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Tutorial List Commands

Mötz Jensen edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 4 revisions

List available commands from module

This tutorial will show you how to list and search for commands that are available from the module.


  • Machine with D365FO installed
  • PowerShell 5.1
  • module installed

Please visit the Install as a Administrator or the Install as a Administrator tutorials to learn how to install the tools.

Start PowerShell

Locate the PowerShell icon, if you don't have it on your desktop or in the task pane, we can locate it in the Windows Start Menu. Search for it or type PowerShell.

Import module

You need to import / load the module into the current PowerShell console. Type the following command:

Import-Module -Name

List all available commands

If you want to see the entire list of available commands from the, you can ask PowerShell to list them for you. Type the following command:

Get-Command -Module

Search for commands

If you want to search for command that contains a specific word or phrase, you can ask PowerShell to search for commands in the module. Type the following command:

Get-Command *bacpac* -Module

Closing comments

In this tutorial we showed you how to list all of the functions that is part of the We also showed how you can search for a specific keyword and find all commands containing that keyword.

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