- Avoid trying to connect to master twice if unavailable
- [BUGFIX] Fix activerecord 3.2 compatibility
- Fix setup of mysql integration servers
- [BUGFIX] Don't raise MasterUnavailable if a slave is unavailable
- Add support for unavailable master connection
- Restrict the public interface. Removed the following methods:
- all class methods from ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MasterSlaveAdapter
- #current_connection=
- #current_clock=
- #slave_consistent?
- ActiveRecord::Base.on_commit and ActiveRecord::Base.on_rollback
- Fix 1.8.7 compliance
- Fix bug which led to infinitely connection stack growth
- Add ActiveRecord 3.x compatibility
- Add support for Mysql2
- Add support for ActiveRecord's query cache
- Delegate #visitor to master connection