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324 lines (199 loc) · 10.3 KB

File metadata and controls

324 lines (199 loc) · 10.3 KB

Upgrade from 0.12 to 0.13

  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version). Keep your file node/config.local.js in place, as it's the only file having your personnal configuration.
  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't eat your dog) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • install the node mmmagic module : from the UNIX user you setup node & npm, run

    npm install mmmagic

  • restart the node 10er10 server

What changed ?

Upgrade from 0.11 to 0.12

  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version). Keep your file node/config.local.js in place, as it's the only file having your personnal configuration.
  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't eat your dog) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • restart the node 10er10 server

What changed ?

  • use CSS media queries to adapt search results width and my playlists width
  • display the time at cursor in progression bar
  • click on an artist or album in search results minified boxes to open it
  • dedicated artist page
  • dedicated album page
  • two columns layout for the "all artists" page
  • renaming of javascript files (empty your browser cache if the website don't work well)

Upgrade from 0.10 to 0.11

This upgrade main concern is the compatibility with connect 2.X.

  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version). Keep your file node/config.local.js in place, as it's the only file having your personnal configuration.

  • update your npm modules. go to node/ then issue a :

    npm update

  • check, using npm list, that your connect version is >= 2.0.0

  • restart the node 10er10 server

What changed ?

  • node minimum version is 0.6.0
  • connect minimum version is 2.0.0
  • connect-gzip npm module isn't needed anymore
  • fade time setting is now recorded per user
  • make fade work back on chrome browser

Upgrade from 0.9 to 0.10

  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version). Keep your file node/config.local.js in place, as it's the only file having your personnal configuration.
  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't eat your dog) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • restart the node 10er10 server

What changed ?

  • double-click on a song now adds the song to the playlist and starts playing the song
  • top left 10er10 logo is clickable
  • exports.library.defaultTab in config.js to select the default display when click on Catalog
  • use native gzip module when running with node >= 0.6.0 (no need for connect-gzip module then)
  • helper to explain the review number that appears next to "Personnal Space"
  • new context menus for songs (when clicking on the + icon)

Be aware

In a not so long future, 10er10 will require you to run a node.js >= 0.6.0. This is needed for the software to launch background jobs, that will allow for even more wonderfulness !

Upgrade from 0.8 to 0.9

  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version). Keep your file node/config.local.js in place, as it's the only file having your personnal configuration.
  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't eat your dog) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • restart the node 10er10 server

What changed ?

  • removed backbone.js ( so groups like Ac/dc should work back )
  • added display of albums by covers
  • use amd to load javascript
  • split library code in several amd modules

Upgrade from 0.7 to 0.8

  • install the faad command-line (use your distribution packages. For example: apt-get install faad on ubuntu)
  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version). Keep your file node/config.local.js in place, as it's the only file having your personnal configuration.
  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't eat your dog) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • install the node audiometadata module : from the UNIX user you setup node & npm, run

    npm install musicmetadata

  • restart the node 10er10 server

What changed ?

  • prettyfied albums list
  • use internal node.js library musicmetadata to decode audio tags: no more need for utrac, taginfo, metaflac.
  • get image from audio metadata
  • support mp4 encoding (.m4a files) : you need to get the faad binary executable and set its path in config.js
  • image upload now got upload feedback (using HTML5 canvas)
  • could drag'n'drop an image in the library / albums list to set an image for an entire album

Upgrade from 0.6 to 0.7

  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version). Keep your file node/config.local.js in place, as it's the only file having your personnal configuration.
  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't burn your dog) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • restart the node 10er10 server

What changed ?

  • added /etc/init.d scripts for debian & ubuntu based distros (thks abeudin)
  • new (real) REST api
  • you can choose to only display your songs : this has impact on the library, on the search and on the radio mode
  • config option allowCustomGenres disable the strict checking of songs genre
  • search results now works with infinite scrolling. UX also slightly modified
  • prepared support for node.js 0.6
  • latest songs posted now show up on frontpage

Upgrade from 0.5 to 0.6

  • backup the configuration file node/config.js, as it will be overwritten (but this will change)
  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version)
  • cd to the 10er10 root directory (the one that contains the audio, node and views folders).
  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't burn your dog) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • restart the node 10er10 server

What changed ?

  • linked informations when displaying an artist, an album or a genre
  • new configuration file to keep local settings from being overwritten : Now if you change some value, save it in the file config.local.js.
  • client-side router using backbone.js
  • playlist list autoscroll if currently playing song is not visible
  • download link is back
  • song removal

Upgrade from 0.4 to 0.5

  • backup the configuration file node/config.js, as it will be overwritten
  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version)
  • cd to the 10er10 root directory (the one that contains the audio, node and views folders).
  • run the command :

npm install node-mailer

  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't burn your dog) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • restart the node 10er10 server

What changed ?

  • invites system (needs to be configured, see the instructions in the doc folder. requires npm module node-mailer. You'll need the sendmail executable in the path of the user running the 10er10 server)
  • artist tokenizer improved

Upgrade from 0.3 to 0.4

  • backup the configuration file node/config.js, as it will be overwritten

  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version)

  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't burn your kids) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • restart the node 10er10 server

What changed ?

  • gzip encoding of the answer (requires npm module connect-gzip)
  • infinite scrolling for all listings

Upgrade from 0.2 to 0.3

  • backup the configuration file node/config.js, as it will be overwritten

  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version)

  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't eat your kids) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • restart the node 10er10 server

What changed ?

  • multi-lang capability (currently french & english)
  • playlist recording bugfix
  • graphical spectrum visualizer for FF4+

Upgrade from 0.1 to 0.2

  • backup the configuration file node/config.js, as it will be overwritten

  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version)

  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't eat your kids) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • restart the node 10er10 server

Upgrade to version 0.1

  • backup the configuration file node/config.js, as it will be overwritten

  • install GraphicsMagick on your linux flavour (should be provided by your package manager)

  • install the node gm module : from the UNIX user you setup node & npm, run

    npm install gm

  • install the files from the tarball (thus replacing the old 10er10 version)

  • re-run the installer script (don't worry, it won't hurt your kids) : go to node/install. Then:

To upgrade your DEV databases, run

node install.js

To upgrade your PROD databases, run

node install.js -p
  • restart the node 10er10 server