If you want to get work done remotely then here is how you login to the crew network.
Notice: This will change with v2 of the Crew Network which will be built soon
We are going to use a SOCKS proxy to proxy all your traffic though to the crew network. This is similar to a VPN but instead of using a VPN Client we are using SSH.
To automatically connect and disconnect the SOCKS proxy use this script
networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate Wi-Fi on
ssh -D <rand int 8000 - 65535> <ccis username>@alpha.ccs.neu.edu
networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate Wi-Fi off
You can place it in you home directory (~) and name it something like crew.sh
Make it executable chmod +x ~/crew.sh
To connect: sudo ~/crew.sh
The benefit of this method is that it will automatically disable the SOCKS proxy if the SSH tunnel dies (you closed your computer without logging out)
I would add my ssh key to Alpha so that I don’t have to enter my password each time and so that you are more secure then run
sudo cp -r /Users/<local user account>/.ssh /var/root/.ssh
You can also add crew.sh to your PATH but I will leave that up to you
You can also modify your sudo config to not require a password for the crew script
To connect manually, open terminal and type the following command replacing the bracketed text with your info:
# ssh -D <rand int 8000 - 65535> <ccis username>@alpha.ccs.neu.edu
- Then go to System Preferences > Network > (Your active internet connection)
- Click the
button then go to theProxies
Tab - Check
and underSOCKS Proxy Server
and the port number you chose before in the two boxes - Click
Congratulations! You are now tunneling all your traffic through ALPHA and you can access the crew network.