This repository contains a series of examples for UnitySteer, a library for autonomous agents in Unity written and maintained by Ricardo J. Méndez. Pull requests are welcome.
See for a description of the current examples.
Since these are tutorial examples, I expect I’ll just run development straight off master. The UnitySteer repository does follow git flow, so expect this tutorial repository will be a work-in-progress and might at any given point reference a UnitySteer development branch.
It includes the UnitySteer Github repository as a submodule. If you have just cloned the project and find missing behaviours, make sure that:
- You actually have some files inside the Assets/UnitySteer folder;
- You have run git submodule update to check out the latest referenced version;
Or you could use an application like SourceTree which handles the submodule semantics for you.
UnitySteer is released under the MIT license. See License.txt.
Includes GoKit, which has its own license. See GoKit's repository for details.
Includes some textures from Unity’s standard examples.