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  • What are functions?
  • Naming functions
  • Important functions
    • Collection functions
  • map and reduce - Functions that take other functions

What are functions?

You have already seen some functions, such as count, conj, first, and rest. All the arithmetic we did had functions, as well: +, -, *, and /. What does it mean to be a function, though?

A function is an independent, discrete piece of code that takes in some values (called arguments) and returns other values. Let's see an example:

(defn total-bill
  "Given subtotal of bill, return total after tax."
  (* 1.10 subtotal))

(Note that in Australia GST is 10% - and all prices are technically required to be displayed including GST - for the purpose of this exercise, we're going to pretend that it is not).

In this code:

  • defn specifies that we are defining a function.
  • total-bill is the name of this function.
  • The string on the next line is the documentation for the function, which explains what the function does. This is optional.
  • [subtotal] is the list of arguments. Here, we have one argument called subtotal.
  • (* 1.10 subtotal) is the body of the function. This is what executes when we use the function.

To use total-bill, we call the function, just like we've done with all the functions we've already used.

(total-bill 8.5)  ;=> 9.350000000000001
(total-bill 50)   ;=> 55.00000000000001
(total-bill 50/6) ;=> 9.166666666666666

Functions can also take more than one argument. Let's make a total-with-tip function that additionally takes a tip percentage and calculates the total amount paid:

(defn total-with-tip
  "Given subtotal, return total after tax and tip."
  [subtotal tip-pct]
  (* 1.10 subtotal (+ 1 tip-pct)))

(total-with-tip 12.50 0.18) ;=> 16.225
(total-with-tip 50 0.18)    ;=> 64.9

EXERCISE: Find per-person share of bill among a group

Modify our total-with-tip function, and call the new function share-per-person, that additionally takes in as an argument the number of people in the group for a bill. Have the function return the average bill amount per person.

Naming functions

Function names are symbols, just like the symbols we used with def when assigning names to values.

Symbols have to begin with a non-numeric character, and they can contain alphanumeric characters, along with *, +, !, -, _, and ?. This flexibility is important with functions, as there are certain idioms we use.

Functions that return true or false--called predicates--usually end in ?:

  • zero?
  • vector?
  • empty?

Important functions

There are some functions that are essential when using Clojure. The arithmetic functions have already been covered. Let's look at some others.

Collection functions

When we learned about data structures, we saw many functions that operated on those data structures, including:

  • count
  • conj
  • first
  • rest
  • nth
  • assoc
  • dissoc
  • merge

Some of the most powerful functions you can use with collections can take other functions as arguments. That's a complicated idea, so we'll learn more about that next.

map and reduce - Functions that take other functions

One of the most magical things about Clojure--and many other programming languages--is that it can have functions that take other functions as arguments. That may not make sense at first, so let's look at an example:

(def dine-in-orders [12.50 20 21 16 18.40])
(def take-out-orders [6.00 6.00 7.95 6.25])

(map total-bill dine-in-orders)  ;=> (13.750000000000002 22.0 23.1 17.6 20.24)
(map total-bill take-out-orders) ;=> (6.6000000000000005 6.6000000000000005 8.745000000000001 6.875000000000001)

map is a function that takes another function, along with a collection. It calls the function provided to it on each member of the collection, then returns a new collection with the results of those function calls. This is a weird concept, but it is at the core of Clojure and functional programming in general.

Let's look at another function that takes a function. This one is reduce, and it is used to turn collections into a single value:

(defn add
  [x y]
  (+ x y))

(reduce add [1 2 3]) ;=> 6

reduce takes the first two members of the provided collection and calls the provided function with those members. Next, it calls the provided function again--this time, using the result of the previous function call, along with the next member of the collection. reduce does this over and over again until it finally reaches the end of the collection.

This process is complicated, so let's illustrate it further.

(def take-out-totals [6.48 6.48 8.586 6.75])

(reduce add take-out-totals) ;=> 28.296

In the example above, reduce calls add with the parameters 6.48 and 6.48, returning 12.96. Then, in order, it makes the following function calls:

  • (add 12.96 8.586) ;=> 21.546
  • (add 21.546 6.75) ;=> 28.296

EXERCISE: Find the average

Create a function called average that takes a vector of bill amounts and returns the average of those amounts.

Hint: You will need to use reduce and count.