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Releases: datacamp/design-system
Releases · datacamp/design-system
@datacamp/[email protected]
2.0.0-beta.14 (2020-08-03)
Bug Fixes
- font width/stretch for latest version of fonts (f7a8ca8)
- add letter spacing for different size headings (7b4ca34)
- add line height for large headings (7d70c17)
- change sans-serif font (6f2d3cd)
- load font from hosted version (0988a6c)
- load font in a way to allow font-weight to work (186c1eb)
- load studio feixen fonts from production waffles site (2c154b1)
- remove gradients from waffles-core (a21cb74)
- remove transparent colours (89b8226)
- temporarily load fonts from separate ttf files (7a11485)
- update font weights for new branding (cf0f3bc)
- update font weights to work with latest font version (812a41b)
- update heading line height (ca2da4f)
- update the colours in core (a52539d)
- use JetBrains MonoNL for code font (cea2bbb)
- use studio feixen writer for monospace font (c585560)
- all the colours have changed, and a lot of classes have
been deprecated. Check the upgrading article for details - white-transparent and black-transparent no longer exist
- All variables and utility classes related to gradients
have been removed. - all monospace font now uses JetBrains MonoNL
- Headings with size 800 (or h1 from the style sheets)
now have a letter spacing of -1. Headings with size 700 & 600 (or h2 &
h3 from the style sheets) now have a letter spacing of -0.5 - The line height for headings has changed from 1.25 to
1.2 - The monospace font has changed from Roboto-Mono to
Studio-Feixen-Writer. This may affect layout when using code or code
blocks. - Font weights have been updated to work with new
branding - The sans-serif font has changed from Lato to Studio-Feixen-Sans-Variable
@datacamp/[email protected]
2.0.0-beta.20 (2020-08-03)
- add details about gradient removal to upgrade article (8313180)
- add doc for wordmark less Datacamp Logo (904ef33)
- brand refresh update article (0fe747f)
- change sans-serif font (6f2d3cd)
- host the studio feixen fonts (543f3db)
- host writer font files (04da56f)
- load font from hosted version (0988a6c)
- make doc site look obviously beta (b8cd2ff)
- make the docsite very obviously beta (a3d2c2d)
- remove gradients from docsite (b82bc9f)
- show brand guidelines PDF on the homepage (6e2ef68)
- start documenting colour changes (39502a8)
- update asset documentation to reflect new logos (a5a551e)
- update brand refresh article for transparent colour removal (2686416)
- update docsite colours V1 (4196493)
- The sans-serif font has changed from Lato to Studio-Feixen-Sans-Variable
@datacamp/[email protected]
@datacamp/[email protected]
6.0.0-beta.12 (2020-08-03)
- change sans-serif font (6f2d3cd)
- update button colours V1 (6a859f3)
- update font weights for new branding (cf0f3bc)
- update font weights to work with latest font version (812a41b)
- Font weights have been updated to work with new
branding - The sans-serif font has changed from Lato to Studio-Feixen-Sans-Variable
@datacamp/[email protected]
1.4.14-beta.0 (2020-08-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @datacamp/waffles-babel-preset
@datacamp/[email protected]
2.0.0-beta.3 (2020-08-03)
- add DatacampLogo component (9a5634a)
- make wordmark optional on DatacampLogo component (6346b6c)
- swap assets for new logos (a535357)
- All the DataCamp logos have changed, including the
naming. Current imports will not work anymore, though it is recommended
to use the new DatacampLogo component going forwards
@datacamp/[email protected]
2.0.14 (2020-07-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @datacamp/waffles-utils
@datacamp/[email protected]
1.0.23 (2020-07-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @datacamp/waffles-toast
@datacamp/[email protected]
3.0.14 (2020-07-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @datacamp/waffles-text
@datacamp/[email protected]
1.2.21 (2020-07-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @datacamp/waffles-tag