Cosmology with Wide-separation, relAtivistic and Primordial non-Gaussian contibutions.
CosmoWAP is an effort to provide a (hopefully) self consistent framework to compute contribtuions within standard peturbation theory to the fourier power spectrum and bispectrum including wide-separation and relatvisitic effects as well as Primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG). These expression can be very cumbersome and it can be tricky to check for consistency in the community and so hopefully this code should be useful in that regard.
CosmoWAP is a Python package to analyse the power spectra and bispectra but the analytical expressions themselves are computed analytically in Mathematica using routines which are publicly avalable at MathWAP and then exported as .py files. therefore the main functionality of CosmoWAP is to take these expressions and implement them for a given cosmology (from CLASS) and set of survey parameters.
For full Documentation - In progress...
Lanch binder notebook example:
pip install cosmowap
classy (CLASS python wrapper) is necessecary to fully use CosmoWAP.
CosmoWAP computes redshift spadce expressions for the 3D Fourier power spectrum (and it's multipoles with multi-tracer capabilites) as well as the bispectrum (with Sccoccimarro spherical harmonic multipoles), it also can be used for:
- Wide separation (WS) effects (i.e. wide angle and radial redshift contributions) up to second order in the WS expansion
- Relativistic (GR) effects (including projection and dynamical effects) up to
- Primordial non-Gaussian (PNG) contribution for local, equilateral and orthogonal types (in progress)
- Gaussian covariances along with routines for Fisher and SNR analyses (in progress)
- Inclusion of Finger-of-God damping
Based on work in arXiv:2407.00168
Also for PNG stuff please refer too: arXiv:24xx.xxxx
Feel free to edit or just take any part that may be useful but please refer to: arXiv:2407.00168
If you find any bugs, errors or have any suggestions feel free to get in touch :) -