You can get your Cloudsmith API Key from Cloudsmith Settings. Use it as password in your personal maven settings ~/.m2/settings.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
A working settings file is provided in this folder.
The coding style is automatically checked during a maven build. In Eclipse there exists a plugin to check the code.
These instructions were created using Eclipse Neon. Note: Eclipse Che (Codenvy) does not seem to support checkstyle.
- Install the Eclipse Checkstyle plugin:
- Note that you can drag the plugin into your Eclipse installation
- New Check Configuration: Window > Preferences > Checkstyle; click on 'New...'
- Create a 'Project Relative Configuration'
- Name:
Docuteam Checkstyle
- Location:
- An "Unresolved Properties Error" box will appear; click 'Edit Properties'
- Add a new property
- Name: checkstyle.suppressions.file
- Value:
NOTE: If an error occurs at checkstyle run ("Internal Error", see .log -> "Unable to find: checkstyle-suppressions.xml", change the path to be an absolute path) * Click OK
- Add a new property
- Set as Default: 'Docuteam Checkstyle'
- Clear checkstyle cache by pressing the yellow refresh button on the top right, if anything chages in the checkstyle profile
- Right click your project; select Properties → Checkstyle
- Select the tab 'Main'
- Select "Docuteam Checkstyle" from the drop down
- Click OK
- Right click your project; select Checkstyle > Clear checkstyle violations
- Right click your project; select Checkstyle > Check Code with checkstyle
- Test: Edit a java file. Place a curly brace on a line by itself.
- The line of code should get highlighted in red.
Configure convetions for variable names:
- Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style
- Check "Use 'is' prefix for getters that return boolean"
- Check "Add '@Override' annotation for new overriding methods"
- Click on "Apply"
Import clean up configuration:
- Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Clean Up; click on 'Import...'
- Select the file
- Select the file
- Make sure, that the active profile is 'Fedora (adapted by Docuteam)'
- Make sure, that the the checkbox 'Show profile selection dialog for the 'Source > Clean Up'' action is unchecked
- Click on 'Apply'
Import formatting configuration:
- Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter; click on 'Import...'
- Select the file
- Select the file
- Make sure, that the active profile is 'Fedora (adapted by Docuteam)'
- Click on 'Apply'
Import code templates:
- Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Code Templates; click on 'Import...'
- Select the file
- Select the file
- Click on 'Apply'
Import import order configuration:
- Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Organize Imports; click on 'Import...'
- Select the file
- Select the file
- Click on 'Apply'
Instructions adapted from:
- Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Save Actions
- Check "Perform the selected actions on save"
- Check "Format source code" and select "Format edited lines" only
- Check "Organize imports"
- Check "Additional actions"
- Click on "Configure..."
- Select tab "Code Organizing"
- Check "Remove trailing whitespace" and select "All lines"
- Check "Correct indentation"
- Select tab "Code Style"
- Check "Use blocks in if/while/for/do statements" and select "Always"
- Check "Use modifier 'final' where possible" and select "Private Fields" and "Local variable"
- Check "Remove unused imports"
- Select tab "Missing Code"
- Check "Add missing Annotations" and select "@Override"
- Select tab "Unnecessary Code"
- Check "Remove unused imports"
- Select tab "Code Organizing"
- Click on "Configure..."
Instructions adapted from:
These steps should be performed after every update to build-tools/checkstyle.xml
- Window > Preferences > Checkstyle
- Clear checkstyle cache by pressing the yellow refresh button on the top right, if anything chages in the checkstyle profile
- Update the Formatter-Profile according to next section
These steps only have to be performed if the checkstyle configuration has changed and the Formatter-Profile needs to be updated as well.
To format you must generate a formatter style following the steps here. It seems impossible to force eclipse to use braces on sinle-line if statement
- Right-click on your project in the Package view (cosmos); select Checkstyle > Create Formatter-Profile.
- Export the create Formatter-Profile to eclipse-conf (replace the old files)
- Update the Editor settings according to eclipse-conf/README.txt