- Regular lesson
- Time: 1:40h
- Your Front-end feature should almost be complete and fully functional. From this week we start working in teams.
- We discuss Asynchronous Programming and three of the most used patterns to do so in JavaScript
- A good resource to get a better understanding of how JavaScript works under the hood: link
You have all been added into groups, it is important that you now start creating a fully functional dating app. Meaning; merging components into one code base - creating feature branches - and keeping 1 code style. Tips to do so successfully;
- Set weekly goals
- Daily stand-up's (15 min calls - 5 min each explaining what your main goals are for this day)
- Develop via feature branches
- Meaningful commit messages to track bugs / errors / update your team
- Pull / merge requests
- Maintaing 1 code style across the project
- Review each others code
- One teammate creates a repo - other teammates fork this repo