- citizenos-fe - https://github.com/citizenos/citizenos-fe
- citizenos-api - https://github.com/citizenos/citizenos-api
- etherpad-lite - https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite
- NOTE: In order to run citizenos-api following Etherpad (EP) plugins need to be installed and configured:
- https://github.com/citizenos/ep_auth_citizenos - CitizenOS authentication and authorization
- https://github.com/citizenos/ep_webhooks - Sync pad updates between CitizenOS and Etherpad.
- It's easiest to install both to Heroku and own server with https://github.com/citizenos/etherpad-lite-heroku.
- NOTE: In order to run citizenos-api following Etherpad (EP) plugins need to be installed and configured:
To install whole CitizenOS the main components are to be installed separately by following install guides of each.
Installion order:
- Etherpad-Lite - Use https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite or https://github.com/citizenos/etherpad-lite-heroku. Later used by Citizen OS and is tested to work with our setup.
- NOTE! In order for Citizen OS API & FE to cooperate with Etherpad it needs a certain set of plugins and configuration. See the example configuration - https://github.com/citizenos/etherpad-lite-heroku/blob/master/config/local.json.example_citizenos
- citizenos-api - https://github.com/citizenos/citizenos-api
- citizenos-fe - https://github.com/citizenos/citizenos-fe