There is a bunch of 21cm simulations. Right now we are getting a lot of new data. We need to rerun the data analysis very frequently and rapidly.
What are some of the limitations you face in this problem? For example, is it too slow right now? Is it very tedious to iterate through different configuration?
Is there some criterion a solution has to fulfill? For example, it has to be able to process n examples (throughput), or it has to be accurate down to some precision limit.
That would be nice to have uncertainty estimate.
The input is astrophysical parameters, and the output are summary statistics, such as power spectrum.
A million examples. About a couple GB
Not really.
There are 9 input astrophysical parameters, and 6 groups of output (1998 of numbers).
Provide a short example to access and construct the test problem.
Current emulator seems to work okay. The emulator is pretty big, so it would be nice to prune it.
- Given emulator, compute the summary statistics, and then use the summary statistics to compute the likelihood.
- Would be nice to have uncertainty estimate.
- Would be nice to trim the network.
- Robust against adverserial attack.
- Residual connection should help the convolutional part.
- Dropout can help with uncertainty estimate.
- Add noise to summary statics/simulation to make it robust against adverserial attack.