THUNDER & Routers & Controllers
Site: home.api.js
GET /home/:slug Get all information of company xx
Authentication: auth.api.js
POST /auth/login Logs user into the system xx
User: Access to user account user.api.js
GET /users/page=1?&limit=10 Get list of users with pagination xx
GET /users/me Get current user info (my profile) xx
GET /users/:id Get user detail info by Id xx
POST /users
User Registration xx
PUT /users/:id Update user profile xx
Post: post.api.js
GET /posts/user/:userId?page=1&limit=10 Find a list of posts that the user can see xx
GET /posts/:id/comments Get comments of a post ?!?!
GET /posts/:id Get a single post xx
POST /posts Create a new post xx
PUT /posts/:id Updated a post xx
DELETE /posts/:id Delete a post xx
Comment: comment.api.js
GET /comments/:id Get detail of a comment ???
POST /comments Create a new comment xx
PUT /comments/:id Updated a comment xx
DELETE /comments/:id Delete a comment
Friend: http://localhost:4000/ friend.api.js
GET /friends/requests/incoming List of received pending requests xx
GET /friends/requests/outgoing List of sent friend requests xx
GET /friends List of friends xx
POST /friends/requests Send a friend request xx
PUT /friends/requests/:userId Response to a friend request - Accept/decline xx
DELETE /friends/requests/:userId Cancel a friend request
DELETE /friends/:userId Unfriend xx
Reaction: posts OR comments reaction.api.js
POST /reactions Create a like/dislike xx