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NestJs Throttler

Testing NestJs Throttler with Kafka microservice



According to NestJs docs you can use any guard in a microservices app as-is, except you have to throw RpcException.
On the other hand in the throttling section modifications to the guard have to be done to be used with Websockets or GQL.
In theory we should only need to modify the exception the throttling guard throws?


Docker-compose setup with few containers:

  • kafka
  • kafka-init (to create a topic)
  • kafka UI (for convenience)
  • consumer - NestJS app that will consume from the topic and simply print on the console
  • producer - will mass-send events to a topic


If you make any cource-code changes:

npm run build:docker

To start docker-compose:

npm run start:docker

Keep in mind that due to the nature of NestJS beaing a heavy beast the consumer will start a little while after the producer.


2 CSV files will be written upon completion:

  • ./outputs/producer.csv
  • ./outputs/consumer.csv

Things to look out for:

  • the same number of rows (each row representing either message published or message consumed)
  • IDs in the same order
  • publish/consume timestamps



No throttling, consumer processing as many messages as it can. Call this a controll group.


Using built-in throttler without any modifications.
We can already see issues here, as consumer logs errors every time it tries to consume a message:

consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 1:34:35 PM   ERROR [RpcExceptionsHandler] res.header is not a function
consumer-1    | TypeError: res.header is not a function
consumer-1    |     at ThrottlerGuard.handleRequest (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/throttler/dist/throttler.guard.js:118:17)
consumer-1    |     at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)
consumer-1    |     at async ThrottlerGuard.canActivate (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/throttler/dist/throttler.guard.js:86:28)
consumer-1    |     at async GuardsConsumer.tryActivate (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/core/guards/guards-consumer.js:16:17)
consumer-1    |     at async canActivateFn (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-context-creator.js:59:33)
consumer-1    |     at async /app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-context-creator.js:50:31
consumer-1    |     at async /app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-proxy.js:11:32
consumer-1    |     at async ServerKafka.handleEvent (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/server/server-kafka.js:198:32)
consumer-1    |     at async Runner.processEachMessage (/app/node_modules/kafkajs/src/consumer/runner.js:231:9)
consumer-1    |     at async onBatch (/app/node_modules/kafkajs/src/consumer/runner.js:447:9)
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 1:34:35 PM   ERROR [ServerKafka] ERROR [Runner] Error when calling eachMessage {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T13:34:35.083Z","logger":"kafkajs","topic":"my_event","partition":0,"offset":"889","error":{"status":"error","message":"Internal server error"}}

This suggests that we do not only have to modify the exception type thrown (as per NestJS docs here), but also modify the handleRequest function of the throttler guard!


Extending built-in throttler guard to throw RpcException as described in docs here.
We still see issues in handleRequest:

consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 4:05:00 PM   ERROR [RpcExceptionsHandler] res.header is not a function
consumer-1    | TypeError: res.header is not a function
consumer-1    |     at RcpThrottlerGuard.handleRequest (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/throttler/dist/throttler.guard.js:118:17)
consumer-1    |     at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)
consumer-1    |     at async RcpThrottlerGuard.canActivate (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/throttler/dist/throttler.guard.js:86:28)
consumer-1    |     at async GuardsConsumer.tryActivate (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/core/guards/guards-consumer.js:16:17)
consumer-1    |     at async canActivateFn (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-context-creator.js:59:33)
consumer-1    |     at async /app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-context-creator.js:50:31
consumer-1    |     at async /app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-proxy.js:11:32
consumer-1    |     at async ServerKafka.handleEvent (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/server/server-kafka.js:198:32)
consumer-1    |     at async Runner.processEachMessage (/app/node_modules/kafkajs/src/consumer/runner.js:231:9)
consumer-1    |     at async onBatch (/app/node_modules/kafkajs/src/consumer/runner.js:447:9)
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 4:05:00 PM   ERROR [ServerKafka] ERROR [Runner] Error when calling eachMessage {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T16:05:00.214Z","logger":"kafkajs","topic":"my_event","partition":0,"offset":"889","error":{"status":"error","message":"Internal server error"}}


