description |
Creates a new workflow definition resource. |
Creates a new workflow definition resource.
POST /api/management/projects/{projectId}/workflow/definitions/
N.B. A custom workflow definition must be published before it can be assigned to a content type.
Name | Parameter type | Type | Format | Description |
projectId | path | string | The project identifier, e.g. "movieDb". Found in the project overview screen of the management console. |
POST: /api/management/projects/movieDb/workflow/definitions/
"id": "approvalWorkflow",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Approval workflow"
"description": {
"en-GB": "The default workflow for entries with approval"
"states": [{
"id": "draft",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Draft"
"entryActions": [],
"events": [{
"id": "sysUpdate",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Save"
"description": {},
"transitionTo": null,
"exitActions": null,
"color": "blue",
"groupId": "save",
"uiAction": "none",
"parameters": []
}, {
"id": "submit",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Send for approval"
"description": {
"en-GB": "Send the entry for approval"
"transitionTo": "awaitingApproval",
"exitActions": [{
"invokeAction": "validateEntry"
"color": "blue",
"groupId": "submitRevoke",
"uiAction": "navigateToEntryListing",
"parameters": [{
"id": "message",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Add an optional message for the approver"
"dataType": "string",
"dataFormat": null,
"description": {
"en-GB": "The message included with the entry submission"
"default": null,
"validations": {},
"editor": {
"id": "multiline",
"instructions": {
"en-GB": "Optionally include a message to let an approver understand your changes"
"properties": null
}, {
"id": "sysDelete",
"name": {},
"description": {},
"transitionTo": null,
"exitActions": null,
"color": "blue",
"groupId": "delete",
"uiAction": "none",
"parameters": []
"color": "cyan",
"uiEditorView": "default"
}, {
"id": "awaitingApproval",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Awaiting approval"
"entryActions": [],
"events": [{
"id": "revoke",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Revoke and edit"
"description": {
"en-GB": "Revoke the entry submission"
"transitionTo": "draft",
"exitActions": [],
"color": "blue",
"groupId": "submitRevoke",
"uiAction": "none",
"parameters": []
}, {
"id": "decline",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Decline"
"description": {
"en-GB": "Decline the entry for approval"
"transitionTo": "declined",
"exitActions": [],
"color": "red",
"groupId": "approveDecline",
"uiAction": "navigateToEntryListing",
"parameters": [{
"id": "message",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Add a message to explain to the author why this content is being declined"
"dataType": "string",
"dataFormat": null,
"description": {
"en-GB": "The decline reason"
"default": null,
"validations": {
"required": {
"message": {
"en-GB": "The decline reason is required"
"editor": {
"id": "multiline",
"instructions": {
"en-GB": "Include a message to let an approver know your changes"
"properties": null
}, {
"id": "approve",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Approve"
"description": {
"en-GB": "Approve the entry changes for publishing"
"transitionTo": "versionComplete",
"exitActions": [{
"invokeAction": "publishEntry"
"color": "green",
"groupId": "approveDecline",
"uiAction": "navigateToEntryListing",
"parameters": []
}, {
"id": "sysDelete",
"name": {},
"description": {},
"transitionTo": null,
"exitActions": null,
"color": "blue",
"groupId": "delete",
"uiAction": "none",
"parameters": []
"color": "yellow",
"uiEditorView": "previousPublishedVersionCompare"
}, {
"id": "declined",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Declined"
"entryActions": [],
"events": [{
"id": "sysUpdate",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Save"
"description": {},
"transitionTo": null,
"exitActions": null,
"color": "blue",
"groupId": "save",
"uiAction": "none",
"parameters": []
}, {
"id": "sysDelete",
"name": {},
"description": {},
"transitionTo": null,
"exitActions": null,
"color": "blue",
"groupId": "delete",
"uiAction": "none",
"parameters": []
}, {
"id": "submit",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Re-submit"
"description": {
"en-GB": "Re-submit the entry for approval"
"transitionTo": "awaitingApproval",
"exitActions": [{
"invokeAction": "validateEntry"
"color": "blue",
"groupId": "submitRevoke",
"uiAction": "navigateToEntryListing",
"parameters": [{
"id": "message",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Message"
"dataType": "string",
"dataFormat": null,
"description": {
"en-GB": "The message included with the entry re-submission"
"default": null,
"validations": {},
"editor": {
"id": "multiline",
"instructions": {
"en-GB": "Include a message to let an approver understand the reasons for the re-submisson"
"properties": null
"color": "red",
"uiEditorView": "default"
}, {
"id": "versionComplete",
"name": {
"en-GB": ""
"entryActions": [],
"events": [{
"id": "sysUpdate",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Save"
"description": {},
"transitionTo": "draft",
"exitActions": null,
"color": "blue",
"groupId": "save",
"uiAction": "none",
"parameters": []
}, {
"id": "sysDelete",
"name": {},
"description": {},
"transitionTo": null,
"exitActions": null,
"color": "blue",
"groupId": "delete",
"uiAction": "none",
"parameters": []
"color": "green",
"uiEditorView": "default"
"eventGroups": [{
"id": "save",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Save"
}, {
"id": "submitRevoke",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Submit / revoke"
}, {
"id": "approveDecline",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Approve / decline"
}, {
"id": "delete",
"name": {
"en-GB": "Delete"
HTTP status code | Reason | Response model |
201 | Created | Workflow Definition |
401 | Unauthorized | Error |
404 | NotFound | Error |
409 | Conflict | Error |
422 | ValidationError | Error |
500 | InternalServerError | Error |
Type | Description |
Project does not exist | A project must exist to be able to create a workflow definition. |
Id missing | The workflow definition id must be defined. |
Non-unique id | The workflow definition id must be unique for the project. |
Maximum id length | The workflow definition id cannot be more than 25 characters long. |
Invalid id | The workflow definition id must begin with a letter and only contain alphanumeric characters. |
Name missing | The workflow definition name must be defined. |
Validations for states
Type | Description |
State id missing | The state id must be defined. |
State id non-unique | State ids must be unique for the workflow definition. |
State id maximum length | A state id cannot be more than 30 characters long. |
State id invalid | A state id must begin with a letter and only contain alphanumeric characters, and no spaces. |
State name missing | The state name must be defined. |
Validations for events
Type | Description |
Event id missing | The event id must be defined. |
Event id non-unique | Event ids must be unique for the parent state. |
Event id maximum length | An event id cannot be more than 30 characters long. |
Event id invalid | An event id must begin with a letter and only contain alphanumeric characters, and no spaces. |
Event name missing | The event name must be defined. |
Transition to state invalid | The transition to state must be a valid state id. |
Group id missing | The group id must be defined. |
Group id invalid | The group id must be a valid event group id. |
Exit action invalid | If defined, the exit action must be a valid action. |
Validations for parameters
Type | Description |
Parameter id missing | The parameter id must be defined. |
Parameter id non-unique | Parameter ids must be unique for the parent event. |
Parameter id maximum length | A parameter id cannot be more than 50 characters long. |
Parameter id invalid | A parameter id must begin with a letter and only contain alphanumeric characters, and no spaces. |
Parameter name missing | The parameter name must be defined. |
Validation invalid | If defined, the validation must be a valid validation. |
Editor invalid | If defined, the editor must be a valid editor. |
Validations for event groups
Type | Description |
Event group id missing | The event group id must be defined. |
Event group id non-unique | Event group ids must be unique for the workflow definition. |
Event group id maximum length | An event group id cannot be more than 50 characters long. |
Event group id invalid | An event group id must begin with a letter and only contain alphanumeric characters, and no spaces. |
Event group name missing | The event group name must be defined. |