Since the team operates with google drive, this markdown illustrates how to integrate the google drive into the workflow with the github repo.
rclone is a command line package to interact with various cloud services. Follow for installation instructions.
Verify it is working via
rclone ls remote:
where 'remote' is the name of the created remote in 'rclone config'. The command lists the google drive files of your linked
google drive account.
Make sure to rename the folder name of the team's google drive from 'Huawei Tech Challenge' to 'tc' or anything without spaces. This won't change anything
on the team's google drive, it is rather for convenience reasons when working with rclone
mkdir gdrive
Use the gdrive
folder if you want to have the google drive files in the git repo folder.
Read mount_tutorial. For Linux, workflow can be started with
rclone mount remote:tc ./gdrive/tc
and cancelled with CTRL+C and
fusermount -u ./gdrive
Download/sync gdrive via
rclone sync remote:tc ./gdrive
and upload-sync via
rclone sync ./gdrive remote:tc
Make sure to pay attention to commit conflicts when choosing offline synchronization.
See for more.