When we override handleRequest things start looking better at first. Messages from kafka get processed up to a throttle limit.
Unfortunately that's where it stops. Throwing RpcException (or even KafkaRetiriableException) causes flurry of ERROR logs and an eventual consumer restart.
Due to constant consumer restarts and group rebalancing, this slows down any message processing significantly beyond throttling limits.

consumer-1    | >>> Got message id=event-30-01JC6Z1451VW0YKNF1RPAGPHXE
consumer-1    | >>> Got message id=event-31-01JC6Z14MPBX4KP7EFKS668QRY
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 10:43:34 PM   ERROR [ServerKafka] ERROR [Runner] Error when calling eachMessage {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T22:43:34.269Z","logger":"kafkajs","topic":"my_event","partition":0,"offset":"32","error":{"status":"error","message":"ThrottlerException: Too Many Requests"}}
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 10:43:34 PM   ERROR [ServerKafka] ERROR [Consumer] Crash: KafkaJSNumberOfRetriesExceeded: ThrottlerException: Too Many Requests {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T22:43:34.272Z","logger":"kafkajs","groupId":"nestjs-group-server","retryCount":5,"stack":"KafkaJSNonRetriableError\n  Caused by: undefined"}
kafka-1       | [2024-11-08 22:43:34,273] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Preparing to rebalance group nestjs-group-server in state PreparingRebalance with old generation 15 (__consumer_offsets-33) (reason: Removing member nestjs-consumer-server-1a7f8d3c-220e-4699-992c-f6f908da3516 on LeaveGroup; client reason: not provided) (
kafka-1       | [2024-11-08 22:43:34,273] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Group nestjs-group-server with generation 16 is now empty (__consumer_offsets-33) (
kafka-1       | [2024-11-08 22:43:34,274] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Member MemberMetadata(memberId=nestjs-consumer-server-1a7f8d3c-220e-4699-992c-f6f908da3516, groupInstanceId=None, clientId=nestjs-consumer-server, clientHost=/, sessionTimeoutMs=30000, rebalanceTimeoutMs=60000, supportedProtocols=List(RoundRobinAssigner)) has left group nestjs-group-server through explicit `LeaveGroup`; client reason: not provided (
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 10:43:34 PM     LOG [ServerKafka] INFO [Consumer] Stopped {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T22:43:34.275Z","logger":"kafkajs","groupId":"nestjs-group-server"}
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 10:43:34 PM   ERROR [ServerKafka] ERROR [Consumer] Restarting the consumer in 10718ms {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T22:43:34.275Z","logger":"kafkajs","retryCount":5,"retryTime":10718,"groupId":"nestjs-group-server"}


Changing implementation of the throttler to not throw an exception and simply return false is not ideal either.
If we return false the resource is marked as forbidden resulting in a flurry of retries, errors and eventually consumer restart.

consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 9:58:15 PM   ERROR [ServerKafka] ERROR [Runner] Error when calling eachMessage {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T21:58:15.118Z","logger":"kafkajs","topic":"my_event","partition":0,"offset":"38","error":{"status":"error","message":"Forbidden resource"}}
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 9:58:15 PM   ERROR [ServerKafka] ERROR [Consumer] Crash: KafkaJSNumberOfRetriesExceeded: Forbidden resource {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T21:58:15.119Z","logger":"kafkajs","groupId":"nestjs-group-server","retryCount":5,"stack":"KafkaJSNonRetriableError\n  Caused by: undefined"}
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 9:58:15 PM     LOG [ServerKafka] INFO [Consumer] Stopped {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T21:58:15.120Z","logger":"kafkajs","groupId":"nestjs-group-server"}
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 9:58:15 PM   ERROR [ServerKafka] ERROR [Consumer] Restarting the consumer in 8370ms {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T21:58:15.120Z","logger":"kafkajs","retryCount":5,"retryTime":8370,"groupId":"nestjs-group-server"}
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 9:58:23 PM     LOG [ServerKafka] INFO [Consumer] Starting {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T21:58:23.491Z","logger":"kafkajs","groupId":"nestjs-group-server"}
kafka-1       | [2024-11-08 21:58:23,506] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Dynamic member with unknown member id joins group nestjs-group-server in Empty state. Created a new member id nestjs-consumer-server-5d3e038d-e40f-4f8c-be06-e763d95c6580 and request the member to rejoin with this id. (


