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Create Robotics

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Create Robotics is a create addon that adds robotics and their automation to Minecraft.

Players can program the robots with our own scripting-language called RoboScript, designed to be user-friendly, simple, but still powerful.

This allows the player to do many things with the robots, whether automating moving items from A to B, building a quarry, or simply using them to automate a mob grinder.

The mod adds almost infinite ways to automate with the robots!

For help with RoboScript you can look here.

New Version of RoboScript concept, currently being worked on

Variable Declaration

Variables can be declared using the var keyword, initialized with an = following the name and an expression afterwards, and new to RoboScript, can be set to a specific type.

var my_variable; // declare variable with the default 'any?' type; allowed to be null
var my_variable: any = 0; // redeclare my_variable; not allowed to be null and must be defined
var my_number: number; // variable can only be set to numbers; starts at 0
var my_string: string; // variable can only be set to string; starts at ""
var my_string: bool; // variables can only be set to true or false; starts at false

var redstone_detector: RedstoneDetector; // it even works for classes! (classes must be defined beforehand)

Note: Declaring a type does not currently improve the speed of your program, it only helps with catching possible runtime errors in the compiler.

Type safety

Using strict types in RoboScript is essentially a yes or no choice, as the compiler is very strict with how types are used and because type safety is entirely compiler based, an as keyword or typecasting does not exist.

Null safety

Variables by default cannot be null, and the compiler will throw an error if it encounters a variable may be null. Placing a ? in front of the variables type will allow it to be null.

var my_nullable_number: number? = null;
var my_number: number = null; // ERROR: Variable my_number is a non-null 'number' type.

If Statements

An if statement can be created with this simple syntax:

if cash >= 15 {
	println("Can afford.");
} else {
	println("Cannot afford, sorry.");

if/else statements can be chained together:

if cash >= 30 {
	println("Can afford more than two.");
} elif cash >= 15 { // 'elif' can also be replaced with 'else if'
	println("Can afford one.");
} else {
	println("Cannot afford any, sorry.");

While Statements

A while statement can be created exactly like an if statement, except they cannot have else blocks.

while cash >= 15 {
	cash -= 15; // continues to loop until cash is less than 15

Loop Statements

A loop statement simply loops the inside of itself forever, until it is stopped by either a return or a break.

loop {
	if detect_block(Directions::NORTH).id == "obsidian" { break; }

Iterable Types

Here are all the iterable types in RoboScript, that can be used in things like for loops. Some iterable types can be indexed using [] too.

var my_range: range = 0..3; // cannot be indexed; 0, 1, 2
var my_exact_range: range = 0..=3; // 0, 1, 2, 3
var my_list: list = [0,1,2]; // can be indexed; my_list[0] == 0
var my_string: string = "Hi!"; // can be indexed; my_string[0] == "H"

For Statements

A for statement loops over elements in an iterable type or a range of integers.

for character in "Hello World" {
	println(character); // prints Hello World with a new line in between each character

for index in 0..10 {
	println(index); // prints the numbers 0-9


A function can be defined with the func keyword, and can be called using parenthesis.

func characters(): ? {
	for i in ord(" ")..=ord("~") {
		print(chr(i)); // prints every typeable character using ASCII without line breaks

characters(); // calls the characters function

Note: The ? type when defining functions simply means the function is void, and will always return null.

Functions are also objects, which means you can pass them in as arguments for functions and variables.

func add(supplier: () -> number): number {
	return supplier() + 1;

more to be added ...