Note: Openshift uses a quite old version of Node by default. We strongly recommend updating your Node version. Here's a helpful article.
Deploying to OpenShift can be done in just a few steps:
yo angular-fullstack:openshift
A live application URL will be available in the output.
If you're using any oAuth strategies, you must set environment variables for your selected oAuth. For example, if we're using Facebook oAuth we would do this :
rhc set-env FACEBOOK_ID=id -a my-openshift-app rhc set-env FACEBOOK_SECRET=secret -a my-openshift-app
You will also need to set
environment variable:rhc set-env DOMAIN=<your-openshift-app-name>.rhcloud.com # or (if you're using it): rhc set-env DOMAIN=<your-custom-domain>
After you've set the required environment variables, restart the server:
rhc app-restart -a my-openshift-app
To make your deployment process easier consider using grunt-build-control.
Pushing Updates
gulp build
Commit and push the resulting build, located in your dist folder:
gulp buildcontrol:openshift