- State “TODO” from “” [2015-09-16 水 01:26]
is specified in a single object (HTML element), it should be merged in one line. e.g.
#+ATTR_HTML: :class float-right #+ATTR_HTML: :class z-index-999 ============merge============> #+ATTR_HTML: :class float-right z-index-999
Otherwise, only one class will be applied in browser!
- State “TODO” from “” [2015-01-21 水 13:23]
- State “TODO” from “” [2015-01-26 月 16:53]
- State “DONE” from “STARTED” [2015-01-18 日 21:49]
- State “STARTED” from “” [2015-01-18 日 04:55]
- [ ] Shrink the size.
- State “DONE” from “” [2015-01-19 月 01:52]
- State “DONE” from “STARTED” [2015-01-19 月 22:33]
- State “STARTED” from “” [2015-01-19 月 03:01]
- State “DONE” from “” [2015-01-19 月 22:33]
<ul> build fade <li> to-build fade
- State “DONE” from “” [2015-01-20 火 02:08]
- State “DONE” from “STARTED” [2015-01-20 火 21:20]
- State “STARTED” from “” [2015-01-20 火 02:47]
<footer class="source">
<a href="http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org4beginners.html">http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org4beginners.html</a>
- State “DONE” from “STARTED” [2015-01-24 土 06:41]
- State “STARTED” from “TODO” [2015-01-23 金 15:11]
- State “TODO” from “APPT” [2015-01-20 火 02:09]
- State “APPT” from “” [2015-01-20 火 00:00]
- State “TODO” from “” [2015-01-21 水 02:18]
- State “DONE” from “TODO” [2015-01-24 土 08:02]
- State “TODO” from “” [2015-01-21 水 02:16]
- State “DONE” from “TODO” [2015-01-26 月 16:42]
- State “TODO” from “” [2015-01-21 水 16:22]
<slide id="sec-22" class=" thank-you-slide segue nobackground" style="background-image: url(nil)">
<aside class="gdbar right"><img src="images/emacs-icon.png"></aside>
Thank You ˊ・ω・
<p class="auto-fadein" data-config-contact><article class="flexbox vleft auto-fadein" id="text-22">
<slide id="sec-8" class=" thank-you-slide segue nobackground" style="background-image: url(nil)">
<aside class="gdbar right"><img src="picts/org-mode_icon.png"></aside>
<article class="flexbox vleft auto-fadein" id="text-8">
<Thank you>
<p class="auto-fadein" data-config-contact> </p>
- State “DONE” from “TODO” [2015-02-12 木 01:39]
- State “TODO” from “” [2015-01-21 水 02:50]
We use make README.md
to generate README.md from ox-ioslide.el