- Item 1
- Item 2
- Depth 2
- Depth 2
- Third
- Third
- Item 1
- Item 2
+ Depth 2
+ Depth 2
* Third
* Third
Show one by one:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Show one by one:
#+ATTR_HTML: :class build
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Show one by one:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Show one by one:
#+ATTR_HTML: :class build fade
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- First
- Second
- Third
- Item
- Item
1. First
2. Second
3. Third
- Item
- Item
- Build me
- Build me
- Build me
- Build me
- No build
- No build
#+ATTR_HTML: :class build
- Build me
- Build me
#+ATTR_HTML: :class build
+ Build me
+ Build me
* No build
* No build
This slide has :ARTICLE: smaller
property, so has smaller content.
:ARTICLE: smaller
This slide has :ARTICLE: larger
property, so has larger content.
:ARTICLE: larger
This slide has :ARTICLE: large
property, so has large content.
:ARTICLE: larger
A source block looks like this:
(def hello-world ()
(message "hello world!"))
- Just type
in a newline, then press[TAB]
to expand to#+BEGIN_SRC ... #+END_SRC
. - Remember to specify the language name (e.g.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(def hello-world ()
(message "hello world!"))
- Press
to highlight the code. - Simply wrap the area you want with =<b> … </b>= in source block.
(defun org-ioslide-quote-block (quote-block contents info)
(let* ((parent (org-export-get-parent-headline quote-block))
(slide-prop (org-element-property :SLIDE parent))
<b>(--make-sign (function (lambda (string)
"^ *\\(ȁ[34];\\)\\(.+\\)\\(<br */>\\|\n\\)"
"<span class='float-right'>\\1\\2</span>\\3" string))))</b>)
(if (and slide-prop (string-match "segue" slide-prop))
(format "<q>\n%s</q>"
<b>(funcall --make-sign contents)</b>)
(format "<blockquote>\n%s</blockquote>"
"</span><br />\n</p>"
<b>(funcall --make-sign contents)</b>))))))
in a newline, then press [TAB]
to expand to a quote block (Use \\
to break line forcely.):
一人は真実を言うだけからヒーローになる。換言すれば、この社会は全部が嘘 している。\ If a person is treated as a hero for saying truth, that is the whole society are lying.\– 柯文哲 Wen Jei, Ko. (2014)
If a person is treated as a hero for saying truth, that is the whole
society are lying.\\
-- 柯文哲 Wen Jei, Ko. (2014)
Verse block is similar with quote’s, but it will keeps line break. Take a poem as example:
-- 辛棄疾〈青玉案〉
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 400px
Text is in white.
:FILL: images/sky.jpg
:TITLE: white
:SLIDE: white
Add a *
prefix to highlight item. e.g. * Highlight Item
Title1 | Title2 | Title2 |
Item1 | * Highlight Item | 11 |
Item2 | Shiroshime Kanata | * 25 |
Item3 | Test | 56 |
| Title1 | Title2 | Title2 |
| Item1 | * Highlight Item | 11 |
| Item2 | Shiroshime Kanata | * 25 |
| Item3 | Test | 56 |
Use C-c C-x f
to create footnotes [fn:N]
, which will be placed under a slide1:
Jump between footnotes with
C-c C-c
* Title
This is content text.[fn:1]
* Footnotes
[fn:1] Footnote is in here!
- ↓ Look here!
uses MathJax to render math formula:
$$\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}$$
By default, MathJax is installed and enabled.
If you don’t need this, just add #+USE_MATHJAX: false
in your slide file to shrink slide size.
- Press
to display speaker note. - Use
#+ATTR_HTML: :class note
before a QUOTE block, and its contents will be converted into speaker note:
#+ATTR_HTML: :class note
This is the note area for presenter.
- Item 1
- Item 2
A [[https://github.com/][link]] to Github!
This is the note area for presenter.
- Item 1
- Item 2
A link to Github!
Segue ([`segwe]) page is passing page.
:SLIDE: segue dark quote
:ASIDE: right bottom
:ARTICLE: flexbox vleft auto-fadein
Text content of Segue page will appear here.
This is what a normal QUOTE block looks like, which under a segue slide.
The second paragraph.
– Name Sign
- Pressing
highlights code snippets - Pressing
toggles speaker notes (if they’re on the current slide) - Pressing
toggles fullscreen viewing - Pressing
toggles widescreen - Pressing
toggles overview mode - Pressing
toggles off these goodies
Available properties applied separatly on each slide pages:
:SLIDE: dark segue [thank-you-slide]
:ASIDE: [left right] [top bottom]
:ARTICLE: flexbox vleft auto-fadein [smaller/larger/large]
Available options applied on the whole slide:
# Appear in cover-slide:
#+TITLE: Org-IO Slide Demo & Example
#+SUBTITLE: Here Is Subtitle
#+COMPANY: Company Name
# Appear in thank-you-slide:
#+GOOGLE_PLUS: https://plus.google.com/YOUR_ACCOUNT
#+WWW: http://your.blog.io/
#+GITHUB: http://github.com/YOUR_ACCOUNT
# Appear under each slide:
#+FAVICON: images/emacs-icon.png
#+ICON: images/org-icon.png
#+HASHTAG: Hash tag appears in here
# Google Analytics
#+ANALYTICS: UA-42122243-1
Use or disable JS packages.
# Highlight code blocks with Prettify.js
# Display math formula with MathJax.js
# MathJax is a little fat (~5 MB), set it `false` if no need to shrink the
# size of slide file
# Build list animation
#+USE_BUILDS: true
- Add the following properties to one headline:
:SLIDE: thank-you-slide segue
:ASIDE: right
:ARTICLE: flexbox vleft auto-fadein
are necessary!
1 Footnote is in here!