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Malíček provides a REST interface for Alí

An experimental, toy middle layer that serves as an abstraction of Alík's features. Currently limited to chat.

Due to Alík's limitations, this service is inherently unsafe and using a public instance is not recommended. See below for details.


Malíček sits between the user and Alík, translating REST requests into standard Alík web page requests, munching the responses and presenting them in machine-friendly, lightweight JSON.

Since Alík does not provide authentication methods for third parties, Malíček needs to handle the user's username and password directly, passing it through and holding the session cookies. In turn, Malíček issues its own session cookies for the REST interface. The API is documented below. Both request and response bodies must be in JSON.

No actions are performed automatically on the user's behalf. Each REST request directly translates into a synchronous Alík request.

The code relies heavily on regular expressions for parsing Alík's responses. Unfortunately, this is necessary as the responses are often broken, invalid HTML. The parsing code is therefore very fragile and needs to be updated whenever Alík changes. Fortunately that doesn't happen very frequently.


Reponses are in JSON, request bodies must also be in JSON.


Returns 200 for authenticated sessions, 401 otherwise.

  "app": "malicek",
  "version": "0.1.12",
  "agent": "Malicek/v0.1.12",
  "state": true

Provides the app identification, its name, version, its User-Agent string, and whether the session is active or not.

POST /login

Creates a session with the following request:

  "user": "username",
  "pass": "p4s5w0rd"

Redirects to /.

GET /logout

Destroys the session. Redirects to /.

GET /status

Provides generic user status information:

  • Whether they have any in-mail.
  • How many users are currently online.
  • Their points balance (kačky).
  "mail": 3,
  "people": 42,
  "cash": 120031

Unauthenticated sessions get redirected to /.

GET /rooms

Provides a list of currently available rooms and their users.

    "id": "alik",
    "name": "Alík",
    "users": [],
    "allowed": "all"
    "id": "tajny-stul",
    "name": "Tajný stůl!",
    "users": [
        "link": "foo",
        "name": "FoO",
        "sex": "unisex",
        "admin": [
        "link": "bar",
        "name": "bar",
        "sex": "girl",
        "admin": []
    "allowed": "friends"

allowed can be either all, friends, girls or boys.

sex can be either boy, girl or unisex.

admin is currently either an empty list or a list containing a single item, admin.

Unauthenticated sessions get redirected to /.

GET /rooms/<id>

Gets the list of curently visible messages in the selected room. Joins the room on the first request (although see the Shortcomings section).

A detailed list of users in the room is also provided.

  "name": "Super stůl",
  "topic": "Stůl o všem a pro všechny",
  "creator": "FoO",
  "allowed": "all",
  "users": [
      "id": null,
      "name": "contyk",
      "link": "contyk",
      "since": "4:44",
      "last": "4:44",
      "admin": [],
      "sex": "boy",
      "age": 415
  "messages": [
      "nick": "contyk",
      "color": "#424242",
      "message": "Hmmm...",
      "avatar": "",
      "time": "04:56:35",
      "private": [],
      "type": "chat",
      "event": null
      "nick": null,
      "color": null,
      "message": "Kamarád contyk si přisedl ke stolu.",
      "avatar": null,
      "time": "04:44:00",
      "private": [],
      "type": "system",
      "event": {
        "type": "join",
        "source": "contyk",
        "target": null

User id is null for self, otherwise it's the numerical system ID, usable for private messaging.

Messages are sorted by the most recent first.

Message time can be null if timestamps are disabled.

Message avatar can be null if avatars are disabled or in the case of system messages.

Message color can be a bogus (but valid) value if colors are disabled, or null for system messages.

private contains a list of nicks the message is intended for. If empty, the message is public.

Messages with null as the private recipient are filtered out. These can be used for keepalive messages.

For message of type system, event may contain additional data about the message. Currently supported types include join, part, kick, oper, clear, lock and unlock. Most set the source, kick sets the target.

Room settings can also be queried with ?query=settings.

