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In the ScrambleDB system for oblivious data pseudonymization, one party serves as an relay for batches of encrypted values intended to reach a third party. It is required that the outgoing ciphertexts cannot be linked to the incoming ciphertexts by an outside (unprivileged) observer, i.e. it should be infeasible to tell whether a given part of the outgoing batch encrypts the same value as some part of the incoming batch.

One possiblity to realize this would be decryption and re-encryption of the ciphertext at the relay using fresh nonces. This will result in fresh, unlinkable ciphertexts. However, it requires the relay to be able to decrypt incoming messages. In ScrambleDB at least, the relay should stay oblivious to the encrypted data it relays, ruling out this approach.

There are several public key encryptions schemes which can realize this functionality instead via the ability to rerandomize ciphertexts in a way such that rerandomization essentially samples a fresh ciphertext from the set of possible ciphertexts encrypting the given message. Because of the underlying ciphertext-indistinguishability of these encryption schemes a freshly sampled encryption of a message is indistinguishable from an encryption of any other incoming message. Examples for such schemes include the ElGamal and Pallier public key encryption systems.

In practice, public key encryption is often used in a hybrid fashion such that the bulk of the content is encrypted using fast symmetric encryption using a PKE-encapsulated shared secret. A straightforward adaptation of the rerandomization approach is not possible in the hybrid setting, since the ciphertext as a whole does not offer the algebraic structure that is fundamentally necessary to this approach.

To address the issues outlined above we propose double hybrid public key encryption as a solution to practical, rerandomizable encryption of arbitrary data. In short, in out proposal a ciphertext is transformed into a new ciphertext, such that the new ciphertext should be indistinguishable from a analogously transformed different original ciphertext. See [Security Notion] for further details on the desired properties.

Conventions and Definitions

In addition to the conventions and requirements for HPKE we define a third party beside Sender (S) and Receiver (R), namely the Relay (X).

Double HPKE Mode

We define an additional HPKE Mode identifier mode_double with value 0x04.

Ciphertext Levels

We consider two levels of ciphertexts:

  • Level-1 ciphertexts are the result of encrypting the message once towards the receiver using a sender encryptiion context as specified below.
  • Level-2 ciphertexts are the result of encrypting a level-1 ciphertext one more time using a relay encryption context as specified below.

Which level a ciphertext is does not need to be hidden. In fact we require the following function to determine what level a ciphertext is at:

def ct_level(ct):
    if ct is a level-1 ciphertext:
        return 1
    if ct is a level-2 ciphertext:
        return 2

Double HPKE

For simplicity we define our double encryption extension only for the basic case of encryption to a public key. Encryption based on a pre-shared key (PSK) as well as authenticated encryption using either just an asymmetric key or an asymmetric key and PSK are left unspecified.

Three Party Encryption Context

The sender can create its encryption context in the same way as in standard HPKE:

def SetupDoubleS(pkR, info):
    shared_secret, enc = Encap(pkR)
    return enc, KeySchedule(mode_double, shared_secret, info,
                            default_psk, default_psk_id)

For the relay, context generation is the same as for the sender

def SetupDoubleX(pkR, info):
    shared_secret, enc = Encap(pkR)
    return enc, KeySchedule(mode_double, shared_secret, info,
                            default_psk, default_psk_id)

The receiver has to keep track of both key schedules now:

def SetupDoubleR(encS, encX, skR, info):
    shared_secret_S = Decap(encS, skR)
    shared_secret_X = Decap(encX, skR)

    key_schedule_S = KeySchedule(mode_double, shared_secret_S, info,
                            default_psk, default_psk_id)

    key_schedule_R = KeySchedule(mode_double, shared_secret_R, info,
                            default_psk, default_psk_id)

    return (key_schedule_S, key_schedule_R)

Encryption, Double Encryption and Decryption

Creation of level-1 ciphertexts, i.e. regular encryption, from sender to receiver is exactly the same as in standard HPKE:

def ContextS.Seal(aad, pt):
    ct = Seal(self.key, self.ComputeNonce(self.seq), aad, pt)
    return ct

Level-2 ciphertexts are created by encrypting a level-1 ciphertext one more time using the relays encryption context:

def ContextX.ReSeal(aad, ct):
    if ct_level(ct) != 1:
        raise InvalidParameters
    cct = Seal(self.key, self.ComputeNonce(self.seq), aad, ct)
    return cct

Decryption is only defined on level-2 ciphertexts:

def ContextR.Open(aad, cct):
    if ct_level(cct) != 2:
        raise InvalidParameters
    ct = Open(self.key, self.ComputeNonce(self.seq), aad, cct)
    pt = Open(self.key, self.ComputeNonce(self.seq), aad, ct)
    if pt == OpenError:
      raise OpenError
    return pt

Single-Shot Double HPKE

HPKE Double encryption can already be implemented using the single-shot basic mode API provided by standard HPKE. We specify the following serialization/deserialization scheme for HPKE ciphertexts:

    def SerializeHPKECt(enc, ct):
        return I2OSP(len(enc), 4) || I2OSP(len(ct), 4) || enc || ct
    def DeserializeHPKECt(bytes):
        len_enc = OS2IP(bytes[0..4])
        len_ct = OS2IP(bytes[4..8])
        return (enc = bytes[8..8 + len_enc], ct = bytes [8 + len_enc ... 8 + len_enc + len_ct])

Level-1 Encryption

    def SealDouble(pkR, info, aad, pt, ...):
        enc, ct = SealBase(pkR, info, aad, ptxt, ...)
        hpke_serialized = SerializeHPKECt(enc,ct)
        return hpke_serialized

Level-2 Encryption

    def ReSealDouble(pkR, info, aad, hpke_serialized, ...):
        enc, ct = SealBase(pkR, info, aad, hpke_serialized, ...)
        return (enc, ct)


    def OpenDouble(enc, skR, info-1, aad-1, info-2, aad-2, ct, ...):
        hpke_serialized = OpenBase(enc, skR, info-2, aad-2, ct, ...)
        (enc_inner, ct_inner) = DeserializeHPKECt(hpke_serialized)
        pt = OpenBase(enc_inner, skR, info-1, aad-1, ct_inner, ...)
        return pt

Security Notions

In conventional game-based fashion, we define the desired indistinguishability property as follows:

Suppose we have access to honestly generated encryption / decryption context ContextX and recipient encryption key pkR. We define the following oracles.

def LevelTwoEncrypt(ct):
    if ct_level(ct) != 1:
    return ContextX.ReSeal(ct)

Given access to the oracles above we require that an adversary has at most negligible chance of success (result: true) in the following game:

def IND-ReSeal():
    Generate ContextX, ContextR
    (ct_0, ct_1) = Adversary("choose", pkR)
    for i in {0,1}:
        if ct_level(ct_i) != 1:
            return false
        cct_i = ContextX.ReSeal(m_i)
     b = random_bit()
     b_guess = Adversary("guess", cct_b)
     return b == b_guess

Note that the adversary provides the level-one ciphertexts.