Terminal/tileset renderer for web based games.
- Configuration:
- State:
- Methods:
import { Terminal } from "telerin";
let term = new Terminal(20, 20);
term.color = "red";
term.background = "#0000FF";
term.put(0, 0, 0x10);
term.write(10, 10, "Hello world");
// Make the canvas visible
Creates a new terminal instance with a size in rows and columns.
new Terminal(20, 20);
To use a custom font/tileset pass the url and cell width/height.
new Terminal(20, 20, "mytiles.png", 16, 16);
By default the terminal uses CP437 for character mapping. Use the codepage
property to setup an alternative map.
// Map char code 20 to char code 1
terminal.codepage = { 20: 1 };
Resize the canvas to render at a larger scale.
// Render the canvas twice as big
Set the current layer index.
terminal.layer = 3;
Sets the foreground color for subsequent drawing functions to use.
terminal.color = "red";
terminal.color = "#FF0000";
terminal.color = "rgb(255, 0, 0)";
terminal.color = "hsl(0, 50%, 50%)";
// Tiles will be drawn in their original colors
terminal.color = undefined;
Sets the background color for subsequent drawing functions to use.
terminal.background = "red";
terminal.background = "#FF0000";
terminal.background = "rgb(255, 0, 0)";
terminal.background = "hsl(0, 50%, 50%)";
// Tiles will be drawn without a background color
terminal.color = undefined;
Clears the contents of all layers.
Clears the contents of the current layer.
Sets the clipping rectangle for the current layer.
// Clips content outside of a 3x4 rect at 1,2
terminal.clip(1, 2, 3, 4)
// Reset the clip area for the current layer
Puts a character code into a cell.
terminal.put(0, 0, 40);
terminal.put(0, 0, "@".charCodeAt(0));
Also supports passing an offset in pixels.
terminal.put(0, 0, 40, 3, -3);
Write a string of text.
terminal.write(0, 0, "Hello, world!");
Respects linebreaks, but does no wrapping.
Draws a box.
// Draws a 3x4 box at 1,2 using the default box drawing characters
terminal.write(1, 2, 3, 4);
// Using a custom set of box drawing characters
terminal.write(1, 2, 3, 4, "ββββββ");
Draws the contents of the terminal to the canvas.
Converts a point on the screen to terminal grid coordinates.
onmousemove = event => {
let { x, y } = terminal.screenToGrid(event.clientX, event.clientY);
// x, y are rounded grid coordinates