A fast and efficient Rust tool for downloading your liked tracks from SoundCloud.
- Rust 1.70 or higher
- FFmpeg installed and available in PATH
- SoundCloud OAuth token
- Log into SoundCloud in your browser
- Open Developer Tools (F12)
- Go to the Network tab
- Reload the page
- Filter for a request to
in the list - Copy the
header value from the request headers - Use the copied value as the OAuth token
cargo install --git https://github.com/damaredayo/soundcloud-dl
Or clone the repository and build it manually:
git clone https://github.com/damaredayo/soundcloud-dl
cd soundcloud-dl
cargo build --release
# Download track without saving token
soundcloud-dl -a YOUR_TOKEN track https://soundcloud.com/user/track
# Save token
soundcloud-dl --auth "OAuth 2-123456-133742069-xDxDxDxDxDxDxD" --save-token
# Download a single track
soundcloud-dl track https://soundcloud.com/user/track
# Download liked tracks
soundcloud-dl likes --limit 50 --skip 10
# Use saved token to download likes
soundcloud-dl likes --limit 20
A tool to download SoundCloud liked tracks
Usage: soundcloud-dl [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
-a, --auth <AUTH> Your Soundcloud OAuth token (if not provided, will use stored token)
-t, --save-token Save the provided OAuth token for future use
--clear-token Clear the stored OAuth token
-o, --output <OUTPUT> Output directory for downloaded files [default: .]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
<URL> URL of the track to download
-s, --skip <SKIP> Number of likes to skip [default: 0]
-l, --limit <LIMIT> Maximum number of likes to download [default: 10]
--chunk-size <CHUNK_SIZE> Number of likes to download in each chunk [default: 25]
-h, --help
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.