| Documentation | ? Project description - a brief description of the purpose and main features ? User Story ? Instructions on�how to set up and run the application locally ? Third-party libraries used in the project
*The Project Title: MyCompany WebApp - Social Platform
*The Project Description: All about my company: my cooperator and customer can understand everything what my company do. Startup community - social networking: opportunity for young startup and SMEs.
*User Story:
**Background: MyCompany is webapp of organization about IT solution and startup. Client can get information, search and contact us... It is also a blog that allows people to join and create their profile, following/ follower and others... (free [email protected], domain.com/profile). Admin app (database and account management and more). admin.domain.com
***Social Platform:
User story:
Site - Home:
Get all information of company. (about us, domains, projects...)
As a user, I am able to log in and log out my account. (stay signed in after refreshing the page.)
As a user, I am able to get list of users with pagination for add friend.
As a user, I am able to see a specific user's profile given a user ID. (search by name/id)
As a user, I am able to create my account by providing basic information (name, email, password...).
(Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.)
As a user, I am able to get all my profile info.
As a user, I am able to update my profile (name, avatar, bio, information, image,...).
As a user, I am able to receive notifications about new likes, shares, and comments on my content, as well as new followers and other relevant events.
Post: As a user, I am able to get comments of a post. As a user, I am able to get detail a single post.(with comments, reaction) As a user, I am able to share my thoughts and interests by creating content (text, images, or video). As a user, I am able to edit and delete my posts. As a user, I am able to view my own posts as well as other users content (wall).
Comment: As a user, I am able to get a list of comments of a post. As a user, I am able to interact with content by commenting. As a user, I am able to edit or delete comments that I created.
Friend/follow: As a user, I am able to get the list of received pending requests - incoming. As a user, I am able to get the list of sent pending requests - outgoing. As a user, I am able to see a list of people that I follow as well as my followers. (my friend list) As a user, I am able to send a friend request to others - add friend other users - outgoing sent request. As a user, I am able to accept/decline a friend request from others - incoming receive request. As a user, I am able to cancel a friend request that I sent. As a user, I am able to remove (unfriend) a friend.
Reaction: As a user, I am able to create a like/dislike on posts OR comments.
Admin app - dashboard: (admin.domain.com) *database management: (domain list,...) -edit menu -update content, media -add/replace *authorization: -accounts management -approve/ *hosting & domains: *security: *digital marketing:
*API endpoints:
Site APIs:
- @route GET /about OR /home
- @description information of company
- @body
- @access Public
Auth APIs:
- @route POST /auth/login
- @description user log in with username and password
- @body {email, passsword}
- @access Public
User APIs:
@route GET /users/page=1?&limit=10
@description Get list of users with pagination
@access Login required
@route GET /users/me
@description Get current user info (my profile)
@access Login required
@route GET /users/:id
@description Get user detail info by Id
@access Login required
@route POST /users
@description Register new user
@body {name, email, password}
@access Public
@route PUT /users/:id
@description Update user profile
@body {name, avatar, aboutMe, city, country, company, jobtitle, fbLink, instagramLink, linkedInLink, twitterLink}
@access Login required
Post APIs:
@route GET /posts/user/userId?page=1&limit=10
@description Get all posts a user can see with pagination
@access Login required
@route GET /posts/:id/comments
@description Get comments of a post
@access Login required
@route GET /posts/:id
@description Get a single post
@access Login required
@route POST /posts
@description Create a new post
@body {content, image}
@access Login required
@route PUT /posts/:id
@description Update a post
@body {content, image}
@access Login required
@route DELETE /posts/:id
@description Delete a post
@access Login required
Comment APIs:
@route GET /comments/:id
@description Get details of a comment
@access Login required
@route POST /comments
@description Create a new comment
@body {content, postId}
@access Login required
@route PUT /comment/:id
@description Update a comment
@access Login required
@route DELETE comments/:id
@description Delete a comment
@access Login required
Friend APIs:
@route GET /friends/requests/incoming
@description Get the list of received pending requests
@access Login required
@route GET /friends/requests/outgoing
@description Get the list of sent pending requests
@access Login required
@route GET /friends/
@description Get the list of friends
@access Login required
@route POST /friends/requests
@description Send a friend request
@body {to: User ID}
@access Login required
@route PUT /friends/requests/:userId
@description Accept/Reject a received pending requests
@body {status: 'accepted' or 'declined'}
@access Login required
@route DELETE /friends/requests/:userId
@description cancel a friend request
@access Login required
@route DELETE /friends/:userId
@description remove a friend
@access Login required
Reaction APIs: posts OR comments
- @route POST /reactions
- @description Create a like/dislike
- @body ["like", "dislike"]
- @access Login required
* Diagram Relation: model-schema
User: name: String, required email: String, required password: String, required avatarUrl: String aboutMe: String city: String country: String company: String jobTitle: String facebookLink: String instagramLink: String linkedinLink: String twitterLink: String isDeleted: Boolean friendCount: Number postCount: Number
Post: content: String, required image: String author: Schema.Types.ObjectId, required, ref: "User" isDeleted: Boolean commentCount: Number reactions: like: Number dislike: Number
Comment: content: String, required author: Schema.ObjectId, required, ref: "User" post: Schema.ObjectId, required, ref: "Blog" reactions: like: Number dislike: Number
Friend: from: Schema.ObjectId, required, ref: "User" to: Schema.ObjectId, required, ref: "User" status: String, enum: ["pending", "accepted", "declared"]
Reaction: author: Schema.ObjectId, required, ref: "User" targetType: String, required, enum: ["Post", "Comment"] targetId: Schema.ObjectId, required, refPath: "targetType" emoji: String, required, enum: ["like", "dislike"]