Dan Meller, Gonzague de Carpentier
This repository contains the java implementation of the algorithm we developped to participate in the CG:SHOP 2021 computational geometry competition. This project was suggested to us by Luca Castelli Aleardi in the framework of the INF421 course of the École Polytechnique. He also provided several java classes which are identified in the code by a comment at the beginning of the file. Our method is described in a document that we will publish soon on ResearchGate. It allowed us to obtain the 5th place worldwide on the global makespan ranking and the 3rd place among junior teams.
The animation above illustrates the result of our algorithm on a simple instance. Each robot goes from its start positions to its target (the end position on the animation). In a nutshell, our method uses intermediary targets to simplify the problem. This can be clearly seen in the animation : two phases can be observed. During the first (and longest) phase robots try to reach their intermediary targets. During the second phase, the robot cloud converges to the real targets, this happens very fast because intermediary targets preserved the topological structure of the real targets (thanks to a carefully crafted method for choosing intermediary targets).
We believe that this idea could be optimized further to reach better performances. One possible improvement could be to find intermediary targets that are topologically closer to the start positions so that the process becomes more symmetrical.
Please ensure that you have java 11 installed. Then you just have to clone the repository. No external library is required.
To compile after a change of the source files, use
find -name "*.java" > source.txt && javac -cp core3.jar -d bin @source.txt
To compute a solution to the coordinated motion problem mimizing the makespan, use
java -cp bin:core3.jar OptimizeMakespan <instance file>
For example:
java -cp bin:core3.jar OptimizeMakespan instances/images/algae_00000_20x20_40_160.instance.json
This command executes the OptimizeMakespan class and enters an infinite loop (while true) that explores automatically the different possible values of p and updates the best solution found. You have to stop the programm manually when you consider that the best solution found is good enough.
The values of pmin and pmax can be adjusted directly in the OptimizeMakespan code. However, the generic values are sufficient to get satisfactory results in most cases.
As output, you obtain the best solution found (with the suffix makespan.json) as well as a file with a suffix log.csv which allows you to monitor the history of the algorithmic exploration. The first column of this file contains the value of p, the second a boolean indicating if the calculation was successful and the third column indicates the value of the makespan.
To compute a solution to the coordinated motion problem mimizing the makespan, use
java -cp bin:core3.jar OptimizeDistance <instance file>
To visualize a solution, use
java -cp bin:core3.jar MotionViewer <instance file> <solution file>
For example:
java -cp bin:core3.jar MotionViewer instances/images/algae_00000_20x20_40_160.instance.json solutions/algae_00000_20x20_40_160_makespan.json