When we pause/resume consumer in the throttler guard, we can reduce the number of consumer crashing/restarting. However, this still happens 5th time we throw KafkaRetriableException (we replaced RpcException with that).

consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 11:24:13 PM     LOG [ServerKafka] INFO [ConsumerGroup] Resuming fetching from 1 topics {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T23:24:13.338Z","logger":"kafkajs","topicPartitions":[{"topic":"my_event","partitions":[0]}]}
consumer-1    | >>> Got message id=event-34-01JC71C1HTJ15XGEDK3WF5Y9ZQ
consumer-1    | >>> Got message id=event-35-01JC71C21F0G77A3XD46XD115B
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 11:24:16 PM     LOG [ServerKafka] INFO [ConsumerGroup] Pausing fetching from 1 topics {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T23:24:16.108Z","logger":"kafkajs","topicPartitions":[{"topic":"my_event","partitions":[0]}]}
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 11:24:16 PM   ERROR [ServerKafka] ERROR [Runner] Error when calling eachMessage {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T23:24:16.108Z","logger":"kafkajs","topic":"my_event","partition":0,"offset":"36","stack":"Error: Throttling limit reached on my_event:0\n    at RcpThrottlerGuard.handleRequest (/app/dist/app.controller.js:39:19)\n    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)\n    at async RcpThrottlerGuard.canActivate (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/throttler/dist/throttler.guard.js:86:28)\n    at async GuardsConsumer.tryActivate (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/core/guards/guards-consumer.js:16:17)\n    at async canActivateFn (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-context-creator.js:59:33)\n    at async /app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-context-creator.js:50:31\n    at async /app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-proxy.js:11:32\n    at async ServerKafka.handleEvent (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/server/server-kafka.js:198:32)\n    at async Runner.processEachMessage (/app/node_modules/kafkajs/src/consumer/runner.js:231:9)\n    at async onBatch (/app/node_modules/kafkajs/src/consumer/runner.js:447:9)","error":{"error":"Throttling limit reached on my_event:0","message":"Throttling limit reached on my_event:0"}}
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 11:24:16 PM   ERROR [ServerKafka] ERROR [Consumer] Crash: KafkaJSNumberOfRetriesExceeded: Throttling limit reached on my_event:0 {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T23:24:16.111Z","logger":"kafkajs","groupId":"nestjs-group-server","retryCount":5,"stack":"KafkaJSNonRetriableError\n  Caused by: Error: Throttling limit reached on my_event:0\n    at RcpThrottlerGuard.handleRequest (/app/dist/app.controller.js:39:19)\n    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)\n    at async RcpThrottlerGuard.canActivate (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/throttler/dist/throttler.guard.js:86:28)\n    at async GuardsConsumer.tryActivate (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/core/guards/guards-consumer.js:16:17)\n    at async canActivateFn (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-context-creator.js:59:33)\n    at async /app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-context-creator.js:50:31\n    at async /app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/context/rpc-proxy.js:11:32\n    at async ServerKafka.handleEvent (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/microservices/server/server-kafka.js:198:32)\n    at async Runner.processEachMessage (/app/node_modules/kafkajs/src/consumer/runner.js:231:9)\n    at async onBatch (/app/node_modules/kafkajs/src/consumer/runner.js:447:9)"}
kafka-1       | [2024-11-08 23:24:16,111] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Preparing to rebalance group nestjs-group-server in state PreparingRebalance with old generation 5 (__consumer_offsets-33) (reason: Removing member nestjs-consumer-server-33dc9374-e884-4bcc-9f57-838df1a60820 on LeaveGroup; client reason: not provided) (
kafka-1       | [2024-11-08 23:24:16,112] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Group nestjs-group-server with generation 6 is now empty (__consumer_offsets-33) (
kafka-1       | [2024-11-08 23:24:16,113] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Member MemberMetadata(memberId=nestjs-consumer-server-33dc9374-e884-4bcc-9f57-838df1a60820, groupInstanceId=None, clientId=nestjs-consumer-server, clientHost=/, sessionTimeoutMs=30000, rebalanceTimeoutMs=60000, supportedProtocols=List(RoundRobinAssigner)) has left group nestjs-group-server through explicit `LeaveGroup`; client reason: not provided (
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 11:24:16 PM     LOG [ServerKafka] INFO [Consumer] Stopped {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T23:24:16.113Z","logger":"kafkajs","groupId":"nestjs-group-server"}
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/08/2024, 11:24:16 PM   ERROR [ServerKafka] ERROR [Consumer] Restarting the consumer in 14764ms {"timestamp":"2024-11-08T23:24:16.114Z","logger":"kafkajs","retryCount":5,"retryTime":14764,"groupId":"nestjs-group-server"}


