Releases: coderholic/pyradio
Releases · coderholic/pyradio
- Version
Fixing mpv playlist option (for mpv 0.32.0)
Version 0.8.7
- Fixing volume issue with mpv 0.30.0
- mpv on python3 uses socket only (no stdout parsing)
- socat is no longer needed to use mpv
- player's config file will be saved even if it does not already exist
Version 0.8.6
- Adding playlist history (for local playlists)
- https URLs will be converted to http before connecting
- Fixing station moving when appending station
- Config / Default station: pading fixed
- WINDOWS: Volume will be saved when mplayer is installed in %APPDATA%\pyradio
Version 0.8.5
- PyRadio will not crush with mpv 0.30.0
Changing mpv's volume is still possible, but no info will be
presented on the Status Bar.
Furthermore, saving mpv's volume will not be possible.
( mpv issue #7153: mpv-player/mpv#7153 ) - When the default played is changed in the config, a message
to restart the application is presented to the user - Config / Default station: pading fixed
Version 0.8.4
- Fixing vlc returned volume parsing (due to locales decimal separator)
- Starting integration
Version 0.8.3
- FIX: Playlists flagged as changed when adding a station
- Handling CJK presentation on station and playlist view
- Preparing for online stations browser
Version 0.8.2
- Fixing chars H,L,M rejected by line editor
- Fixing station editor rejecting "?"
- Updating station's editor help messages
Version 0.8.1
- CJK Unified Ideographs supported by the line edittor
- On python 2, trying to edit a station whose name contains
non-ASCII characters is prohibited and will end up in
displaying a relevant message - Line editor: using backslash to insert "?" and ""
- Search term will not be lost when resizing the window
- Fixing issues with presenting search history
- Themes now have a "Edit Cursor" field
Version 0.8.0
- Adding station editor ("a" and "A" to add a station, "e" to edit)
- Line editor supports unlimited string length
- Main help window separated to two pages (navigation with "n" / "p")
- Changing "e" to "E" to change a station's encoding
- Changing "p" to "P" to jump to playing station / loaded playlist
- Adding H, L to jump to top / bottom of screen
- Changing M to jump to middle of screen
- Changing volume, saving volume and muting is now available on most
windows (pop up and questions) - Manipulating volume (keys m,v) on a help window, will close it
if player not playing - Adding ^U, ^D to move station up, down
- Search string will not be lost after displaying help
- PyRadio runs on Windows (finally). Added an installation BAT file,
icons, program shortcut and help ( - windows.html) - Minor bug fixes
Version 0.7.9
- Searching is now available on any window presenting a list of items
- Transparency indication presentation always reflects the setting
- A locked session is indicated next to PyRadio version
- Adding "Top" link to html files
- Docs updated