Mentor match is an app that aims to take user's professional development to a next level where he/she can get instant access and support from a network of qualified professionals in his/her own interests, anywhere, anytime.
- As a guest, I can browse the list of mentors and search for suitable ones based on certain filters and sortings.
- As a guest, I can check out mentors’ profiles and reviews
- As a customer, I can send/cancel a session request to my desired mentors
- As a customer, I can leave a review after the session is finished
- As a customer, I can receive a google meet link for my upcoming session requests
- As a customer, I can view and manage all of my session requests in my dashboard
- As a customer, I can update my profile settings
- As a mentor, I can create and update my profile settings
- As a mentor, I can accept/decline/cancel a session request from customer
- As a mentor, I can receive a google meet link for my upcoming session requests
- As a mentor, I can view and manage all of my session requests in my dashboard
- As a mentor, I cannot book a session with myself
- Mentors and customers can create accounts using their emails
- Registered users can log in and stay signed in for a while
- Registered users can log out
- All users can search for mentors based on name, city, location, company and sort results by review rating, number of sessions and joining date
- All users can view mentors’ profiles and their reviews
- Users can update their account settings, including basic information and their profile avatar
- Mentors can create and update their profiles more comprehensively, including other fields such as education, certifications, experiences which will then be displayed on the website.
- Customer can send/cancel a session request to any mentor
- Mentor can accept/decline/cancel a request from customer
- Both users will have dedicated session dashboards to view status and manage all session requests
- Google meet link will be provided to users once the mentor accepts the session request.
- Customer is prompted to leave a review on a session after it’s finished.
- Auth: forget password
- Auth: sign up/sign in by google credentials
- Session link: google meet to be saved directly to user's google calendar and/or be confirmed with an email sent to user's email address
- Responsive UI
Deploy link:
- User
- UserProfile
- Certification
- Education
- Experience
- Session
- Review
* @route POST /auth/login
* @description Log in with email and password
* @access Public
* @route POST /users/signup
* @description Register new user
* @access Public
* @route GET /userProfiles?page=1&limit=10
* @description Get userProfiles with pagination
* @access Public
* @route GET /userProfiles/featured?page=1&limit=9
* @description Get featured mentors on homepage
* @access Public
* @route GET /userProfiles/me
* @description Get current user info
* @access Login required
* @route GET /userProfiles/:userProfileId
* @description Get a user profile
* @access Public
* @route PUT /userProfiles/me
* @description Update user profile
* @access Login required
* @route GET /userProfiles/:userProfileId/reviews
* @description Get all reviews of a mentor
* @access Public
* @route POST /certifications
* @description Create a new certification
* @access Login required
* @route GET /certifications?page=1&limit=10
* @description Get all certi of the current user with pagination
* @access Login required
* @route PUT /certifications/:certiId
* @description Update a certi
* @access Login required
* @route DELETE /certifications/:certiId
* @description Delete a certi
* @access Login required
* @route POST /educations
* @description Create a new education form
* @access Login required
* @route GET /educations?page=1&limit=10
* @description Get all education of the current user with pagination
* @access Login required
* @route PUT /educations/:educationId
* @description Update an education
* @access Login required
* @route DELETE /educations/:educationId
* @description Delete an education
* @access Login required
* @route POST /experiences
* @description Create a new experience
* @access Login required
* @route GET /experiences?page=1&limit=10
* @description Get all experience of the current user with pagination
* @access Login required
* @route PUT /experiences/:expId
* @description Update an experience
* @access Login required
* @route DELETE /experiences/:expId
* @description Delete an experience
* @access Login required
* @route POST /sessions/:sessionId/reviews
* @description Create a new review on a session
* @access Login required
* @route POST /sessions/requests/:userId
* @description Send a session request
* @access Login required
* @route GET /sessions
* @description Get the list of sessions based on the status
* @access Login required
* @route PUT /sessions/:sessionId
* @description Update status of a session (accept/decline/cancel/complete/pending/reviewed)
* @access Login required
* @route GET /reviews/:reviewId
* @description Get details of a review
* @access Login required