file is optional, you can run aela
node without aconfig.json
Just modify the ActiveNet
parameter in the config.json
"Configuration": {
"ActiveNet": "testnet"
Default config for testnet
- Peer-to-Peer network connect to ELA
"Configuration": {
"ActiveNet": "mainnet", // Network type. Choices: mainnet testnet and regnet
"Magic": 2017001, // Magic Number:Segregation for different subnet. No matter the port number, as long as the magic number not matching, nodes cannot talk to each others
"DNSSeeds": [ // DNSSeeds. DNSSeeds defines a list of DNS seeds for the network that are used to discover peers.
"DisableDNS": false, // DisableDNS. Disable the DNS seeding function.
"PermanentPeers": [ // PermanentPeers. Other nodes will look up this seed list to connect to any of those seed in order to get all nodes addresses, if lost connection will try to connect again
"HttpInfoPort": 20333, // Local web portal port number. User can go to to access the web UI
"HttpInfoStart": true, // Whether to enable the HTTPInfo service
"HttpRestPort": 20334, // Restful port number
"HttpRestStart": true, // Whether to enable the REST service
"HttpWsPort": 20335, // Websocket port number
"HttpWsStart": true, // Whether to enable the WebSocket service
"HttpJsonPort": 20336, // RPC port number
"EnableRPC": true, // Enable the RPC service
"NodePort": 20338, // P2P port number
"PrintLevel": 0, // Log level. Level 0 is the highest, 5 is the lowest
"MaxLogsSize": 0, // Max total logs size in MB
"MaxPerLogSize": 0, // Max per log file size in MB
"MinCrossChainTxFee": 10000, // Minimal cross-chain transaction fee
"PowConfiguration": {
"PayToAddr": "", // Pay bonus to this address. Cannot be empty if AutoMining set to "true"
"AutoMining": true, // Start mining automatically? true or false
"MinerInfo": "ELA", // No need to change
"MinTxFee": 100, // Minimal mining fee
"InstantBlock": false // false: high difficulty to mine block true: low difficulty to mine block
"RpcConfiguration": {
"User": "ElaUser", // Check the username when use rpc interface, null will not check
"Pass": "Ela123", // Check the password when use rpc interface, null will not check
"WhiteIPList": [ // Check if ip in list when use rpc interface, "" will not check
"DPoSConfiguration": {
"EnableArbiter": false, // EnableArbiter enables the arbiter service.
"Magic": 2019000, // The magic number of DPoS network
"IPAddress": "", // The public network IP address of the node.
"DPoSPort": 20339, // The node prot of DPoS network
"SignTolerance": 5, // The time interval of consensus in seconds
"OriginArbiters": [ // The publickey list of arbiters before CRCOnlyDPOSHeight
"CRCArbiters": [ // The crc arbiters after CRCOnlyDPOSHeight
"NormalArbitratorsCount": 24, // The count of voted arbiters
"CandidatesCount": 72, // The count of candidates
"EmergencyInactivePenalty": 50000000000, // EmergencyInactivePenalty defines the penalty amount the emergency producer takes.
"MaxInactiveRounds": 1440, // MaxInactiveRounds defines the maximum inactive rounds before producer takes penalty.
"InactivePenalty": 10000000000, // InactivePenalty defines the penalty amount the producer takes.
"PreConnectOffset": 360 // PreConnectOffset defines the offset blocks to pre-connect to the block producers.
"CRConfiguration": {
"MemberCount": 12, // The count of CR committee members
"VotingPeriod": 21600, // CRVotingStartHeight defines the height of CR voting started
"DutyPeriod": 262800 // CRDutyPeriod defines the duration of a normal duty period which measured by block height
"CheckAddressHeight": 88812, //Before the height will not check that if address is ela address
"VoteStartHeight": 88812, //Starting height of statistical voting
"CRCOnlyDPOSHeight": 1008812, //The height start DPOS by CRC producers
"PublicDPOSHeight": 1108812, //The height start DPOS by CRCProducers and voted producers
"CRVotingStartHeight": 1800000,// CRVotingStartHeight defines the height of CR voting started
"CRCommitteeStartHeight": 2000000, // CRCommitteeStartHeight defines the height of CR Committee started
"EnableActivateIllegalHeight": 439000, //The start height to enable activate illegal producer though activate tx
"EnableUtxoDB": true //Whether the db is enabled to store the UTXO