There are few issues with using a guard for throttling of Kakfa consumer in general. These are:

  • if we return false from canActivate method of a guard, we end up with an exception thrown
  • if we throw an exception from a guard, then we end up with, well, an exception thrown froma guard Both of the above approaches eventually propagate the exception to Kafka Consumer. This in turn will restart Kafka Client once X number of exceptions have been thrown (by default 5, can be configured).

What we want to is:

  1. Handle throttling gracefully! This is not an exception/error situation, so we do not want error logs.
  2. Do not cause Kafka Client to restart due to exceptions being thrown

To acheive the above we can use an interceptor instead of a guard, this way:

  • we can skip calling the message handler altogether if we exceed throttling limit
  • we do not need to throw any exceptions

Downsides to this are:

  • we need to disable autoCommit
  • we need to handle committing offsets manually

However, after doing this we can see throttling working correctly without any error logs or Kafka Client restarts:

producer-1    | >>> Producer sending event 29/40...
consumer-1    | >>> Got message id=event-24-01JCDR21HHFVRA4B5ENTJ8QZGT
consumer-1    | >>> Got message id=event-25-01JCDR22GRV9AX1713DCJ2WKBQ
consumer-1    | >>> Got message id=event-26-01JCDR23G1B43GMYSR8HRZE50M
consumer-1    | >>> Got message id=event-27-01JCDR24F8M1AXM5FW2SRACJTA
consumer-1    | >>> Got message id=event-28-01JCDR25EJCHP7WK1WHXR2V0AD
consumer-1    | >>> Got message id=event-29-01JCDR26DT7HPZJDT63NGATBC3
producer-1    | >>> Producer sending event 30/40...
consumer-1    | >>pause for 995
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/11/2024, 1:54:26 PM     LOG [ServerKafka] INFO [ConsumerGroup] Pausing fetching from 1 topics {"timestamp":"2024-11-11T13:54:26.860Z","logger":"kafkajs","topicPartitions":[{"topic":"my_event","partitions":[0]}]}
producer-1    | >>> Producer sending event 31/40...
consumer-1    | >>unpause
consumer-1    | [Nest] 1  - 11/11/2024, 1:54:27 PM     LOG [ServerKafka] INFO [ConsumerGroup] Resuming fetching from 1 topics {"timestamp":"2024-11-11T13:54:27.855Z","logger":"kafkajs","topicPartitions":[{"topic":"my_event","partitions":[0]}]}
producer-1    | >>> Producer sending event 32/40...