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Python Interface to the Data Broker

This interface is implemented on top of CFFI and provides a Python API for developing applications to be deployed on the Data Broker. It is built for Python3.x, but previous versions are still compatible. A check on the Python Interpreter and Libraries will notify the user whether the requirements are satisfied or not.

It requires CFFI to be installed on the system. This requirement is checked during the building phase. CFFI requires Python Development packages are installed on the system.

Please refer to for CFFI installation details. It is recommended to use a Python virtual environment if no root access is available.

How to build

To enable the PyDBR interface building, enable the -DPYDBR=1 option to cmake when building the Data Broker.

After the building completes, set the path to the databroker libraries into the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path/to/databroker/shared/object:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Standalone building

Alternatively, the PyDBR interface can be built and installed in a second moment directly in the bindings/python directory without re-building the Data Broker.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ make install

Run an example

In the bindings/python/example directory are present some example applications. Assuming a Data Broker instance is running (for example a Redis instance), then run an example as the following

$ cd example 
$ python <example>.py

Writing an application

Using the API is straightforward: the Data Broker modules must be imported

from _dbr_interface import ffi
from dbr_module import dbr

Functions can be accessed from the dbr module and the Data Broker types can be allocated with the ffi module. For instance:

dbr_name = "DBRtestname"
group_list ='DBR_GroupList_t')
dbr_hdl ='DBR_Handle_t*')

# Create a Data Broker instance
dbr_hdl = dbr.create(dbr_name, level, group_list)

The following tables report all the currently supported functions, according to the Data Broker API.


It is preferable to build and install the binding within a Python virtual environment, in case no sudo privileges are available. The installation makes the _dbr_interface available without the need of specifying the include path in the source code. Otherwise it is possible to specify the path to the dbr_module directory by writing the following in the Python application before the import statements:

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('path/to/dbr_module'))

Data Broker Management Functions

Name Description
create(dbrname, level, groups):dbrhandle Create a new Data Broker
delete(dbrname):exitstatus Delete an existing Data Broker
attach(dbrname):dbrhandle Attach to an existing Data Broker
detach(dbrhandle):exitstatus Detach from an existing Data Broker
query(dbr_handle, dbr_state, state_mask):exitstatus Query information about an existing Data Broker
test(tag):exitstatus Test the status of an asynchronous call
cancel(tag):exitstatus Cancel an asynchronous call

Data Broker Access Functions

Name Description
put(dbr_hdl, tuple_val, tuple_name, group):exitstatus Insert a tuple in the Data Broker
read(dbr_hdl, tuple_name, match_template, group, flag[, buffer_size=None]):(tuple, exitstatus) Read a tuple from the Data Broker
get(dbr_hdl, tuple_name, match_template, group, flag[, buffer_size=None]):(tuple, exitstatus) Pop a tuple from the Data Broker
readA(dbr_hdl, tuple_name, match_template, group[, flag=DBR_FLAGS_NONE, buffer_size=None]):(tag, futuretuple) Read a tuple from the Data Broker, non blocking
putA(dbr_hdl, tuple_val, tuple_name, group):tag Put a tuple in the Data Broker, non blocking
getA(dbr_hdl, tuple_name, match_template, group[, flag=DBR_FLAGS_NONE, buffer_size=None]):(tag, futuretuple) Pop a tuple from the Data Broker, non blocking
move(src_DBRHandle, src_group, tuple_name, match_template, dest_DBRHandle, dest_group):exitstatus Move a tuple from a source namespace to a destination namespace
testKey(dbr_hdl, tuple_name):exitstatus Checks if a tuple, identified by its name/key, exists in the namespace
directory(dbr_hdl, match_template, group, count, size):(keyslist, size, exitstatus) Get a list of available tuple names of a namespace filtered by the user-provided pattern
iterator(dbr_hdl, iterator, match_template, group):(key, iterator) Iterate over the available tuple names filtered by the user-provided pattern

Data Broker and CFFI

Name Description
createBuf(buftype, bufsize):cffibuffer Create a buffer with type buftype and size bufsize. The buffer will be passed to DBR access functions
getErrorCode(exitstatus):errorcode Returns the error code from a return value
getErrorMessage(exitstatus):description Returns a description of the error returned by a dbr function call