- Feature: Improved parameter display and validation for "Teamscale Findings" ATC check
- Feature: Export of ABAP language version and release contract
- Fix: Coverage for modifications in ABAP code was not exported
- Fix: Too many ABAP Dictionary objects were exported
- Breaking: Requires SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.40 SP2 or later
- Fix: Object metadata was sometimes wrong
- Feature: Filter findings by last active transport request
- Fix: SAP Code Inspector findings were missing
- Fix: SAP Code Inspector findings had wrong code locations
- Fix: Error message was misleading in case of Teamscale connection issues
- Feature: Extraction of ABAP object metadata
- Feature: Extraction of ABAP CDS (Core Data Services) objects
- Fix: Unrelated findings were shown in transport request checks
- Fix: DDIC Table export returned no source code on SAP HANA systems
- Fix: Links for function groups in ATC were wrong
- Fix: Default role
adds a new authorization object required for use with SAP JCo 3.1 and later - Fix: SCI findings messages started with "Uncategorized" in some cases
- Fix: Wrong (outdated) transport request were used for commit message in some cases
- Fix: Teamscale service log contained unnecessary entries when using SE80/SCI integration
- Feature: Aggregate findings and test gaps for transport requests and tasks
- Fix: Wrong transport messages were used for code changes
- Fix: Correct error messges on fetching Teamscale findings via code inspector
- Feature: Support for coverage generated by ABAPUnit
- Feature: Option to suppress dialog window in transport request checks, if there are no findings
- Fix: Export with option "include full path information" enabled could terminate on some systems
- Feature: Support for Test Impact Analyis of ABAP code for manual executed tests, requires Teamscale Server v6.5.4 or later.
- Fix: Missing check group names in Teamscale Code Inspector integration
- Fix: ABAP full batch export blocks incremental exports
- Fix: Low performance of database access to read object meta data
- Fix: Avoid deadlocks due to database locks
- Fix: Dumps in case of assertion violation in CL_TYPE_GATHERER
- Fix: Wrong transport info in commit message
- Feature: Plug-in for SAP updates ABAP code in Teamscale on check request (e.g. triggered from ATC, SE80, Code Inspector, Transport System) to include findings for most recent changes, requires Teamscale Server v5.7.3 or later.
- Feature: Package hierarchy can be exported for all objects. This is used in architecture analysis to identify dependencies to 3rd-party-types (e.g. objects in SAP standard) on package level, requires Teamscale Server v5.7.0 or later.
- Feature: Asynchronous full exports can be scheduled as batch exports. This is the default for asynchronous exports and prevents time-outs occurring in jobs scheduled as background RFC job (bgRFC), requires Teamscale Server v5.7.0 or later.
- Improvement: Updated default role definition for Teamscale RFC user to also include authorization to schedule/release batch jobs (required for asynchronous full exports as batch jobs)
- Improvement: SAP version is included in exporter log file
- Fix: Missing dependencies to types specified in ABAP type groups
- Fix: Warnings in Teamscale worker log about files of modifications which cannot be deleted
- Fix: Failing Code Inspector check for unsupported object types
- Fix: Mal-formatted UXX include of function groups may cause an
- Fix: Finding retrieval for central ATC systems (Requires Teamscale 5.2.1)
- Fix: Unmodified includes of modified standard function groups were exported in full export, but all function modules where reported as deleted in incremental export
- Improvement: Improved ABAP code to avoid possible security findings
- Improvement: Group Teamscale data by SAP transport request
- Improvement: Export ABAP Dictionary Objects for Architecture Analysis
- Fix: Importing full ABAP export fails due to duplicated function group include
- Fix: Inconsistent ABAP function groups may cause termination of ABAP export
- Improvement: Errors and warnings during ABAP export are copied to Teamscale worker logging
- Improvement: RFC function to unlock export history vis Teamscale service clear-abap-history-id-lock
- Fix: Missing coverage export if option "Include code coverage data in incremental exports, regardless of code changes" is specified
- Fix: Show error in Teamscale if export history id. is locked in SAP system
- Feature: Full exports from the SAP system can now be scheduled asynchronously by using background RFC calls, requires Teamscale 4.7 or later.
To use this feature, it is required that background RFC is configured accordingly in the SAP system (transactionSBGRFCCONF
, see user guide section ...). Furthermore the SAP user for Teamscale must be additionally authorized to execute function modulesBGRFC_CHECK_UNIT_STATE_SERVER
. The default role configuration (in transport CQRK900046) is updated to match the new requirements. - Improvement: The new default role definition (transport CQRK900046) for the SAP user is more restrictive, besides function group
only access to the specific function modules of SAP base system, which are required for RFC communication, are allowed.
- Fix: Findings for ABAP where not shown in the Code Inspector check for displaying Teamscale findings, also the findings were not shown in SE80 or on transport release.
- Fix: When exporting code generated from BW objects, transformations were missing in v18.05
- Fix: SCOV status files for monitoring also in incremental exports
- Improvement: Better logging in some error cases