json-server -p 3001 --watch server/data.json
npm start
- reducer initialization, sending default store to all components
- each component's
gets called first - then each component's
gets called with the new props from above - the component mounts and calls the action method that was sent in via props
- the action get called and calls the webservice
- the returned data from the call gets sent to the correct reducer
- all reducers get called, but each reducer filters out who the call actually belongs to
- since all reducers get called, after they are done, all
get called in all components
- reducer animal: @@redux/INIT8.f.p.e.l.l
- animal-reducers.js:8 reducer animal: @@redux/PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION_9.c.l.o.l
- robot-reducers.js:8 reducer robot: @@redux/INIT8.f.p.e.l.l
- robot-reducers.js:8 reducer robot: @@redux/PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION_0.0.b.5.x.h
- animal-reducers.js:8 reducer animal: @@INIT
- robot-reducers.js:8 reducer robot: @@INIT
- RobotList.js:7 robot: map state to props {animalstore: {…}, robotstore: {…}}
- RobotList.js:15 robot: constructor props: {x: 1, fetchRobots: ƒ}
- RobotList.js:20 robot: component mounting
- robot-actions.js:6 action: fetch_robots
- RobotList.js:26 robot: render
- AnimalList.js:7 animal: map state to props {animalstore: {…}, robotstore: {…}}
- AnimalList.js:15 animal: constructor props: {y: 2, fetchAnimals: ƒ}
- AnimalList.js:20 animal: component mounting
- animal-actions.js:6 action: fetch_animals
- AnimalList.js:26 animal: render
- animal-reducers.js:8 reducer animal: FETCH_ROBOTS
- robot-reducers.js:8 reducer robot: FETCH_ROBOTS
- RobotList.js:7 robot: map state to props {animalstore: {…}, robotstore: {…}}
- AnimalList.js:7 animal: map state to props {animalstore: {…}, robotstore: {…}}
- animal-reducers.js:8 reducer animal: FETCH_ANIMALS
- robot-reducers.js:8 reducer robot: FETCH_ANIMALS
- RobotList.js:7 robot: map state to props {animalstore: {…}, robotstore: {…}}
- AnimalList.js:7 animal: map state to props {animalstore: {…}, robotstore: {…}}