description |
Status codes and error responses you can encounter when using the API. |
Status codes and error responses you can encounter when using the API.
The Delivery API returns error detail in a generic format so that it can be easily handled in a consistent way. Detailed error information is not exposed in the response to ensure security sensitive details are not leaked.
Below are the current status codes returned from the Delivery API.
Status code | Error code | Description |
400 | BadRequest | The request could not be understood or was missing required parameters |
403 | AccessDenied | The action is not authorised for the current user |
404 | NotFound | The resource was not found |
500 | ServerError | An error occurred on the server. Something went wrong processing the request |
Each response follows the same rules.
Name | Type | Format | Description |
logId | string | GUID | The logId as a 128 bit GUID. This can be used within the Contensis log search to understand further details about the error |
message | string | A description of the error | |
data | any | An object containing specific data relevant to the error | |
type | string | The type of error - for the Delivery API, this will always be error |
500 - ServerError
"logId": "63cb1df0-b82a-459e-accc-635e187f3b8b",
"message": "An error occurred requesting the entry",
"data": {
"entryId": "ba8a92bd-0e5f-465e-acec-3cdb3db38df6",
"projectId" "moveiDb"
"type": "error"