + err := got.UnmarshalBinary(encoded) + assert.Nil(t, err) + assert.Equal(t, got.Version, tt.args.version) + assert.Equal(t, got.Epoch, tt.args.epoch) + assert.Equal(t, got.MassifHeight, tt.args.massifHeight) + assert.Equal(t, got.MassifIndex, tt.args.massifIndex) + assert.Equal(t, got.FirstIndex, tt.args.firstIndex) + }) + } +} diff --git a/mmrblobs/masssifreader.go b/mmrblobs/masssifreader.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91e195c --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/masssifreader.go @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +package mmrblobs + +import ( + "context" + "time" + + "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/azblob" + "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/logger" + "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-merklelog/mmr" +) + +type massifReader interface { + Reader( + ctx context.Context, + identity string, + opts ...azblob.Option, + ) (*azblob.ReaderResponse, error) + + List(ctx context.Context, opts ...azblob.Option) (*azblob.ListerResponse, error) +} + +type MassifReader struct { + log logger.Logger + store massifReader +} + +func NewMassifReader(log logger.Logger, store massifReader) *MassifReader { + r := &MassifReader{ + log: log, + store: store, + } + return r +} + +func (mr *MassifReader) GetMassif( + ctx context.Context, tenantIdentity string, massifIndex uint64, + opts ...azblob.Option, +) (MassifContext, error) { + + var err error + var rr *azblob.ReaderResponse + mc := MassifContext{ + TenantIdentity: tenantIdentity, + BlobPath: TenantMassifBlobPath(tenantIdentity, massifIndex), + } + + rr, mc.Data, err = BlobRead(ctx, mc.BlobPath, mr.store, opts...) + if err != nil { + return MassifContext{}, err + } + mc.Tags = rr.Tags + mc.ETag = *rr.ETag + mc.LastRead = time.Now() + mc.LastModfified = *rr.LastModified + + err = mc.Start.UnmarshalBinary(mc.Data) + if err != nil { + return MassifContext{}, err + } + return mc, nil +} + +// MassifIndexFromLeafIndex gets the massif index of the massif that the given leaf is stored in, +// +// given the leaf index of the leaf. +// +// This is found with the given massif height, which is constant for all massifs. +func MassifIndexFromLeafIndex(massifHeight uint8, leafIndex uint64) uint64 { + + // first find how many leaf nodes each massif can hold. + // + // Note: massifHeight starts at index 1, whereas height index for HeighIndexLeafCount starts at 0. + massifMaxLeaves := mmr.HeightIndexLeafCount(uint64(massifHeight) - 1) + + // now find the massif. + // + // for context, see: https://github.com/datatrails/epic-8120-scalable-proof-mechanisms/blob/main/mmr/forestrie-mmrblobs.md#blob-size + // + // Note: massif indexes start at 0. + // Note: leaf indexes starts at 0. + // + // Therefore, given a massif height of 2, that has max leaves of 4; + // if a leaf index of 3 is given, then it is in massif 0, along with leaves, 0, 1 and 2. + return leafIndex / massifMaxLeaves + +} + +// MassifIndexFromMMRIndex gets the massif index of the massif that the given leaf is stored in +// +// given the mmr index of the leaf. +// +// NOTE: if the mmrIndex is not a leaf node, then error is returned. +func MassifIndexFromMMRIndex(massifHeight uint8, mmrIndex uint64) (uint64, error) { + + // First check if the given mmrIndex is a leaf node. + // + // NOTE: leaf nodes are always on height 0. + height := mmr.IndexHeight(mmrIndex) + if height != 0 { + return 0, ErrNotleaf + } + + // HeightSize returns the maximum number of nodes for a given height of MMR. Where the leaf nodes + // start on height 1. + mmrSize := mmr.HeightSize(uint64(massifHeight)) + + // now find the massif. + // + // for context, see: https://github.com/datatrails/epic-8120-scalable-proof-mechanisms/blob/main/mmr/forestrie-mmrblobs.md#blob-size + // + // Note: massif indexes start at 0. + // Note: mmr indexes starts at 0. + massifIndex := mmrIndex / mmrSize + + return massifIndex, nil + +} diff --git a/mmrblobs/masssifreader_test.go b/mmrblobs/masssifreader_test.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96754ae --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/masssifreader_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +package mmrblobs + +import ( + "testing" + + "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" +) + +// TestMassifIndexFromLeafIndex tests: +// +// Example MMR for test 1,2,3. Derived from: https://github.com/datatrails/epic-8120-scalable-proof-mechanisms/blob/main/mmr/forestrie-mmrblobs.md#blob-size +// +// | 6 | 13 | 21 | height: 3 +// | / \ | / \ | / \ | +// | 2 5 | 9 12 | 17 20 | height: 2 +// | / \ / \ | / \ / \ | / \ / \ | +// |0 1 3 4|7 8 10 11|15 16 18 19| MMR INDICES height: 1 +// |----------|-------------|-------------| +// |0 1 2 3|4 5 6 7 | 8 9 10 11| LEAF INDICES +// |----------|-------------|-------------| +// | 0 | 1 | 2 | MASSIF INDICES +// |----------|-------------|-------------| +// +// 1. a height of 3 and a leaf index of 3, returns a massif index of 0 +// 2. a height of 3 and a leaf index of 10, returns a massif index of 2 +// 3. a height of 3 and a leaf index of 4, returns a massif index of 1 +// 4. a height of 5 and a leaf index of 25, returns a massif