Blossome is a hacker blog. As opposed to other blog engines, this was is intended to be modified/hacked.
It's built on: Sinatra + haml + sass with posts written in Markdown with some help from Mustache.
- Clone the whole repository
- git clone
- Install all dependencies
- cd blossome
- bundle install
- Start the server
- shotgun
- Open chrome
- go to:
Post go in the /posts folder. They are written with markdown, here's the rules:
The name of the file is the route. So is accessible at /foo-bar
Filenames have to end with .md
At the top include a description in between "-----" Eg:
title: "Title of the post"
description: "this goes on the SEO description"
keywords: "some, SEO, keywords"
date: October 31, 2012
- Date format is Month day, year. Full name on months.