Pull Request: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/130/files
// labels.go
package labels
import (
// Labels allows you to present labels independently from their storage.
type Labels interface {
Get(label string) (value string)
// A map of label:value. Implements Labels.
type Set map[string]string
// String方法是为了实现go语言的Stringer接口,用于格式化字符串,以下同理
// All labels listed as a human readable string. Conveiently, exactly the format
// that ParseQuery takes.
func (ls Set) String() string {
query := make([]string, 0, len(ls))
for key, value := range ls {
query = append(query, key+"="+value)
// Sort for determinism.
return strings.Join(query, ",")
// Implement Labels interface.
func (ls Set) Get(label string) string {
return ls[label]
这里也许是开放封闭原则? 私以为开放封闭和依赖倒转两条原则,一定程度上是一而二二而一的东西。
// query.go
package labels
import (
// Represents a label query.
type Query interface {
// Returns true if this query matches the given set of labels.
Matches(Labels) bool
// Prints a human readable version of this label query.
String() string
// 这里返回一个空query,可以匹配所有label
// Everything returns a query that matches all labels.
func Everything() Query {
return &queryTerm{}
// A single term of a label query.
type queryTerm struct {
// Not inverts the meaning of the items in this term.
not bool
// Exactly one of the below three items should be used.
// If non-nil, we match Set l iff l[*label] == *value.
label, value *string
// A list of terms which must all match for this query term to return true.
and []queryTerm
// A list of terms, any one of which will cause this query term to return true.
// Parsing/printing not implemented.
or []queryTerm
// Matches这个方法属实写的很糟,matches变量表达效果太差了
func (l *queryTerm) Matches(ls Labels) bool {
matches := !l.not
switch {
case l.label != nil && l.value != nil:
if ls.Get(*l.label) == *l.value {
return matches
return !matches
case len(l.and) > 0:
for i := range l.and {
if !l.and[i].Matches(ls) {
return !matches
return matches
case len(l.or) > 0:
for i := range l.or {
if l.or[i].Matches(ls) {
return matches
return !matches
// Empty queries match everything
return matches
func try(queryPiece, op string) (lhs, rhs string, ok bool) {
pieces := strings.Split(queryPiece, op)
if len(pieces) == 2 {
return pieces[0], pieces[1], true
return "", "", false
// Given a Set, return a Query which will match exactly that Set.
func QueryFromSet(ls Set) Query {
var query queryTerm
for l, v := range ls {
// Make a copy, because we're taking the address below
label, value := l, v
query.and = append(query.and, queryTerm{label: &label, value: &value})
return &query
// Takes a string repsenting a label query and returns an object suitable for matching, or an error.
func ParseQuery(query string) (Query, error) {
parts := strings.Split(query, ",")
var items []queryTerm
for _, part := range parts {
if part == "" {
if lhs, rhs, ok := try(part, "!="); ok {
items = append(items, queryTerm{not: true, label: &lhs, value: &rhs})
} else if lhs, rhs, ok := try(part, "=="); ok {
items = append(items, queryTerm{label: &lhs, value: &rhs})
} else if lhs, rhs, ok := try(part, "="); ok {
items = append(items, queryTerm{label: &lhs, value: &rhs})
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid label query: '%s'; can't understand '%s'", query, part)
if len(items) == 1 {
return &items[0], nil
return &queryTerm{and: items}, nil
// Returns this query as a string in a form that ParseQuery can parse.
func (l *queryTerm) String() (out string) {
if len(l.and) > 0 {
for _, part := range l.and {
if out != "" {
out += ","
out += part.String()
} else if l.label != nil && l.value != nil {
op := "="
if l.not {
op = "!="
return fmt.Sprintf("%v%v%v", *l.label, op, *l.value)
return ""
- 根据Everything方法可知,没有被初始化的queryTerm是一个空query,匹配所有label。
- 如果label和value都不为空,queryTerm就可以表达a==b或者a!=b这样的匹配规则,可以把它看作一个叶子节点。
- 如果and不为空,queryTerm就是一个And节点,当and中所有queryTerm判定为true,Matches的判定结果才为true。
- 如果or不为空,queryTerm就是一个Or节点,当or中有一个queryTerm判定为true,Matches的判定结果就为true。
// query.go
package labels
import (
// Represents a label query.
type Query interface {
// Returns true if this query matches the given set of labels.
Matches(Labels) bool
// Prints a human readable version of this label query.
String() string
// Everything returns a query that matches all labels.
func Everything() Query {
return andTerm{}
type hasTerm struct {
label, value string
func (t *hasTerm) Matches(ls Labels) bool {
return ls.Get(t.label) == t.value
func (t *hasTerm) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", t.label, t.value)
type notHasTerm struct {
label, value string
func (t *notHasTerm) Matches(ls Labels) bool {
return ls.Get(t.label) != t.value
func (t *notHasTerm) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v!=%v", t.label, t.value)
type andTerm []Query
func (t andTerm) Matches(ls Labels) bool {
for _, q := range t {
if !q.Matches(ls) {
return false
return true
func (t andTerm) String() string {
var terms []string
for _, q := range t {
terms = append(terms, q.String())
return strings.Join(terms, ",")
func try(queryPiece, op string) (lhs, rhs string, ok bool) {
pieces := strings.Split(queryPiece, op)
if len(pieces) == 2 {
return pieces[0], pieces[1], true
return "", "", false
// Given a Set, return a Query which will match exactly that Set.
func QueryFromSet(ls Set) Query {
var items []Query
for label, value := range ls {
items = append(items, &hasTerm{label: label, value: value})
if len(items) == 1 {
return items[0]
return andTerm(items)
// Takes a string repsenting a label query and returns an object suitable for matching, or an error.
func ParseQuery(query string) (Query, error) {
parts := strings.Split(query, ",")
var items []Query
for _, part := range parts {
if part == "" {
if lhs, rhs, ok := try(part, "!="); ok {
items = append(items, ¬HasTerm{label: lhs, value: rhs})
} else if lhs, rhs, ok := try(part, "=="); ok {
items = append(items, &hasTerm{label: lhs, value: rhs})
} else if lhs, rhs, ok := try(part, "="); ok {
items = append(items, &hasTerm{label: lhs, value: rhs})
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid label query: '%s'; can't understand '%s'", query, part)
if len(items) == 1 {
return items[0], nil
return andTerm(items), nil