index of 1 +// 5. a height of 16 and a leaf index of 965235, returns a massif index of 29 +func TestMassifIndexFromLeafIndex(t *testing.T) { + type args struct { + massifHeight uint8 + leafIndex uint64 + } + tests := []struct { + name string + args args + expected uint64 + }{ + { + name: "height 2, leaf index 3", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 3, + leafIndex: 3, + }, + expected: 0, + }, + { + name: "height 2, leaf index 10", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 3, + leafIndex: 10, + }, + expected: 2, + }, + { + name: "height 2, leaf index 4", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 3, + leafIndex: 4, + }, + expected: 1, + }, + { + name: "height 4, leaf index 25", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 5, + leafIndex: 25, + }, + expected: 1, + }, + { + name: "height 4, leaf index 25", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 16, + leafIndex: 965235, + }, + expected: 29, + }, + } + for _, test := range tests { + t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { + actual := MassifIndexFromLeafIndex(test.args.massifHeight, test.args.leafIndex) + + assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual) + }) + } +} + +// TestMassifIndexFromMMRIndex tests: +// +// Example MMR for test 1,2,3. Derived from: https://github.com/datatrails/epic-8120-scalable-proof-mechanisms/blob/main/mmr/forestrie-mmrblobs.md#blob-size +// +// | 6 | 13 | 21 | height: 3 +// | / \ | / \ | / \ | +// | 2 5 | 9 12 | 17 20 | height: 2 +// | / \ / \ | / \ / \ | / \ / \ | +// |0 1 3 4|7 8 10 11|15 16 18 19| MMR INDICES height: 1 +// |----------|-------------|-------------| +// |0 1 2 3|4 5 6 7 | 8 9 10 11| LEAF INDICES +// |----------|-------------|-------------| +// | 0 | 1 | 2 | MASSIF INDICES +// |----------|-------------|-------------| +// +// 1. a height of 3 and a mmr index of 4, returns a massif index of 0 +// 2. a height of 3 and a mmr index of 15, returns a massif index of 2 +// 3. a height of 3 and a mmr index of 10, returns a massif index of 1 +// 4. a height of 5 and a mmr index of 33, returns a massif index of 1 +// 5. a height of 5 and a mmr index of 70, returns a massif index of 1 +// 6. a height of 3 and a mmr index of 12, returns not a leaf err +// 7. a height of 5 and a mmr index of 72, returns not a leaf err +func TestMassifIndexFromMMRIndex(t *testing.T) { + type args struct { + massifHeight uint8 + mmrIndex uint64 + } + tests := []struct { + name string + args args + expected uint64 + err error + }{ + { + name: "height 3, mmr index 4", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 3, + mmrIndex: 4, + }, + expected: 0, + }, + { + name: "height 3, mmr index 15", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 3, + mmrIndex: 15, + }, + expected: 2, + }, + { + name: "height 3, mmr index 10", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 3, + mmrIndex: 10, + }, + expected: 1, + }, + { + name: "height 5, mmr index 32", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 5, + mmrIndex: 32, + }, + expected: 1, + }, + { + name: "height 5, mmr index 70", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 5, + mmrIndex: 70, + }, + expected: 2, + }, + { + name: "height 5, mmr index 70", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 5, + mmrIndex: 70, + }, + expected: 2, + }, + { + name: "height 3, mmr index 12", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 3, + mmrIndex: 12, + }, + expected: 0, + err: ErrNotleaf, + }, + { + name: "height 5, mmr index 72", + args: args{ + massifHeight: 5, + mmrIndex: 72, + }, + expected: 0, + err: ErrNotleaf, + }, + } + for _, test := range tests { + t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { + actual, err := MassifIndexFromMMRIndex(test.args.massifHeight, test.args.mmrIndex) + + assert.Equal(t, test.err, err) + assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual) + }) + } +} diff --git a/mmrblobs/tenantblobpaths.go b/mmrblobs/tenantblobpaths.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7812d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/mmrblobs/tenantblobpaths.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package mmrblobs + +import "fmt" + +const ( + V1MMRPrefix = "v1/mmrs" + V1MMRBlobNameFmt = "%016d.log" +) + +// DataTrails Specifics of managing MMR's in azure blob storage + +func TenantMassifPrefix(tenantIdentity string) string { + return fmt.Sprintf( + "%s/%s/massifs/", V1MMRPrefix, tenantIdentity, + ) + +} + +// TenantEpochMountainBlobPath returns the appropriate blob path for the blob +// +// We partition the blob space conveniently for working with the double batched +// merkle log accumulator scheme described by +// Justin Drake [here](https://ethresear.ch/t/double-batched-merkle-log-accumulator/571) +// +// The returned string forms a relative resource name with a versioned resource +// prefix of 'v1/mmrs' +// +// Because azure blob names and tags sort and compare only *lexically*, The +// number is represented in that path as a 16 digit hex string. +func TenantMassifBlobPath(tenantIdentity string, number uint64) string { + return fmt.Sprintf( + "%s%s", TenantMassifPrefix(tenantIdentity), fmt.Sprintf(V1MMRBlobNameFmt, number), + ) +}