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Web View Wrapper for Rave by Flutterwave(

A web view wrapper for Flutterwave Rave payment gateway with support for React Native v0.60 and doesn't require any react native linking.

This package allows you plug-in Rave's payment gateway directly into your react native application and start accepting payment immediately.

This package copies a similar loading design to that of Rave, which makes transistion to Rave's website less noticeable. This package also offers a cancel button, so one can easily cancel if Rave takes a long time to load its content (the onCancel props event is called when this happens).


@react-native-community/cli react-native
^1.0.0 ^0.59.0

Integrating Rave React Native

You can pull in @creativejoe007/react-native-rave-webview into app with the steps below;

  • Change directory into your current project directory from your terminal and enter this command:

    npm install @creativejoe007/react-native-rave-webview --save


1. import Rave Component

import {RaveWebView} from '@creativejoe007/react-native-rave-webview';

2. Set your success, failure and close methods

constructor(props) {


  onSuccess(data) {
    console.log("success", data);
    // You get the complete response returned from FlutterWave,
    // just incase you need more than the reference number


  onCancel() {
    console.log("error", 'Transaction was Cancelled!');

  onError() {
    //an error occoured


3. Use component (ensure to set currency for the desired payment method to display)

 render() {
     return (
        <View  style={styles.container}>
            customerEmail={"[email protected]"}
            billingEmail="[email protected] (optional)"
            billingMobile="08114089344 (optional)"
            billingName="Martins Joseph (optional but advised)"
            onError={() => { alert('something went wrong') }}


all React-Native-rave-WebView API

Name use/description default
active Should modal box be rendered false
currency What currency are you charging in (visit: NGN
raveKey Public or Private FlutterWave Rave key(visit to get yours) null
amount Amount to be paid null
txref set TransactionRef for transaction null
ActivityIndicatorColor color of loader #f5a623
customerEmail Customer's email null
customerPhone Customer's Mobile null
billingEmail Billers email null
billingMobile Billers mobile null
billingName Billers Name null
onCancel callback function if user cancels, either while web view is loading or after loading null
onSuccess callback function if transaction was successful (it will return the entire response by Flutterwave's Rave ) null
onError callback function if an error occurred during transaction null

Everyone is welcome to create a pull request with detailed description of what it fixes, and I would ensure to test and merge.

This project is licensed under ISC license.

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