Display detailed information on one image
Return detailed information on Pouch image
pouch image inspect [OPTIONS] IMAGE
$ pouch image inspect docker.io/library/busybox
"CreatedAt": "2017-12-21 04:30:57",
"Digest": "sha256:bbc3a03235220b170ba48a157dd097dd1379299370e1ed99ce976df0355d24f0",
"ID": "bbc3a0323522",
"Name": "docker.io/library/busybox:latest",
"Size": 720019,
"Tag": "latest"
-h, --help help for inspect
-H, --host string Specify connecting address of Pouch CLI (default "unix:///var/run/pouchd.sock")
--tlscacert string Specify CA file of TLS
--tlscert string Specify cert file of TLS
--tlskey string Specify key file of TLS
--tlsverify Use TLS and verify remote
- pouch image - Manage image