  "color": "#424242",
  "refresh": 5,
  "highlight": true,
  "colors": true,
  "system": true,
  "time": true,
  "avatars": true

Own's message color is represented by color. refresh is the number of seconds between Alík's own refreshes. highlight highlights one's name on Alík, colors toggles whether other users' colors are shown, system toggles whether system messages are shown, time toggles whether timestamps are shown, and avatars toggles the visibility of user avatars in messages.

Unauthenticated sessions get redirected to /.

POST /rooms/<id>

Sends a message or leaves the selected room.

To post a message:

  "action": "post",
  "to": 0,
  "message": "Test message",
  "color": "#424242"

Where message is the message to send, color is the message color, and to is the recipient of the message as their numerical ID. A special value of 0 means the message is public. Negative values send broken messages, potentially useful for keepalive.

To leave the room:

  "action": "leave"

Redirects to /rooms/<id> with post or /rooms with leave.

Unauthenticated sessions get redirected to /.

GET /games/<game>

Gets the status of a supported game. Currently only Lednička is supported.

Unauthenticated sessions get redirected to /.


  "active": 1,
  "defrost": 0,
  "total": 0,
  "additions": [
      "who": "contyk",
      "when": "18. listopadu v 4:41:12",
      "amount": 6,
      "method": "hodem"

Where active deontes whether the user may play, defrost whether that method is available, total holds the turn result after POST (see below), and additions is a list of up to 50 last turns from all the users.

additions timestamps and methods are raw and generally in Czech.

POST /games/<game>

Takes an action in a supported game. Currently only Lednička is supported.

Unauthenticated sessions get redirected to /.


Attempts to play a turn in Lednička. Expects no request body. The method can be specified as an optional query parameter, e.g. ?method=k.

Methods are passed directly to Alík. Currently supported methods include 1, h, m, M, d, k, c, r and o.

If no method is specified, Malíček will choose a method with the highest potential yield automatically.

Redirects to /games/lednicka.

GET /app/<file>

Serves a file from the public directory.

If malicek.tar.gz is requested and the file doesn't exist or is older than any of the currently used source files, Malíček creates a gzip'd tarball of itself and serves that file.


A very simple web client, suitable for handheld devices, is bundled; see the Deployment section for how to access it.

Additionally, a proof-of-concept curses-based client can be found in public/

An IRC gateway client, mlck, is also available.

Testing can be done directly with CUrl or any similar tool. See the Testing section below for further information.


Due to Alík's chat design, it is impossible to join a room where you already are without a valid chat cookie. A simple workaround lies in joining a different room to obtain the said chat cookie, leave, and join the original room. As an automatic workaround, Malíček attempts to leave every room before joining if it doesn't have a chat cookie already.

Additionally Alík doesn't let users directly know when they've been kicked out or have idled out. Malíček could support additional workarounds to detect these situations but currently does not.

Room admin features are currently unsupported.


The provided can be used for simple GET tests. Login information must be provided in ~/.malicek via user and pass variables. curl and jq must be installed.

echo user=foo > ~/.malicek
echo pass=password >> ~/.malicek
./ rooms
./ games/lednicka
./ logout

A Containerfile is provided to build a local container to assist with this if you cannot run Malíček directly. Furthermore, a a Makefile is provided to make the container process easier.

make build
make start
make stop
make clean


Malíček is written in Perl and has several module dependencies:

  • perl 5.16 or later
  • Archive::Tar
  • Dancer2
  • File::stat
  • File::Temp
  • HTML::Entities
  • HTTP::Cookies
  • LWP::UserAgent

Dancer2 must support JSON serialization and Simple session caches.

Simple endpoint

To run a simple endpoint, run Malíček directly and connect to port 3000:


With the web application interface

To provide the bundled web application and TLS support (recommended), configure a forward proxy that maps / requests to /app/, and /api/ requests to /.

An example Nginx configuration snippet.

server {
  port_in_redirect off;
  location /api/ {
    proxy_redirect / $scheme://$host/api/;
    proxy_set_header Host malicek;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwaded_for;
  location / {
    proxy_set_header Host malicek;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwaded_for;


Petr Šabata, 2019-2023

Code licensed under MIT/X. See public/LICENSE.txt for details.

Additionally, the public/favicon.png image is a glyph from the Noto Emoji typeface, distributed under SIL Open Font License by Google.