1.2.4: Artifact published now at https://terracotta.hpcc.uh.edu/nexus/repository/maven-releases/
1.2.2: Bug fixes, based on updated dependencies.
1.2.1: Updated library dependencies.
1.2.0: Writing discrete passage-components and passage-leaf-components as data-attributes on citable nodes.
1.1.0: Writing URNs as data-attributes on appropriate HTML elements.
1.0.2: Complete reworking on serializing a Corpus to HTML. Better display; more flexibility in display.
1.0.1: Minor updates.
1.0.0: Reorganized Traits and Objects correctly.
1.0.0: CITE Writer Trait, CEX Writer object, and HTML Writer objects now feature-complete.
0.6.0: Serialize CiteObjects to HTML.
0.5.0: Serialize to HTML: all OHCO2 (following the CiteWriter trait), and CITE property definitions and values.
0.4.0: Serialize a whole CITE Library to CEX. Only tested thoroughly with default delimiters ("#",",").
0.3.0: Serializing to CEX all basic CITE primitives: OHCO2 Texts, CITE Objects, Relations, and Data Models. Only tested thoroughly with default delimiters ("#",",").
0.2.0: Project writes CEX for OHCO2 text repositories and CiteCollection Repositories. HTMLWriter not fully implemented for Cite objects.
0.1.0: Project configured with updated Crossed-Compile stuff in SBT; compiles, can run tests in JVM and JS for Scala 1.11 and 1.12. Initial sketch-out of trait CiteWriter
and implementing object CexWriter