- Use the demo java package to declare all required Chutney objects and synchronization functions.
- Develop with the docker compose (cf. next paragraph).
- The database file commited should be a newly fresh database with synchronization done.
Notes :
- The demo has scenario which use public apis. In order to have successful scenarios' executions, it could be required to set a proxy on some demo targets.
- If changes have been made to the compose file, it should be mirrored to the Dockerfile.
// from example project folder
// Run
docker compose -f ./.docker/dev-docker-compose-demo.yml up -d
// Stop
docker compose -f ./.docker/dev-docker-compose-demo.yml stop
// Remove
docker compose -f ./.docker/dev-docker-compose-demo.yml rm
- The Chutney web interface should be visible at http://localhost (admin/Admin). Try to execute some scenarios and campaigns to generate some data that will be used in dashboards bellow.
- The Grafana web interface should be visible at http://localhost:3000/dashboards (admin/admin). Some dashboards examples are already done by the team:
- Chutney jvm and scenarios executions.
- Prometheus stats.
From project root folder, run:
docker build --tag ghcr.io/chutney-testing/chutney/chutney-demo:latest . -f ./.docker/demo/Dockerfile
Push will be done by GitHub actions during release workflow.
To push manually :
docker login ghcr.io -u ${your_username} --password ${your_personal_github_token}
// push
docker push ghcr.io/chutney-testing/chutney/chutney-demo:latest