Usually we communicate about Consento on our Keybase chat. Feel free to join our public channel and ask us any questions that come to mind. You can also send us questions to [email protected]
You can also find more detailed information about Consento on our website:
If you’re looking for commercial support, find below a list of companies providing Consento development and consulting services.
We use GitHub issues to track public bugs. Please ensure your description is clear and has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue. If possible please provide a minimal demo of the problem. Please follow these steps:
- Search the issues to see if your problem has already been reported. If so, add any extra context you might have found, or at least indicate that you too are having the problem. This will help us prioritize common issues.
- If your problem is unreported, create a new issue for it.
- In your report include explicit instructions to replicate your issue.
For users who require professional support, development and consulting services, consider contacting any of the following developers or organizations, which have significantly contributed to the development of Consento:
- Georepublic:
- Martin Heidegger:
- Contact us, if you think your name is missing.